Wednesday, 17 June 2020

परमवीर चक्र मिलना चाहिए सुशांत सिंह राजपूत को

मुंबई में सुशांत सिंह राजपूत ने अपने फ़्लैट में फाँसी लगा कर आत्महत्या कर ली. 

कर ली तो कर ली.

दोस्त लोग कह रहे हैं ...वो कई महीनों से डिप्रेशन से पीड़ित थे. दोस्त लोग कह रहे हैं .. तो सही होगा.

सिर्फ चौंतीस साल की उम्र में अच्छी शिक्षा, अच्छा खान-पान, मौज-मस्ती, मुंबई की चमक-धमक वाला जीवन, गर्लफ्रैंड, पैसा, स्टारडम, जो चाहे वो पाए.

उसके बाद एक संघर्ष शुरू हुआ और फिर तुरंत आत्महत्या क्योंकि यही सबसे आसान है.

जी लिए ... जितना जीना था, और चले गए.

एक झटके में सब कुछ छोड़ कर. 
कई सपनों को तोड़कर.
कई उम्मीदों को ठोकर मारकर.
जी हाँ  .... सब कुछ ख़त्म कर दिया

सुशांत ने कुछ भी नहीं छोड़ा.

लेकिन ऐसा नहीं है. अभी कुछ बचा है.

आइये ..!! पटना चलते हैं, जहाँ उनके पिता जी रहते हैं.
जिन्होंने जीवन भर संघर्ष किया जीने के लिए, परिवार के लिए बच्चों के लिए. बच्चों के सपनों के लिए, अपने स्वाभिमान के लिए, अपने गर्व के लिए, लेकिन ....
कभी आत्महत्या करने को नहीं सोची.

उन्होंने अपने बेटे को खूब अच्छे से पाला-पोसा ~ बढ़िया शिक्षा दी, इंजीयरिंग कराया, लेकिन नौकरी के लिए बाध्य नहीं किया. बेटे को हीरो बनना था, साथ खड़े हो गए.

क्योंकि सुशांत से बड़े उनके पिता के सपने थे.
जीवन भर साथ निभाने का वादा करके आयी पत्नी ने भी साथ छोड़ दिया. उस बूढ़े बाप ने धीरे-धीरे अपनी बेटियों की शादी कर दी. एक बेटी ने भी साथ छोड़ दिया, लेकिन वो टूटा नहीं ,संघर्ष करता रहा. अपने संघर्षों के बावजूद, वो जी रहा है.

बीवी साथ नहीं थी, लेकिन वो जी रहा है. एक बेटी ने साथ छोड़ दिया, लेकिन वो जी रहा है, क्योंकि उसकी आँखों में एक सपना था। बेटे को कामयाब होते देखने का सपना.

संघर्षों से सदा लड़ा वो बाप, उसे पैसे की चाह नहीं थी.  उसका धन उसका बेटा था.
उसका सपना उसका बेटा था.
उसका गर्व उसका बेटा था.
उसका स्वाभिमान उसका बेटा था.
उसका मनोबल उसका बेटा था.
उसके लिए जीने का मतलब ही उसका बेटा था. 

आज बेटे ने ही जीवन से हार मान ली, और ये भी नहीं सोचा उसने, उन एक जोड़ी बूढ़ी आँखों का क्या होगा ?
जिसने बेटे के सपनों के लिए अपने सारे सपने तोड़ डाले.

वो गर्व, वो स्वाभिमान, वो मनोबल वो सपना, वो धन, वो उम्मीदें..सब एक झटके में खत्म हो गया.

मैं यही सोच रहा हूँ, कि
वास्तव में मरा कौन ? 
सुशांत या उनके पिता.

Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Silence Among Four Friends

Four friends making a LOVE sign with their hands <3 by Jovo ...

Once four friends who used to practice meditation. One day they decided that they would observe silence for seven days.

One decided day they vowed to keep silence for seven days.

Since they couldn’t speak up, they asked for an assistant for these seven days. Assistant work was to attend to do needful while they meditate.

One first day, they started early in morning and day time passed well.

In evening, assistant lit a oil lamp. As time passed by oil got less, light from lamp got dimmer.

Assistant’s attention was somewhere else.

Seeing this first friend couldn’t help himself and shouted, “Attend to the lamps..!!”

Listening to this, second friend said, “Have you forgotten?? You are not supposed to speak..!!”

Just then third friend piped up, “You fools..!! Why are you talking??”

“Huh..!! I am only one who kept silent..”, exclaimed the last.

Moral: We tend to Judge others very Quickly but Forget to look at our Own Act and Behavior. So, Before judging other. First ask yourself – How perfect I am?

Lost Your Donkey, Find Your Destiny

Clever Boy Story - Man and His Lost Donkey Moral Story Judging Others

Once a man was going to market with his donkey who was carrying two sacks of rice. After a while, man stopped on his way to rest under a tree. He tied his donkey near that tree.

Rope was loosely tied. When he woke up from his nap, he couldn’t find his donkey around. Man got worried and started searching for his donkey everywhere.

While searching for his donkey, he met a boy and asked, “Have you seen my donkey?”

Boy replied, “Is your donkey blind from left eye and has lame right foot. Was he carrying load of rice?”

Man got happy that now he will be able to find his donkey and said, “Yes..! yes..! that’s my donkey. Where have you seen it?”

Boy answered, “I haven’t seen it.”

Man thought to himself, “How could have boy known so much about my donkey without seeing it. May be he had stolen my donkey.”

Man asked boy again about his donkey. Boys still told him that he hadn’t seen. Man got angry and took boy to village chief for solution.

Man said to village chief that boy had stolen his donkey and now refusing to tell him about his donkey. Boy still insisted that he hadn’t seen his donkey.

Chief asked boy, “Dear boy, if you hadn’t seen donkey then how could you describe him so well.?”

Boy replied, “I saw tracks of donkey on my way. Donkey’s foot steps of right were different from left and from that i understood that donkey that passed from that way was limping.

Then i saw that grass on right side was eaten but not on left side, from this i understood that donkey’s was blind from left eye.

There were grains of rice scattered on the ground on way, donkey had passed. From that i understood that donkey must be carrying load of rice.”

Village chief understood that boy was not guilty and praised him for his cleverness. Man understood his mistake and left to find his donkey.

Moral: We should not be too Quick to Judge Other’s.

The Rolls Royce Story

Indian King Jai Singh and Rolls Royce Famous Story abt Jugding Others

One day, during his visit to London, King Jai Singh was walking around Bond Street in casual dress. There he saw Rolls Royce showroom and went inside. There he looked at cars and then inquired about price and features of cars.

When Salesman looked at him and saw his casual Indian Attire, he considered him just another poor Indian citizen and insulted him and almost showed him way out of his showroom.

After this insult, King Jai Singh didn’t said anything to Salesman at that time but went back to his hotel room and asked his servants to make call to showroom and tell them that King of Alwar, India is interested in purchasing their cars.

Call was made and everyone at showroom prepared for welcome of King.

After few hours, King went to Rolls Royce showroom again but this time, he went with his full astonishing Royal manner and in his Royal costume. Until he reached there was a red carpet ready on floor of showroom to welcome him.

All salesmen were bent with respect. King Jai Singh purchased all six cars, that they had at showroom at that time and paid full amount with delivery costs.

Salesmen at showroom were really happy about sales but no one knew what was coming in near future.

After reaching India, King ordered municipal department of his city to use all those six Rolls Royce cars for cleaning and transporting city’s waste.

World’s number one Rolls Royce cars, luxury cars which were so costly that common people couldn’t even afford to buy in America/ Europe, were now being used as transportation vehicle for city’s waste. This news spread all over the world rapidly and reputation of company was in drains.

Company’s image was so ruined in Europe and America that if someone used to boast about owning a Rolls Royce, people would laugh and make fun of them saying, “Which one? Same that is being used in India for carrying waste of city.”

Due to such reputation damages, sales of Rolls Royce dropped rapidly and revenue of company owners started falling down.

Company had to do something to save it’s reputation. They sent a Telegram to the King Jai Singh in India for apologies and requested to stop transportation of waste in Rolls Royce cars. Not only this but they also offered Six new cars to king free of cost.

When King Jai Singh observed that Rolls Royce has learnt a lesson and they are sorry for their Mistakes, King stopped using those cars for carrying wastes.

Saturday, 30 May 2020

Contentment simply means, my ability to look back at my past with no regrets.

Contentment is finding joy in what we already have in our lives, feeling or showing satisfaction with our possessions, status, or situation. It's being happy without trying to find fulfillment in acquiring more material possessions.

