WhatsApp announced that it's expanding its group calling limit from four people to eight people. This makes it easier for you to stay in touch with your friends and family during the lockdown caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
The world at large is stuck at home dealing with the Covid-19 lockdown and it has become more important than ever before to keep in touch with friends, family and even colleagues. People have been relying heavily on voice calls and video calls for that purpose.
“Group calling has been particularly useful and our users have asked to connect with more people at once. Starting today, we’re doubling the number of participants you can have on a WhatsApp video or voice call from 4 to 8 people at a time,” WhatsApp said in a statement.
It works the same way as group video and voice calls. If you’re in a WhatsApp group with more than four members you can make a voice or video call by adding up to eight people including yourself.
It works the same way as group video and voice calls. If you’re in a WhatsApp group with more than four members you can make a voice or video call by adding up to eight people including yourself.
- Tap on the call icon on top of the group chat to make a group call.
- If the group has more than eight members, you’ll have to select the participants.
- You can select all of them if you want, you can also select a couple from the list. Eight is the upper limit, including the person making the call.
Source: http://www.hindustantimes.com/
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