“Contentment is natural wealth, luxury is artificial poverty.” —Socrates

Somehow, a collective belief amongst people is, abundance is anti-spiritual. On the contrary, scarcity is anti-spiritual. Abundance is not anti-spiritual. There is not a single religious place in the world, which is poor.
Tirupati is poor? Mecca is poor? Vatican is poor? Palitana is poor?
Trivandrum, is it poor? Sabarimala is poor?
There is not a single religious place...which is poor. In fact, they magnetize abundance. There is not a single spiritually aligned organization in the world, which is poor.
Ramakrishna Mutt is poor? 
Missionaries of charities, of Mother Teresa, is it poor? 
Osho commune, is it poor?
There is not a single spiritually aligned organization in the world, that is poor. There is not a single, spiritually aligned individual, who is poor. I'm not talking about the priest and the beggars, who sit outside Varanasi, claiming to be spiritual. No, I'm not talking about that.
I'm talking about those people, who have understood the spiritual principles of life, and have lived their life aligned to those spiritual principles!
From where did we inherit this thought, very important what I'm writing,
because as long as there's a block here, in you...Because, you being an Indian, and the roots are in the ethos of this place, as long as you continue to believe being materialistic is being anti-spiritual, you are going to keep building a block within yourself, which is going to stop you from becoming what you can become!
You can't keep despising a destination and expect to reach there.
You can't have negative feeling towards all the rich people and expect to become rich. You can't keep thinking anti-wealth all the time and expect to become wealthy! You cannot create a mixed association and expect any progress in life. Mixed association is, whenever you provide a mixed association to your subconscious, it does not go to work.
I want to be healthy, I want to exercise.
But, you see, I like sleep.
No, you cannot progress.
I want to study, I want to be a college topper, but I don't want to miss out on... what, chilling?
I don't want to miss out on chilling!
You cannot have mixed associations and expect progress.
Right now what is happening is, you have a mixed association, where somehow you have programmed yourself, most of you...
Embracing abundance, even desiring abundance, is being anti-spiritual. Scarcity is anti-spiritual.
You tell me, which looks better?
The temple inside made out of white marbles?
Or the beggars outside who are sitting with alms?
What is spiritual for you?
You tell me! Is abundance spiritual, or scarcity spiritual?
But somewhere, we have built this thought process, that I cannot grow spiritually, if I grow materialistically, when there is no such teaching in any religion! It is something that we have
built. Daridhra Narayana. Daridhram cannot be Narayana! Abundant Narayana. Abundance alone can be Narayana. In fact, in the tenth chapter of Bhagavad Gita...
"So who are you?"
When Arjuna asked Krishna, and when Krishna is explaining, he says, "Amongst all the immoveable, I am Himalayas. Amongst all the animals, I am the lion.
Amongst all those who desire victory in life, I am victory!".
Essentially, his entire list is, I am the best among the best, not worst among the worst! I am the best among the best! And in that, very clearly, Chapter ten, Verse thirty-five, Krishna clearly states... "I am prosperity amongst those who desire prosperity."
Not poverty!
Krishna never said I am poverty amongst those who desire, I am prosperity amongst those who desire wealth. Which means, it's enlisted in Bhagavad Gita itself, the scripture!
That is considered so sacred, that, I am the best among the best.
So there is absolutely no merit in thinking, my spiritual progress will halt itself... the moment I desire materialistic wealth. There is no such truth.
In fact, when you look around, and I'm giving you evidence, factual evidence.
Every spiritually aligned place, every spiritually aligned organization, every spiritually aligned individual, living by the principles of spirituality, have only magnetized abundance into their life.
Yes, there is a twist in the tale. And all of them who magnetizes abundance in life, were able to magnetise this abundance in life, materialistically growing, without losing their spiritual roots... on the realization, their wealth can do so much more to the world than themselves. That is the spiritual touch to that whole thing, that my materialistic wealth can do so much more to the world, than to myself. Etch this truth into your heart.
Money, can do small things for you. Money can do great things through you. And what money can do through you, money alone can do. And if you have the capacity and the potential, to create that abundance in your life. And by the abundance you create, think about millions of dollars in the hands of Mother Teresa.

The amount of good that the world has experienced through Samaritans, in fact, of all the wealth that they have created in their life, how much they would have used for themselves is such a negligible percentage, and how much the world benefited through that wealth, is indescribable.
And there are living evidences sitting right here in this auditorium, that money can do small things for you, but it can do great things through you.
So give away this mixed association within you, that the very desire for materialistic abundance is an anti-spiritual phenomena, and thereby creating this mixed association which stunts your progress.
One more block has to be removed.
Somehow, we believe, it is not possible to be contented and ambitious.
Somehow, we have internally, very strongly associated amongst ourselves, that you should be contented in life. We should be content with our lot.
With inflation, you can never be happy with what you have!
It's not possible. You should learn to be happy with what
you have, has somehow been translated by all of you as, you should learn to be happy without anything.
No! Contentment simply means, my ability to look back at my past with no regrets.
Where I have reached, I have reached.
I've made my mistakes. I did the right things.
I grabbed a few opportunities, I missed a few opportunities.
I have been hurt a few times. I have been wrong a few times.
Certain things have clicked. Certain things have faltered.
But all that has resulted in where I am, and my ability to look back at my past with no regrets, is contentment. All you have is hundred rupees, and this is where you have reached in life.
Your ability to look back and cherish this hundred rupees that you have, with no regrets... that is contentment. That doesn't stop you from being ambitious in the future. That doesn't stop you.
Being contented with the hundred you have, does not stop you from being ambitious for the thousand that is there ahead of you.
In fact, contentment is a result and effect that is born from the past, ambition is a futuristic emotion.
In fact, as infinitheists where we live by this and that, our striving itself should be, to be contentedly ambitious. Contented about the past and ambitious about the future.
So never, ever keep programming yourself, that "No, no, I was asked to be contented.". Yes, contented about the past, ambitious about the future.

Not only does contentment provide the opportunity for minimalism, it also reduces your stress level, improves your outlook, relaxes your body, and makes your life enjoyable. There is an unmistakable freedom that accompanies contentment: a freedom to be who you are, enjoy who you are, and live the life you were destined to live. Discontent will always rear its ugly head and become a great obstacle to fully thriving in a simple and happy life.

Yet in our consumeristic-culture where discontent is promoted and material gratification is encouraged, learning to be content can be very difficult. It is certainly a personal journey that we all must travel and nobody’s journey will look the same.

Sunday, 3 May 2020

A quick overview of Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is the process of creating content that you have tailored to the context of each individual social media platform in order to drive user engagement and sharing. Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms to connect with your audience to build your brand, increase sales, and drive website traffic. This involves publishing great content on your social media profiles, listening to and engaging your followers, analyzing your results, and running social media advertisements.

The major social media platforms (at the moment) are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, and Snapchat. Social media marketing first started with publishing. Businesses were sharing their content on social media to generate traffic to their websites and, hopefully, sales. But social media has matured far beyond being just a place to broadcast content.

Nowadays, businesses use social media in a myriad of different ways. For example, a business that is concerned about what people are saying about its brand would monitor social media conversations and response to relevant mentions (social media listening and engagement). A business that wants to understand how it’s performing on social media would analyze its reach, engagement, and sales on social media with an analytics tool (social media analytics). A business that wants to reach a specific set of audience at scale would run highly-targeted social media ads (social media advertising). As a whole, these are often also known as social media management.

The Five Core Pillars of Social Media Marketing:

1. Strategy
2. Planning and Publishing
3. Listening and Engagement
4. Analytics
5. Advertising

Social media platforms are always evolving. When Facebook first started, people can only share text updates. Now, there are so many content formats such as images, videos, live videos, and Stories. Hence, social media marketing is always changing, too. Social media itself is a catch-all term for apps and sites that may provide radically different social actions. For instance, Twitter is a social site designed to let people share short messages and media links with others. Facebook, meanwhile, is a full-blown social networking site that allows for sharing updates, photos, joining events, groups and a variety of other activities.

Tuesday, 28 April 2020

WhatsApp calls with 8 participants is live for all users

WhatsApp announced that it's expanding its group calling limit from four people to eight people. This makes it easier for you to stay in touch with your friends and family during the lockdown caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
The world at large is stuck at home dealing with the Covid-19 lockdown and it has become more important than ever before to keep in touch with friends, family and even colleagues. People have been relying heavily on voice calls and video calls for that purpose.

“Group calling has been particularly useful and our users have asked to connect with more people at once. Starting today, we’re doubling the number of participants you can have on a WhatsApp video or voice call from 4 to 8 people at a time,” WhatsApp said in a statement.

How to use it:

It works the same way as group video and voice calls. If you’re in a WhatsApp group with more than four members you can make a voice or video call by adding up to eight people including yourself.

It works the same way as group video and voice calls. If you’re in a WhatsApp group with more than four members you can make a voice or video call by adding up to eight people including yourself.

- Tap on the call icon on top of the group chat to make a group call.

- If the group has more than eight members, you’ll have to select the participants.

- You can select all of them if you want, you can also select a couple from the list. Eight is the upper limit, including the person making the call.

कभी सोचा नहीं था, ऐसे भी दिन आएँगें

कभी सोचा नहीं था ऐसे भी दिन आएँगें 
छुट्टियाँ तो होंगी पर मना नहीं पाएँगे 
आइसक्रीम का मौसम होगा पर खा नहीं पाएँगे 
रास्ते खुले होंगे पर कहीं जा नहीं पाएँगे 
जो दूर रह गए उन्हें बुला नहीं पाएँगे 
और जो पास हैं उनसे हाथ भी मिला नहीं पाएँगे 
जो घर लौटने की राह देखते थे वो घर में ही बंद हो जाएँगे 
और जिनके साथ वक़्त बिताने को तरसते थे उनसे भी ऊब जाएँगें
क्या है तारीख़ कौन सा वार ये भी भूल जाएँगे 
कैलेंडर हो जाएँगें बेमानी बस यूँ ही दिन-रात बिताएँगे 
साफ़ हो जाएगी हवा पर चैन की साँस न ले पाएँगे 
नहीं दिखेगी कोई मुस्कराहट, चेहरे मास्क से ढक जाएँगें 
जो ख़ुद को समझते थे बादशाह (usa) वो मदद को हाथ फैलाएँगे 
और जिन्हें कहते थे पिछड़ा (भारत)वो ही दुनिया को राह दिखलाएँगे
सुना था कलयुग में जब पाप के घड़े भर जाएँगे 
ख़ुद पर इतराने वाले मिट्टी में मिल जाएँगे 
अब भी न समझे नादान तो बड़ा पछताएँगे 
जब खो देंगे धरती तो क्या चाँद पर डेरा जमाएँगे ???

Sunday, 19 April 2020

60 Logical Reasoning Questions

Number Series – Logical Reasoning Questions

Q1. Look at this series: 12, 11, 13, 12, 14, 13, … What number should come next?

A. 10

B. 16

C. 13

D. 15

Answer: Option D. This is an alternating number of subtraction series. First, 1 is subtracted, then 2 is added.

Q2. Look at this series: 36, 34, 30, 28, 24, … What number should come next?

A. 22

B. 26

C. 23

D. 20

Answer: Option A. This is an alternating number of subtraction series. First, 2 is subtracted, then 4, then 2, and so on.

Q3. Look at this series: 7, 10, 8, 11, 9, 12, … What number should come next?

A. 7

B. 12

C. 10

D. 13

Answer: Option C. Its an alternating addition and subtraction series. 3 is added in the first pattern, and then 2 is subtracted.

Q4. Look at this series: 2, 1, (1/2), (1/4), … What number should come next?

A. (1/3)

B. (1/8)

C. (2/8)

D. (1/16)

Answer: Option B. It’s a division series. Every number is half of the previous number. The number is divided by 2 successively to get the next result. 4/2 = 2. 2/2 = 1. 1/2 = ½. (1/2)/2 = ¼. (1/4)/2 = 1/8 and so on.

Q5. Look at this series: 80, 10, 70, 15, 60, … What number should come next?

A. 20

B. 25

C. 30

D. 50

Answer: Option A. This is an alternating addition and subtraction series. In the first pattern, 10 is subtracted from each number to arrive at the next. In the second, 5 is added to each number to arrive at the next.

Logical Reasoning Questions on Verbal Classification

Q6. Which word does NOT belong with the others?

A. index

B. glossary

C. chapter

D. book

Answer: D. Book. Rest are all parts of a book.

Q7. Which word is the odd man out?

A. trivial

B. unimportant

C. important

D. insignificant

Answer: C. Important. Remaining are synonyms of each other.

Q8. Which word does NOT belong with the others?

A. wing

B. fin

C. beak

D. rudder

Answer: C. Beak. Rest are parts of an aero plane.

Q9. Which word is the odd man out?

A. hate

B. fondness

C. liking

D. attachment

Answer: A. hate. Rest are positive emotions.

Q10. Pick the odd man out?

A. just

B. fair

C. equitable

D. biased

Answer: D. Biased. The others signify honesty.

Logical Reasoning Questions on Analogies

Q11. CUP : LIP :: BIRD : ?





Answer: C. BEAK. You drink out of a cup with your lips. Similarly, birds bite grass with their beaks.

Q12. Paw : Cat :: Hoof : ?

A. Lamb

B. Horse

C. Elephant

D. Tiger

Answer: B. Horse. Cat’s feet are called paws and horse’s are called hoofs.

Q13. Safe : Secure :: Protect :

A. Lock

B. Guard

C. Sure

D. Conserve

Answer: B. Guard

Q14. Melt : Liquid :: Freeze :

A. Ice

B. Solid

C. Condense

D. Push

Answer: B. Solid

Q15. Parts : Strap :: Wolf :

A. Flow

B. Animal

C. Wood

D. Fox

Answer: Flow

Logical Reasoning Questions on Matching Definitions

Q16. An Informal Gathering occurs when a group of people get together in a casual, relaxed manner. Which situation below is the best example of an Informal Gathering?

A. A debating club meets on the first Sunday morning of every month.

B. After finding out about his salary raise, Jay and a few colleagues go out for a quick dinner after work.

C. Meena sends out 10 invitations for a bachelorette party she is giving for her elder sister.

D. Whenever she eats at a Chinese restaurant, Roop seems to run into Dibya.

Answer: B.

Q17. A Tiebreaker is an additional contest carried out to establish a winner among tied contestants. Choose one situation from the options below that best represents a Tiebreaker.

A. At halftime, the score is tied at 2-2 in a football match.

B. Serena and Maria have each secured 1 set in the game.

C. The umpire tosses a coin to decide which team will have bat first.

D. RCB and KKR each finished at 140 all out.

Answer: D

Q18. The Sharks and the Bears each finished with 34 points, and they are now battling it out in a five-minute overtime.

A. When he is offered a better paying position, Jacob leaves the restaurant he manages to manage a new restaurant on the other side of town.

B. Catherine is spending her junior year of college studying abroad in France.

C. Malcolm is readjusting to civilian life after two years of overseas military service.

D. After several miserable months, Sharon decides that she can no longer share an apartment with her roommate Hilary.

Answer: C

Q19. Reentry occurs when a person leaves his or her social system for a period of time and then returns. Which situation below best describes Reentry?

A. When he is offered a better paying position, Javed leaves the hotel he manages to manage another one in a neighboring city.

B. Charan is spending her final year of college studying abroad in China.

C. Manan is readjusting to civilian life after 2 years of overseas merchant navy service.

D. After 5 miserable months, Sneha decides that she can no longer share her room with roommate Hital.

Answer: C

Q20. Posthumous Award occurs when an award is given to someone, after their death. Choose one situation below as the best example of Posthumous Award.

A. Late yesteryear actress Sridevi was awarded with a Lifetime Achievement Award posthumously in Filmfare 2019.

B. Chitra never thought she’d live to receive a third booker prize for her novel.

C. Emanuel has been honored with a prestigious literary award for his writing career and his daughter accepted the award on behalf of her deceased father.

D. Meenal’s publisher canceled her book contract after she failed to deliver the manuscript on time.

Answer: A and C

Logical Reasoning Questions on Verbal Reasoning

Q21. The ‘A’ state government has chalked out a plan for the underdeveloped ‘B’ district where 66% of the funds will be placed in the hands of a committee of local representatives.
Courses of action:

I. The ‘A’ state government should decide guidelines and norms for the functioning of the committee.

II. Other state government may follow similar plan if directed by the Central government.

A. If only I follows

B. If only II follows

C. If either I or II follows

D. If neither I nor II follows

E. If both I and II follow

Answer: A

Q22. The car dealer found that there was a tremendous response for the new XYZ’s car booking with long queues of people complaining about the duration of business hours and arrangements. Courses of action:

I. People should make their arrangement of lunch and snacks while going for car XYZ’s booking and be ready to spend several hours.

II. Arrangement should be made for more booking desks and increase business hours to serve more people in less time.

A. If only I follows

B. If only II follows

C. If either I or II follows

D. If neither I nor II follows

E. If both I and II follow

Answer: B

Q23. The ‘M’ state government has decided hence forth to award the road construction contracts through open tenders only. Courses of action:

I. The ‘M’ state will not be able to get the work done swiftly as it will have to go through tender and other procedures.

II. Hence forth the quality of roads constructed may be far better.

A. If only I follows

B. If only II follows

C. If either I or II follows

D. If neither I nor II follows

E. If both I and II follow

Answer: D

Q24. Alert villagers nabbed a group of bandits armed with murderous weapons. Courses of action:

I. The villagers should be provided sophisticated weapons.

II. The villagers should be rewarded for their courage and unity.

A. If only I follows

B. If only II follows

C. If either I or II follows

D. If neither I nor II follows

E. If both I and II follow

Answer: B

Q25. 10 coaches of a passenger train have got derailed and have blocked the railway track from both ends. Courses of action:

I. The railway authorities should immediately send men and equipment and clear the spot

II. All the trains running in both directions should be diverted immediately via other routes.

A. If only I follows

B. If only II follows

C. If either I or II follows

D. If neither I nor II follows

E. If both I and II follow

Answer: E

Logical Reasoning Questions on Logical Games

Q26. If a legislature decides to fund agricultural subsidy programs, national radio, and a small business loan program, what 2 other programs can they fund?

A. harbor improvements and school music program

B. harbor improvements and international airport

C. hurricane preparedness and international airport

D. hurricane preparedness and school music program

E. harbor improvements and hurricane preparedness

Answer: B

Q27. Kevin, Joseph, and Nicholas are 3 brothers. If the following statements are all true, which of them is the youngest?

✓Kevin is the oldest.

✓Nicholas is not the oldest.

✓Joseph is not the youngest.

A. Joseph

B. Kevin

C. Nicholas

D. Both Joseph and Nicholas

Questions 28-30 are based on the following information:

Mazzini, an Italian specialty restaurant stays open every Monday to Saturday but is closed on all Sundays. On Mondays, only lunch is served, as well as on Tuesdays and Thursdays. On Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, just dinner is served. The restaurant’s floors are polished and plants are watered only on days that Quantum is open for business, according the following schedule:

✓Plants are watered two days each week, but never on consecutive days and never on the same day that floors are polished.

✓Floors are polished on Monday and two other days each week, but never on consecutive days and never on the same day that plants are watered.

Q28. According to a schedule, the restaurant’s floors are polished on either…

A. Tuesday or Wednesday

B. Tuesday or Thursday

C. Wednesday or Thursday

D. Thursday or Friday

E. Thursday or Saturday

Answer: C

Q29. If dinner is served on the same day as plants are watered, which of the following is correct?

A. Plants are watered on Tuesday.

B. Floors are polished on Thursday.

C. Plants are watered on Wednesday.

D. Floors are polished on Wednesday.

E. Plants are watered on Saturday.

Answer: B

Q30. Assume that floors are polished on consecutive days but all other scheduling policies are untampered. For how many of the days can it be determined whether plants are watered and floors are polished?

A. two

B. three

C. four

D. five

E. six

Answer: E

Logical Reasoning Questions on Statement and Assumption

Q31. Statement: Anger is energy, in a more proactive way and how to channelize it is in itself a skill.

Assumptions: I. Anger need to be channelized.

II. Only skillful people can channelize anger to energy.

A) If only assumption I is implicit.

B) If only assumption II is implicit.

C) if either I or II is implicit.

D) if neither I or II is implicit.

E) if both I and II are implicit.

Answer: Only II is implicit.

Q32. Statement: Medicine ‘P’ is a drug which is causing ripples in the medical field.

Assumptions: I. No other drug is causing ripples in the medical field.

II. Medicine ‘P’ is a great drug.

A) If only assumption I is implicit.

B) If only assumption II is implicit.

C) if either I or II is implicit.

D) if neither I or II is implicit.

E) if both I and II are implicit.

Answer: D) if neither I or II is implicit.

Q33. “Use PQR Ceramics tiles to decorate your house” – An advertisement.

Assumptions: I. People want to decorate their house.

II. Only ceramic tiles can make a house decorative.


A) If only assumption I is implicit.

B) If only assumption II is implicit.

C) if either I or II is implicit.

D) if neither I or II is implicit.

E) if both I and II are implicit.

Q34. The new ABC policy envisages major changes in the earlier policy.

Assumptions: I. ABC Policy should not be consistent with economic conditions of India and abroad.

II. There were some flaws in the earlier ABC policy.


A) If only assumption I is implicit.

B) If only assumption II is implicit.

C) if either I or II is implicit

D) if neither I or II is implicit

E) if both I and II are implicit.

Q35. It is a waste of time to discuss corruption online in forums. Corruption is rampant and cannot be erased, ever from India.

Assumptions: I. Corruption is inevitable in any system.

II. Corruption is a serious concern.


A) If only assumption/ I is implicit.

B) If only assumption II is implicit.

C) if either I or II is implicit.

D) if neither I or II is implicit.

E) if both I and II are implicit.

Logical Reasoning Questions on Statement and Conclusion

Q36. Statements: The old order changed yielding place to new.

Conclusions: Change is the law of nature.

Discard old ideas because they are old.

A. Only conclusion I follows

B. Only conclusion II follows

C. Either I or II follows

D. Neither I nor II follows

E. Both I and II follow

Q37. Statements: Government has spoiled many top-ranking financial institutions by appointing bureaucrats as Directors of these institutions.

Conclusions: Government should appoint Directors of the financial institutes taking into consideration the expertise of the person in the area of finance.

The Director of the financial institute should have expertise commensurate with the financial work carried out by the institute.

A. Only conclusion I follows

B. Only conclusion II follows

C. Either I or II follows

D. Neither I nor II follows

E. Both I and II follow

Q38. Statements: Prime age school-going children in urban India have now become avid as well as more regular viewers of television, even in households without a TV. As a result, there has been an alarming decline in the extent of readership of newspapers.

Conclusions: Method of increasing the readership of newspapers should be devised.

A team of experts should be sent to other countries to study the impact of TV. on the readership of newspapers.

A. Only conclusion I follows

B. Only conclusion II follows

C. Either I or II follows

D. Neither I nor II follows

E. Both I and II follow

Q39. Statements: Any student who does not behave properly while in the school brings bad name to himself and also for the school.

Conclusions: Such students should be removed from the school. Discipline will not improve behavior of the students.

A. Only conclusion I follows

B. Only conclusion II follows

C. Either I or II follows

D. Neither I nor II follows

E. Both I and II follow

Q40. Statements: Use “Kraft” colors. They add color to our life. – An advertisement.

Conclusions: Catchy slogans do not attract people.

People like dark colors.. Only conclusion I follows

A. Only conclusion II follows

B. Either I or II follows

C. Neither I nor II follows

D. Both I and II follow

Logical Reasoning Questions on Cause and Effect

Q41. Statements: Standard of living among the middle-class society is constantly going up since part of few years. Indian Economy is observing remarkable growth.

A. Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect.

B. Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect.

C. Both the statements I and II are independent causes.

D. Both the statements I and II are effects of independent causes.

E. Both the statements I and II are effects of some common cause.

Q42. Statements: Importance of Yoga and exercise is being realized by all sections of the society.
There is an increasing awareness about health in the society particularly among middle ages group of people.

A. Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect.

B. Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect.

C. Both the statements I and II are independent causes.

D. Both the statements I and II are effects of independent causes.

E. Both the statements I and II are effects of some common cause.

Q43. Statements: The farmers have decided against selling their Kharif crops to the Government agencies. The Government has reduced the procurement price of Kharif crops starting from the last month to the next six months.

A. Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect.

B. Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect.

C. Both the statements I and II are independent causes.

D. Both the statements I and II are effects of independent causes.

E. Both the statements I and II are effects of some common cause.

Q44. Statements: The literacy rate in the district has been increasing for the last four years.
The district administration has conducted extensive training program for the workers involved in the literacy drive.

A. Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect.

B. Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect.

C. Both the statements I and II are independent causes.

D. Both the statements I and II are effects of independent causes.

E. Both the statements I and II are effects of some common cause.

Q45. Statements: The university officers have decided to conduct last examination every year in March/April in order to announce the result at proper time. In past the result was declared late by the University due to the lack of number of examiners.

A. Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect.

B. Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect.

C. Both the statements I and II are independent causes.

D. Both the statements I and II are effects of independent causes.

E. Both the statements I and II are effects of some common cause.

Logical Reasoning Questions on Logical Deduction

Q46. Statements: No women teacher can play. Some women teachers are athletes.
Conclusions: Male athletes can play. some athletes can play.

A. Only conclusion I follows

B. Only conclusion II follows

C. Either I or II follows

D. Neither I nor II follows

E. Both I and II follow

Q47. Statements: All mangoes are golden in color. No golden-colored things are cheap. Conclusions: All mangoes are cheap. Golden-colored mangoes are not cheap.

A. Only conclusion I follows

B. Only conclusion II follows

C. Either I or II follows

D. Neither I nor II follows

E. Both I and II follow

Q48. Statements: Some kings are queens. All queens are beautiful. Conclusions: All kings are beautiful. All queens are kings.

A. Only conclusion I follows

B. Only conclusion II follows

C. Either I or II follows

D. Neither I nor II follows

E. Both I and II follow

Q49. Statements: All tubes are handles. All cups are handles.
Conclusions: All cups are tubes. Some handles are not cups.

A. Only conclusion I follows

B. Only conclusion II follows

C. Either I or II follows

D. Neither I nor II follows

E. Both I and II follow

Q50. Statements: All trucks fly. Some scooters fly. Conclusions: All trucks are scooters. Some scooters do not fly.

A. Only conclusion I follows

B. Only conclusion II follows

C. Either I or II follows

D. Neither I nor II follows

E. Both I and II follow

Logical Reasoning Questions on Letter and Symbol Series

Q51. AMB, CLB, BKC, DJC, ______






Q52. ZCF, YBE, XAD, WZC, ______






Q53. SCD, TEF, UGH, ____, WKL





Q54. Four of the following five are alike in respect of their positions in the above series. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?

Q * 8


6 2 C

2 * 8


Q55. What should come in place of question mark in the following series?
S 9 K 6 W Σ Q 7 2 ? C α F

R Y *

* Y C

2 B R

R B *


Logical Reasoning Questions on Essential Part

To approach this question, use a sentence: “A ______ could not exist without ______.”

Find the word that fits in.

Q56. champion

A. running

B. swimming

C. winning

D. speaking

Q57. saddle

A. horse

B. seat

C. stirrups

D. horn

Q58. directory

A. telephone

B. listing

C. computer

D. names

Q59. contract

A. agreement

B. document

C. written

D. attorney

Q60. vibration

A. motion

B. electricity

C. science

D. sound

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish - Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs, the late Apple co-founder being called the Thomas Edison of his time, revealed in a commencement speech at Stanford University in 2005 why he dropped out of college — and why he thought it was one of the best things he ever did. Yet he had other advice for the students. Jobs, whose death at the age of 56 was announced Wednesday night, started that speech by telling about being adopted as a baby, and why, 17 years later, he attended Reed College in Oregon for only six months before dropping out. He said: “My biological mother was a young, unwed college graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption. She felt very strongly that I should be adopted by college graduates, so everything was all set for me to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and his wife. Except that when I popped out they decided at the last minute that they really wanted a girl. So my parents, who were on a waiting list, got a call in the middle of the night asking: ‘We have an unexpected baby boy; do you want him?’ They said: ‘Of course.’ “My biological mother later found out that my mother had never graduated from college and that my father had never graduated from high school. She refused to sign the final adoption papers. She only relented a few months later when my parents promised that I would someday go to college. “And 17 years later I did go to college. “But I naively chose a college that was almost as expensive as Stanford, and all of my working-class parents’ savings were being spent on my college tuition. After six months, I couldn’t see the value in it. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and no idea how college was going to help me figure it out. And here I was spending all of the money my parents had saved their entire life. So I decided to drop out and trust that it would all work out OK. It was pretty scary at the time, but looking back it was one of the best decisions I ever made. The minute I dropped out I could stop taking the required classes that didn’t interest me, and begin dropping in on the ones that looked interesting. “It wasn’t all romantic. I didn’t have a dorm room, so I slept on the floor in friends’ rooms, I returned coke bottles for the 5 cent deposits to buy food with, and I would walk the seven miles across town every Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krishna temple. I loved it. And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on. Let me give you one example. “Reed College at that time offered perhaps the best calligraphy instruction in the country. Throughout the campus every poster, every label on every drawer, was beautifully hand calligraphed. Because I had dropped out and didn’t have to take the normal classes, I decided to take a calligraphy class to learn how to do this. I learned about serif and san serif typefaces, about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations, about what makes great typography great. It was beautiful, historical, artistically subtle in a way that science can’t capture, and I found it fascinating. “None of this had even a hope of any practical application in my life. But 10 years later, when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to me. And we designed it all into the Mac. It was the first computer with beautiful typography. If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts. And since Windows just copied the Mac, it’s likely that no personal computer would have them. If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on this calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do.” At the end of the speech, his advice to the students went like this: “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. “When I was young, there was an amazing publication called “The Whole Earth Catalog, “which was one of the bibles of my generation. It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch. This was in the late 1960’s, before personal computers and desktop publishing, so it was all made with typewriters, scissors, and Polaroid cameras. It was sort of like Google in paperback form, 35 years before Google came along: it was idealistic, and overflowing with neat tools and great notions. “Stewart and his team put out several issues of The Whole Earth Catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. It was the mid-1970s, and I was your age. On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. Beneath it were the words: “Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.” It was their farewell message as they signed off. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. “And I have always wished that for myself. “And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you. “Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.”

Thursday, 16 April 2020

The Power & Value of Employee Engagement

There are several definitions of employee engagement. However, it can be said that in broad terms, employee engagement brings together job satisfaction, motivation, work effort, organisational commitment, shared purpose, energy and ‘flow’.

In this way, employee engagement describes an internal state of being – physical, mental and emotional – and can also include behaviour, such as commitment and ‘going the extra mile’.

Gathering and measuring engagement

You may have come across employee attitude surveys or focus groups, employee boards and other ways in which engagement is recorded and measured. The advantage of a survey is that it provides a representative sample from across the whole organisation and scores can be tracked over time to see if actions are improving engagement. However, whether or not it is anonymous will have some influence on the way in which people respond.

Focus groups may have a similar challenge; however, by being open forums for discussion they allow organisations to get more qualitative data, and if necessary ask further questions to explore responses in more depth.

When measuring employee engagement by whichever means you choose, it is important that employees feel they can respond honestly without fear of repercussion, and that they feel any issues they raise will be responded to. This isn’t telling them that any reasons for dissatisfaction will necessarily be fixed, but that they will be heard and responded to.

Employee engagement is a workplace approach designed to ensure that employees are committed to their organization's goals, objectives and values, encouraged to contribute to organizational success, and are able at the same time to enhance their own sense of well-being. The importance of employee engagement can't be overstated – employee engagement strategies have been proven to reduce staff turnover, improve productivity and efficiency, retain customers at a higher rate, and make more profits. Most importantly, engaged employees are happier, both at work and in their lives. Employee engagement is a property of the relationship between an organization and its employees. An “engaged employee” is one who is fully absorbed by and enthusiastic about their work and so takes positive action to further the organization's reputation and interests. Employees could appear contented at work but this does not necessarily mean that they are engaged in the true sense. These employees may turn up at work without complaining and get along to doing their tasks of the day. However, making them happy is far different from making them engaged.

Top 5 Things HR Can Do to Improve Employee Engagement:

  • Create a Proper Strategy to Start Educating and Supporting Your Workforce.
  • Establish Strong Leadership Progression for Business Goals.
  • Close the Perceived Gap Between HR and Other Employees.
  • Organizational Design & Change Management.
  • Driving the Change to Digital Business Transformation.

Engaged employees are happier and therefore typically provide better service to their colleagues and customers, as a result of being positive and proactive. Ensuring great customer service is a huge win for the company, ensuring happy customers into the future. The more engaged your employees are the more efficient and productive they become, and that certainly can't be a bad thing! A study by Wyatt Watson found that companies that have highly engaged employees produce 26% higher revenue per employee. A different study by the World Economic Forum and the Harvard School of Public Health reports employees with healthy habits are 3.1 times more productive than their unhealthy peers. While there are a lot of factors that contribute to productivity in the workplace, healthy employees set the bar high. Managers often mistake employees that are happy while they are taking part in staff meetings or company events, as being engaged employees. An engaged employee cares about their work and about the performance of the company, and they want to feel that their efforts could make a difference. It is generally seen as an internal state of mind; physically, mentally and emotionally that binds together the work effort, commitment and satisfaction in an employee.

Thursday, 9 April 2020

हमारे बीच अब नहीं रहे रामायण में सुग्रीव और बाली का किरदार निभाने वाले श्याम सुंदर कलानी

रामानंद सागर की रामायण सीरियल में सुग्रीव और बाली का रोल निभाने वाले कलाकार श्याम सुंदर कलानी का निधन हो गया है। रामायण धारावाहिक में राम बने अरुण गोविल ने उन्हें याद करते हुए श्रद्धांजलि दी है। अरुण गोविल ने ट्विटर पर शोक संदेश में लिखा – मिस्टर श्याम सुंदर के निधन की ख़बर सुनकर दुखी हूं। उन्होंने रामानंद सागर की रामायण में सुग्रीव का किरदार निभाया था। बहुत अच्छी शख़्सियत और सज्जन व्यक्ति। ईश्वर उनकी आत्मा को शांति दे।

डीडी नेशनल चैनल पर इस समय फिर से रामायण का प्रसारण शुरू हुआ है, जिसके चलते सभी किरदार और कलाकार एक बार फिर से चर्चा में आ गया है। रामायण में सुग्रीव की भूमिका भगवान राम के वनवास के दौरान सामने आती है। राम पहले बाली का वध करके सुग्रीव की मदद करते हैं। वानर राज सुग्रीव राम-रावण युद्ध में अहम भूमिका निभाते हैं। सुग्रीव और राम की मुलाक़ात हनुमान ने करवाई थी। राम ने सुग्रीव को अपने मित्र का दर्ज़ा दिया था।

रामानंद सागर की रामायण में ऐसे कई किरदार हैं, जिन्होंने छोटी-छोटी भूमिकाएं निभाईं और अपने किरदारों के लिए मशहूर हुए। 80 के आख़िरी सालों में प्रसारित हुई रामायण ने टीवी की दुनिया में लोकप्रियता का एक नया आयाम दिया। इस पौराणिक धारावाहिक की लोकप्रियता का नतीजा है कि कोरोना वायरस के चलते लॉकडाउन के दौरान इसे दूरदर्शन पर फिर से प्रसारित करने का निर्णय लिया है।

रामायण में राम का किरदार अरुण गोविल, लक्ष्मण का किरदार सुनील लहरी, सीता का दीपिका चिखलिया, हनुमान का दारा सिंह और रावण का किरदार अरविंद त्रिवेदी ने निभाया था। पुन: प्रसारण में भी रामायण ने लोकप्रियता का कीर्तिमान बनाया और साल 2015 से अब तक प्रसारित हुए किसी भी शो से अधिक टीआरपी बटोरी।


Monday, 6 April 2020

Short Motivational Story of a Butterfly in Hindi & English

एक बार, एक व्यक्ति को अपने बागीचे के एक पोधे पर, तितली का एक कोकून बना हुआ दिखाई दिया! तितली जब अंडे से बाहर निकलती है, तो वह एक इल्ली की तरह होती है, जब यह इल्ली पौधों की पत्तियां खा कर बड़ी हो जाती है, तो यह अपने मुह से, रेशम जैसे धागों को बनाकर, अपने आस पास एक खोल बनाकर उसमे बंद हो जाती है, इसी खोल को कोकून कहतें हैं। इस कोकून के अंदर ही, यह इल्ली आश्चर्यजनक रूप से तितली के रूप में विकसित हो जाती है।

वह व्यक्ति, प्रतिदिन सुबह उस कोकून को कोतूहल से देखने लगा। उसे इस प्रकृति की इस अनोखी प्रकिर्या को होते हुए देखने की बहुत इच्छा थी। एक दिन उसने देखा की कोकून का मुह कुछ खुला हुआ है, वह, वहीँ बैठकर तितली को कोकून से बाहर आने की लिए संघर्ष करते हुए देखने लगा। तितली अपनी पूरी ताकत लगाकर कोकून को तोड़कर बाहर आने की कोशिश कर रही थी।

उस व्यक्ति ने सोचा की क्यों ना में इस तितली की मदद करूँ, और यही सोचकर उसने, तिनके की सहायता से पूरा कोकून खोल दिया ताकि तितली आसानी से निकल जाये। तितली आसानी से निकल तो गयी, लेकिन उसका शरीर फूला हुआ और एक पंख मुरझाया हुआ था।

वह व्यक्ति इस इंतज़ार में तितली को देखता रहा की कब उसके पंख खुले और यह कब उड़ेगी। पर अफ़सोस एसा कभी नहीं हुआ, बल्कि वह तितली कभी नहीं उड़ पायी।

अपनी दया और उत्सुकता की जल्दी में, वह व्यक्ति, यह नहीं समझ पाया की कोकून की सख्त खोल को तोड़कर, निकलने के लिए तितली का संघर्ष, ईश्वर द्वारा बनायीं गयी एक आवश्यक तरकीब थी, जिससे तितली के शरीर का तरल और खून उसके पंख में पहुँच कर उसे फैला सके, और वह उड़ान भरने के लिए तैयार हो जाये।

कभी कभी, जीवन में, संघर्ष बहुत ज़रूरी होता है, अगर, God हमारी ज़िन्दगी से सभी कठिनाइयां और संघर्ष हटा ले तो हमारा सम्पूर्ण विकास नहीं हो पायेगा और हम ताकतवर नहीं बन पाएंगे। जीवन में आप जिन संघर्षो का आज सामना कर रहे हैं, वही आपकी उन शक्तियों का विकास कर रहे हैं जिनकी आपको कल ज़रुरत पड़ेगी।

A very inspirational short story that can teach you priceless life lessons to move ahead in life. This moral story also explains the importance of struggle in life for succeeding.

One bright morning a man found a silky cocoon of a butterfly in a garden. He was very eager to see what will happen to that cocoon. Next day the man found a small opening was appearing from the cocoon. He sat there in a sheer curiosity and started watching what happens next to butterfly for several hours.

The butterfly was struggling to wrench its whole body through the little hole. Then suddenly man found that butterfly stopped its movement and couldn't go further. Therefore, the kind man pitied the innocent butterfly and started to help it. He tried to free the butterfly from a tiny hole by cutting the cocoon with the help of scissors.

The butterfly emerged easily because the man helped it, but the butterfly had withered wings with the swollen body.The man was very happy as he helped the butterfly to come out from the tiny cocoon hole.The man continued to watch it.

The man was expecting that any minute the wings of the butterfly would begin to enlarge and it will start to fly but for the man’s surprise, nothing happened!

In fact, the beautiful and innocent butterfly was never able to fly with its beautiful wings.

The man was very kind but what he did not understand is, by restricting cocoon actually he is disrupting the whole life cycle of the butterfly because the struggle for coming out from the cocoon was necessary for butterfly’s life.

It was a natural process of progress but the man interrupted the entire process thus the beautiful butterfly died because of kind man’s foolishness.

Moral Lesson Of The Story:
What can we learn from this short motivational story?

This beautiful short story depicts the importance of struggle in life.The struggle is what makes us strong. The struggle is necessary for life to preparing ourselves for future opportunities.

So, next time when you feel your life is going through struggles, problems, and obstacles, try to remember this inspiring short story to embrace the truth that-

The struggle is a start of achieving something extraordinary.

Sunday, 5 April 2020

Shooting the Apples: Enjoy this Fabulous Game!

Enjoy this fabulous game!

A new game to test your accuracy in shooting the apples. If u can shoot eg. 20 PCs, u are in the 50 yrs old category.

No. of Apples

Shot.                 Age
 2 PCs.              80 yrs
 5 PCs.              70 yrs
10 PCs.             65 yrs
15 PCs.             60 yrs
20 PCs.             50 yrs
25 pcs.              40 yrs
26 pcs.              35 yrs
27 pcs.              30 yrs

Is it impossible to shoot 28 pcs?
Be patient & give it a try.. might help to slow down Alheimer's Disease!.
Try your best?  😊👍🏽🏹

Caution: As soon as you touch the screen, after loading, arrow is shot!

एक लकड़हारे की कहानी

दोस्तों जॉन नाम का एक लकड़हारा, एक कंपनी में ५ साल से काम कर रहा था, लेकिन उसे अभी तक प्रमोशन नहीं मिला। कुछ ही दिनों बाद बिल नाम का एक लकड़हारा उस कंपनी में आया और उसे एक साल के अंदर ही प्रमोशन मिल गया। जॉन को यह बात बिल्कुल भी अच्छी नहीं लगी। इसके लिए उसने अपने बॉस से बात करी।

उसके बॉस ने कहा – तुम आज भी उतने ही पेड़ काटते हो जितने की ५ साल पहले काटते थे। अगर तुम पहले से अधिक पेड़ काटोगे तो हम तुम्हारा भी प्रमोशन कर देंगे।

अब जॉन पेड़ काटने के लिए पहले से भी ज्यादा देर तक काम करने लगा लेकिन फिर भी ज्यादा पेड़ नहीं काट पाया। उसने यह बात अपने बॉस को बताई।

बॉस ने कहा – शायद बिल कुछ ऐसा जानता है। जो मैं और तुम नहीं जानते। जॉन, बिल के पास गया और पूछा – वह ज्यादा पेड़ कैसे काट लेता है। बिल ने कहा – मैं हर पेड़ काटने के बाद दो मिनट के लिए काम रोक देता हूँ और अपनी कुल्हाड़ी की धार तेज करता हूँ।

In a rapidly changing work environment, it becomes essential to keep up. Almost every industry is in the middle of a major upheaval with skills being redefined in new ways, and employees -no matter which sector they work in -should be prepared to face any kind of situation. Keeping yourself updated is being open to information. So, there can be plenty of sources of information, exploit all of them as and when possible. 

Friday, 3 April 2020 Interpersonal Skills Interpersonal Skills: What Are Interpersonal Skills? We all use interpersonal skills every day. Strongly associated with emotional intelligence, interperson...

स्वामी विवेकानंद के जीवन के 3 प्रेरक प्रसंग

लक्ष्य पर ध्यान लगाओ 

स्वामी विवेकानंद अमेरिका में भ्रमण कर रहे थे . एक जगह से गुजरते हुए उन्होंने पुल पर खड़े  कुछ लड़कों को नदी में तैर रहे अंडे के छिलकों पर बन्दूक से निशाना लगाते देखा . किसी भी लड़के का एक भी निशाना सही नहीं लग रहा था . तब उन्होंने ने एक लड़के से बन्दूक ली और खुद निशाना लगाने लगे . उन्होंने पहला निशाना लगाया और वो बिलकुल सही लगा ….. फिर एक के बाद एक उन्होंने कुल 12 निशाने लगाये और सभी बिलकुल सटीक लगे . ये देख लड़के दंग रह गए और उनसे पुछा , ” भला आप ये कैसे कर लेते हैं ?”
स्वामी जी बोले , “तुम जो भी कर रहे हो अपना पूरा दिमाग उसी एक काम में लगाओ. अगर तुम निशाना लगा रहे हो तो तम्हारा पूरा ध्यान सिर्फ अपने लक्ष्य पर होना चाहिए. तब तुम कभी चूकोगे नहीं . अगर तुम अपना पाठ पढ़ रहे हो तो सिर्फ पाठ के बारे में सोचो . मेरे देश में बच्चों को ये करना सिखाया जाता है. ”
डर का सामना 

एक बार बनारस में स्वामी जी दुर्गा जी के मंदिर से निकल रहे थे की तभी वहां मौजूद  बहुत सारे बंदरों ने उन्हें घेर लिया. वे उनके नज़दीक आने लगे और डराने लगे . स्वामी जी भयभीत हो गए और खुद को बचाने के लिए दौड़ कर भागने लगे, पर बन्दर तो मानो पीछे ही पड़ गए, और वे उन्हें दौडाने लगे. पास खड़ा एक वृद्ध सन्यासी ये सब देख रहा था , उसने स्वामी जी को रोका और बोला , ” रुको ! उनका सामना करो !”
स्वामी जी तुरन्त पलटे  और बंदरों के तरफ बढ़ने लगे , ऐसा करते ही सभी बन्दर भाग गए . इस घटना से स्वामी जी को एक गंभीर सीख मिली और कई सालों बाद उन्होंने एक संबोधन में कहा भी – ” यदि तुम कभी किसी चीज से भयभीत हो तो उससे भागो मत , पलटो और सामना करो.”
सच बोलने की हिम्मत
स्वामी विवेकानंदा प्रारंभ से ही एक मेधावी छात्र थे और सभी उनके व्यक्तित्व और वाणी से प्रभावित  रहते थे. जब वो साथी छात्रों से कुछ बताते तो सब मंत्रमुग्ध हो उन्हें सुनते. एक दिन इंटरवल के दौरान वो कक्षा में कुछ मित्रों को कहानी सुना रहे थे , सभी उनकी बातें सुनने में इतने मग्न थे की उन्हें पता ही नहीं चला की कब मास्टर जी कक्षा में आये और पढ़ाना शुरू कर दिया.
मास्टर जी ने अभी पढ़ना शुरू ही किया था कि उन्हें कुछ फुसफुसाहट सुनाई दी.
” कौन बात कर रहा है ?” उन्होंने तेज आवाज़ में पूछा . सभी ने स्वामी जी और उनके साथ बैठे छात्रों किई तरफ इशारा कर दिया.
मास्टर जी  तुरंत क्रोधित हो गए, उन्होंने तुरंत उन छात्रों को बुलाया और  पाठ से संबधित एक प्रश्न पूछने लगे. जब कोई भी उत्तर न दे सका ,तब अंत में मास्टर जी ने  स्वामी जी से भी वही प्रश्न किया . पर स्वामी जी तो मानो सब कुछ पहले से ही जानते हों , उन्होंने आसानी से उत्तर दे दिया.
यह देख उन्हें यकीन हो गया कि स्वामी जी पाठ पर ध्यान दे रहे थे और बाकी छात्र बात-चीत में लगे हुए थे. फिर क्या था उन्होंने स्वामी जी को छोड़ सभी को बेंच पर खड़े होने की सजा दे दी . सभी छात्र एक -एक कर बेच पर खड़े होने लगे, स्वामी जे ने भी यही किया.
तब मास्टर जी बोले, ” नरेन्द्र (स्वामी विवेकानंद )) तुम बैठ जाओ.”
” नहीं सर , मुझे भी खड़ा होना होगा क्योंकि वो मैं ही था जो इन छात्रों से बात कर रहा था.”,स्वामी जी ने आग्रह किया.

भगवान बुद्ध का उपदेश

एक समय की बात है भगवान बुद्ध अपने कुछ संतों के साथ रामपुर नामक एक गाँव में कथा कहने के लिये जा रहे थे।

गाँव की तरफ जाते समय उन्हें और उनके संतों को रास्ते में कुछ छोटे-छोटे गड्ढे खुदे हुए दिखायी दिये।

उन संतों में से एक सन्त ने भगवान बुद्ध से पूछा, स्वामी रास्ते में इतने सारे गड्ढे खोदने का क्या कारण हो सकता है?

भगवान बुद्ध ने एक मुस्कराहट के साथ उस सन्त को जवाब दिया कि कोई व्यक्ति यहाँ पानी की तलाश कर रहा था, एक जगह पानी नहीं मिला तो दूसरी जगह गड्ढा किया, और फिर तीसरी, फिर चौथी और जब वो गड्ढा खोद-खोदकर थक गया और इतनी मेहनत करने के बाद भी पानी नहीं मिला तो छोड़ कर चला गया।

अगर वो कई जगह खोदकर पानी ढूँढने के बजाय एक ही जगह अपनी सारी ऊर्जा लगाकर गड्ढा खोदता तो सायद उसे पानी मिल जाता।

इसी लिये कहा जाता है कि किसी भी काम को करते समय धैर्य रखना चाहिये, क्या पता कि हम अपनी मंजिल तक पहुँचने ही वाले हो और बस पास में ही पहुँचकर हार मान लें।

तेरा मेरा रिश्ता

एक garden में एक बार दो बच्चे एक लड़की और एक लड़का खेल रहे थे, लड़के के पास कुछ सुंदर-सुंदर चमकते हुए पत्थर थे और लड़की के पास कुछ chocolates थे।

लड़के ने लड़की को offer किया कि अगर वो अपने सारे chocolates लड़के को दे दे तो वो उसे अपने सारे पत्थर दे देगा।

लड़की तैयार हो गयी और उसने लड़के को उस पत्थर के बदले अपने सारे chocolates दे दिये, लेकिन लड़के ने उसे सारे पत्थर नहीं दिये, उसमें जो सबसे सुंदर और बड़ा पत्थर था उसको उस लड़के ने छुपा लिए और बाकी के सारे पत्थर दे दिये।

अदला-बदली करने के बाद दोनों घर चले गये, रात को जब दोनों सोने गये तो लड़की तो आराम से सो गयी लेकिन लड़का सोचने लगा कि सायद लड़की ने उसे सारे chocolates नहीं दिये थे बल्कि अच्छे chocolates उसने छुपा लिये होगे, और यही सोच-सोचकर उसे पूरी रात नींद नहीं आयी।

Moral of the Story

पहली सीख – अगर किसी भी relationship में आप अपना 100% नहीं देते तो आपको हमेसा ये doubt रहेगा कि उसने अपना 100% नहीं दिया होगा इसलिये don’t cheat with anyone.

दूसरी सीख – आप जिसके साथ जैसा करते है या सोचते हैं वैसा ही आप दूसरो के साथ भी करते हैं इसलिये हमेसा अच्छा करें और अच्छा सोचें।

चील और मुर्गी की कहानी

एक जंगल में बरगद का पेड़ था. उस पेड़ के ऊपर एक चील घोंसला बनाकर रहती थी जहाँ उसने अंडे दे रखे थे. उसी पेड़ के नीचे एक जंगली मुर्गी ने भी अंडे दे रखें थे. एक दिन उस चील के अंडों में से एक अंडा नीचे गिरा और मुर्गी के अंडों में जाकर मिल गया.

समय बीता अंडा फूटा और चील का बच्चा उस अंडे से निकला और वह यह सोचते बड़ा हुआ की वो एक मुर्गी है. वो मुर्गी के बांकी बच्चों के साथ बड़ा हुआ. वह उन्ही कामों को करता जिन्हें एक मुर्गी करती है. वो मुर्गी की तरह ही कुड़कुड़ाता, जमीन खोद कर दाने चुगता और वो इतना ही ऊँचा उड़ पाता जितना की एक मुर्गी उड़ती है.

एक दिन उसने आसमान में एक चील को देखा जो बड़ी शान से उड़ रही थी. उसने अपनी मुर्गी माँ से पूछा की उस चिड़िया का क्या नाम है जो इतना ऊँचा बड़ी शान से उड़ रही है. मुर्गी ने जबाब दिया वह एक चील है. फिर चील के बच्चे ने पूछा माँ मैं इतना ऊँचा क्यों नहीं उड़ पाता। मुर्गी बोली तुम इतना ऊँचा नहीं उड़ सकते क्योंकि तुम एक मुर्गे हो. उसने मुर्गी की बात मान ली और मुर्गे की जिंदगी जीता हुआ एक दिन मर गया. 

कहानी से सीख |

जो भी हम सोचते हैं या कुछ नया करने की कोशिश करते हैं तो दूसरे हमें यह कहकर रोकते हैं कि तुम ऐसा नहीं कर सकते, ऐसा नहीं हो सकता और हम अपना इरादा यह सोचकर बदल लेते हैं कि वाकई मैं यह नहीं कर सकता और हार मान लेते हैं.

इसका मुख्य कारण है अपने ऊपर भरोसा न होना, अपनी शक्तिओं पर भरोसा न होना, अपने काम पर भरोसा न होना. दोस्तों जो लोग कहते हैं कहने दीजिये लोगों का काम है कहना, अपने आप पर भरोसा रखें, अपने आप को पहचाने. दोस्तों अगर जीत निश्चित हो तो कायर भी लड़ जाते हैं , बहादुर वो कहलाते हैं, जो हार निश्चित हो, फिर भी मैदान नहीं छोड़ते!

मेंढकों की टोली

एक मेंढकों की टोली जंगल के रास्ते से जा रही थी. अचानक दो मेंढक एक गहरे गड्ढे में गिर गये. जब दूसरे मेंढकों ने देखा कि गढ्ढा बहुत गहरा है तो ऊपर खड़े सभी मेढक चिल्लाने लगे ‘तुम दोनों इस गढ्ढे से नहीं निकल सकते, गढ्ढा बहुत गहरा है, तुम दोनों इसमें से निकलने की उम्मीद छोड़ दो.

उन दोनों मेढकों ने शायद ऊपर खड़े मेंढकों की बात नहीं सुनी और गड्ढे से निकलने की लिए लगातार वो उछलते रहे. बाहर खड़े मेंढक लगातार कहते रहे ‘ तुम दोनों बेकार में मेहनत कर रहे हो, तुम्हें हार मान लेनी चाहियें, तुम दोनों को हार मान लेनी चाहियें. तुम नहीं निकल सकते.

गड्ढे में गिरे दोनों मेढकों में से एक मेंढक ने ऊपर खड़े मेंढकों की बात सुन ली, और उछलना छोड़ कर वो निराश होकर एक कोने में बैठ गया. दूसरे मेंढक ने प्रयास जारी रखा, वो उछलता रहा जितना वो उछल सकता था.

बहार खड़े सभी मेंढक लगातार कह रहे थे कि तुम्हें हार मान लेनी चाहियें पर वो मेंढक शायद उनकी बात नहीं सुन पा रहा था और उछलता रहा और काफी कोशिशों के बाद वो बाहर आ गया. दूसरे मेंढकों ने कहा ‘क्या तुमने हमारी बात नहीं सुनी.

उस मेंढक ने इशारा करके बताया की वो उनकी बात नहीं सुन सकता क्योंकि वो बेहरा है सुन नहीं सकता, इसलिए वो किसी की भी बात नहीं सुन पाया. वो तो यह सोच रहा था कि सभी उसका उत्साह बढ़ा रहे हैं. 

कहानी से सीख |

1. जब भी हम बोलते हैं उनका प्रभाव लोगों पर पड़ता है, इसलिए हमेशा सकारात्मक बोलें.

2. लोग चाहें जो भी कहें आप अपने आप पर पूरा विश्वाश रखें और सकरात्मक सोचें.

3. कड़ी मेहनत, अपने ऊपर विश्वाश और सकारात्मक सोच से ही हमें सफलता मिलती है.

चमकीले नीले पत्थर की कीमत

एक शहर में बहुत ही ज्ञानी प्रतापी साधु महाराज आये हुए थे, बहुत से दीन दुखी, परेशान लोग उनके पास उनकी कृपा दृष्टि पाने हेतु आने लगे. ऐसा ही एक दीन दुखी, गरीब आदमी उनके पास आया और साधु महाराज से बोला ‘महाराज में बहुत ही गरीब हूँ, मेरे ऊपर कर्जा भी है, मैं बहुत ही परेशान हूँ। मुझ पर कुछ उपकार करें’.

साधु महाराज ने उसको एक चमकीला नीले रंग का पत्थर दिया, और कहा ‘कि यह कीमती पत्थर है, जाओ जितनी कीमत लगवा सको लगवा लो। वो आदमी वहां से चला गया और उसे बचने के इरादे से अपने जान पहचान वाले एक फल विक्रेता के पास गया और उस पत्थर को दिखाकर उसकी कीमत जाननी चाही।

फल विक्रेता बोला ‘मुझे लगता है ये नीला शीशा है, महात्मा ने तुम्हें ऐसे ही दे दिया है, हाँ यह सुन्दर और चमकदार दिखता है, तुम मुझे दे दो, इसके मैं तुम्हें 1000 रुपए दे दूंगा।

वो आदमी निराश होकर अपने एक अन्य जान पहचान वाले के पास गया जो की एक बर्तनों का व्यापारी था. उनसे उस व्यापारी को भी वो पत्थर दिखाया और उसे बचने के लिए उसकी कीमत जाननी चाही। बर्तनो का व्यापारी बोला ‘यह पत्थर कोई विशेष रत्न है में इसके तुम्हें 10,000 रुपए दे दूंगा. वह आदमी सोचने लगा की इसके कीमत और भी अधिक होगी और यह सोच वो वहां से चला आया.

उस आदमी ने इस पत्थर को अब एक सुनार को दिखाया, सुनार ने उस पत्थर को ध्यान से देखा और बोला ये काफी कीमती है इसके मैं तुम्हें 1,00,000 रूपये दे दूंगा।

वो आदमी अब समझ गया था कि यह बहुत अमुल्य है, उसने सोचा क्यों न मैं इसे हीरे के व्यापारी को दिखाऊं, यह सोच वो शहर के सबसे बड़े हीरे के व्यापारी के पास गया।उस हीरे के व्यापारी ने जब वो पत्थर देखा तो देखता रह गया, चौकने वाले भाव उसके चेहरे पर दिखने लगे. उसने उस पत्थर को माथे से लगाया और और पुछा तुम यह कहा से लाये हो. यह तो अमुल्य है. यदि मैं अपनी पूरी सम्पति बेच दूँ तो भी इसकी कीमत नहीं चुका सकता. 

कहानी से सीख |

हम अपने आप को कैसे आँकते हैं. क्या हम वो हैं जो राय दूसरे हमारे बारे में बनाते हैं. आपकी लाइफ अमूल्य है आपके जीवन का कोई मोल नहीं लगा सकता. आप वो कर सकते हैं जो आप अपने बारे में सोचते हैं. कभी भी दूसरों के नेगेटिव कमैंट्स से अपने आप को कम मत आकियें.

Tuesday, 31 March 2020

कोरोना पर कविता : मुझसे डरो ना...Corona

कल रात मेरे सपने में आया कोरोना....
उसे देख जो मैं डरा, तो वो मुस्कुरा के बोला
मुझसे डरो ना... 
उसने कहा- कितनी अच्छी है तुम्हारी संस्कृति। 
न चूमते, न गले लगाते..
दोनों हाथ जोड़ कर, वो स्वागत करते, वही करो ना
मुझसे डरो ना...
कहां से सीखा तुमने ?? रूम स्प्रे ,बॉडी स्प्रे
पहले तो तुम धूप, दीप कपूर, अगरबत्ती, लोभान जलाते 
वही करो ना,
मुझसे डरो ना...
शुरू से तुम्हें सिखाया गया..
अच्छे से हाथ पैर धोकर घर में घुसो, 
मत भूलो अपनी संस्कृति, वही करो ना 
मुझसे डरो ना... 
उसने कहा सादा भोजन उच्च विचार 
यही तो है तुम्हारे संस्कार।
उन्हें छोड़ जंक फूड फ़ास्ट फूड के चक्कर में पड़ो ना 
मुझसे डरो ना... 
उसने कहा शुरू से ही जानवरों को पाला-पोसा, प्यार दिया 
रक्षण की है तुम्हारी संस्कृति, उनका भक्षण करो ना 
मुझसे डरो ना...
कल रात मेरे सपने में आया कोरोना 
बोला मुझसे डरो ना...

Monday, 30 March 2020

How to manage difficult conversations at workplace?

What is a difficult conversation?

A difficult conversation is any situation where the needs/wants, opinions or perceptions of the involved parties are diverse, with their feelings and emotions running strong. Usually the reason behind such strong feelings and emotions is that they have a lot at stake and they dread the consequences such as a conflict. Difficult conversations — whether you’re telling a client the project is delayed or presiding over an unenthusiastic performance review — are an inevitable part of management. How should you prepare for this kind of discussion? How do you find the right words in the moment? And, how can you manage the exchange so that it goes as smoothly as possible?

Sometimes we face uncomfortable situations. For example, give or receive negative feedback, deal with a hostile colleague or customer, handle a bitter complaint, raise performance issues, or even ask the boss for a raise. Sharp differences of opinions may be unnerving, and make us feel fearful, anxious or angry. While the stakes may be high, issues may be complex, so we feel unsure and avoid these conversations. Negative feelings may be bottled up, but may erupt like a volcano at the wrong time and precipitate a major crisis. As a leader, it is important for you to learn to effectively deal with difficult conversations. Despite differing opinions, and strong emotions, how do you communicate in a manner that does not leave the listeners feeling defensive and angry? 

Let's work with a concrete example. Gayatri, a senior programmer, had joined the company two years earlier. She had received the performance rating of adequate in her first year. It was just an average rating. As a newcomer, she had spent the initial period learning the ropes and so she accepted her performance rating. In the second year, she made significant efforts, two key initiatives, and felt that she had made solid contributions to the team's success. But to her utter surprise and disappointment, she was again given the performance rating of adequate in her second year. A co-worker who did not do as much as she did receive a superior rating of good. Gayatri felt really disheartened. She wanted to talk to her manager but had nagging questions. 

Will she be able to constructively resolve the issue? 
Will her bitterness affect her performance? 
By raising the issue, will she antagonize her boss? 

Let us deal with Gayatri's dilemma using the Harvard framework. The framework is built around four key insights. 

First insight, in every difficult conversation, there are actually three conversations going on. The first one is the content conversation. It deals with what happened. For example, the intents of people involved or who is responsible. The second conversation is the feelings conversation. This deals with what emotions are involved. And the third conversation is the identity conversation. This concerns the issue of what does this say about me. The mistake that we make is that we tend to deal only with the content but don't recognize how this is affecting both the parties emotionally and fail to identify what is at stake for individuals about their own self-image. 

Second insight, often we get caught up with the battle of messages. We try to prove that we are right and they are wrong. For effectiveness in dealing with difficult conversations, we must move from the battle of messages to learning conversation. Learning conversation is characterized by curiosity. It is not that Gayatri has to give up her point of view but she has to try to understand the boss's perspective for the satisfactory resolution of the issue. 

Third insight, impact is not intention. Gayatri felt hurt by the boss's rating but it does not automatically imply that the boss intended to hurt Gayatri. It is quite possible that there were other compulsions that drove the boss to give the adequate rating, which Gayatri is not aware of at the moment. 

Fourth and final insight. Often, it is not content or emotions, but the issue of identity that is the most hidden and left unsaid, but the most dominant. Gayatri may be most bothered, whether she's seen as a competent, effective performer, and liked as a member of the team. We tend to look at issues in black and white terms. Gayatri may feel incompetent, disliked and not a part of the in group of favored members of the team. That makes difficult conversations really challenging. 

What specific steps should Gayatri take? 

Step one is to prepare by walking through the three conversations. Gayatri should avoid the battle of messages and get into a learning frame. She has to understand how the situation may have unfolded, address feelings without blaming and get into a problem solving mode. She has to think through with the following illustrative questions. 

What is my perspective? 
What elements am I missing? 
What do I think has been the impact of my work?
My guess about how I or boss may have contributed to the present rating? 
What do I think is the boss's perspective? 
What is my guess about the boss's intention? 
Is it possible that the boss has acted unintentionally or from multiple and conflicting intentions?
At the feelings level, what feelings underline my judgments? 
What might the boss feel? 
And at the identity level, how does the situation affect my self-image and identity? 

Step two is to raise issues as a learning conversation. To avoid the battle of messages, and foster a learning conversation, Gayatri has to carefully set the stage in terms of time and place for the interaction. In an amicable tone, Gayatri may ask for one-on-one meeting. 

Step three involves starting from the objective third story. The issue is raised in an impartial manner, just as a third person would. The third story is the most objective and unbiased, and helps informing a common ground for Gayatri and her boss to work together as partners in jointly sorting out the situation. 

Step four involves exploring their story and yours. Gayatri should describe the behavior or situation concretely, and specifically without blaming or negative judgement. She may also describe the impact of the behavior or situation on her and the reasons for the impact. It would usually include feelings. In sharing her perspective, Gayatri will discuss specific tasks or projects that she had taken on during her tenure in that position with a clear focus of performance in the previous 12 months. Then Gayatri may ask open questions, such as what's your perspective on this? And actively listens.
Step five involves problem solving. For effective problem solving, it is important to have a mindset of learning and problem solving. This requires openness, curiosity, a non-judgemental and caring mindset. Gayatri will acknowledge the boss's views by paraphrasing the message to make sure she has clearly understood it. She will acknowledge feelings, ask open questions, check interpretations, expand the story to include other's comments, probe for and reinforce counter examples, reframe complaints as desire for improvement and arrive at a concrete plan of action. 

As the author, Douglas Stone writes, difficult conversations are almost never about getting the facts right. They are about conflicting perceptions Interpretations, and values.

Principles to Remember while having unfavourable conversation

1. Take regular breaks during the day; the more calm and centered you are, the better you are at handling tough conversations when they arise.
2. Slow down the pace of the conversation — it helps you find the right words and it signals to your counterpart that you’re listening.
3. Find ways to be constructive by suggesting other solutions or alternatives.


1. Label the news you need to deliver as a “difficult conversation” in your mind; instead frame the discussion in a positive or neutral light.
2. Bother writing a script for how you want the discussion to go; jot down notes if it helps, but be open and flexible.
3. Ignore the other person’s point of view — ask your counterpart how he sees the problem and then look for overlaps between your perspectives.

Thank you so much Guys.

Stay Fit, Take Care & Keep Smiling

God Bless !!