Saturday, 26 May 2018

वक़्त ने उसे बड़ा बना दिया वरना वो भी एक खिलता हुआ गुलाब ही था

मजाक मत उड़ाइये..किसी भी गरीब का साहेब..!
वक्त जब गिराता है..तब कोई उठाने नही आता..!!

एक पिता को जब गरीबी मजबूर कर देती है, और वो मेले में अपने बच्चे को रंग बिरंगे खिलौने को ललचाई आंखो से देखते हुये देखता है, तो उसे अपने अतीत की जाने/अनजाने की गयी गलतियाँ याद आ जाती हैं। पीड़ा का एक ज्वार सा उठता है जो उसके पूरे वजूद को डुबो देता है। वह कुछ नहीं कर सकता केवल भरी आंखों से शून्य मे देखता रह जाता है....हताश, निराश ।  

आज मेरी आंखे क्यों फिर से, भर आयीं।
कुछ उसकी आरजू थी, कुछ अपनी बेबसी थी॥

उसकी (पिता) जेब मे कुछ पैसे पड़े हैं, वो हिम्मत करके बच्चे से पूछता है, “बेटा कुछ लोगे ?” बेटे को प्रश्न में के साथ ही उत्तर भी मिल जाता है। बेटा सोचते हुये कहता है, नहीं ! ‘“पापा! मुझे कुछ नहीं चाहिए।“

जब बच्चे जल्दी समझदार हो जाते हैं, तो अपनी नाकामियों का दर्द दुगुना हो जाता है। पिता ने बेटे से दुबारा पूछा, “तू कुछ खाता क्यों नहीं?””  बेटा बोला, “पापा !  मैं यहाँ कुछ खाने के लिए आने की जिद नहीं कर रहा था, बल्कि मुझे कुछ खोजना था। पिता की प्रश्नसूचक दृष्टि पुत्र पर टिकी थी। बेटे ने कहना जारी रखा, “मुझे अपनी गरीबी का समाधान ढूंदना था, जिसे अब मैने ढूंढ लिया है।“ पिता ने उत्सुकतावश पूछा, “क्या है समाधान?” “मैं अपनी खुद की दुकान इस मेले मे लगाऊँगा”, बेटे ने कहा।“ मैं समझ गया हूँ की गरीबी तकदीर से नहीं मिटती बल्कि मेहनत करने से मिटती है। मेला उन  बच्चों के लिए कुछ खरीदने का अवसर है लेकिन मेरे लिए कुछ बेचने का, जो कुछ भी मेरे पास है।
वहीं एक सज्जन जो काफी देर से पिता पुत्र संवाद सुन रहे थे, पिता के पास आकर बोले, “आपका बेटा तो बहुत समझदार है, किस कक्षा मे पढ़ता है?” पिता ने सुखी हंसी हँसते हुये कहा, “ हाँ ! वो समझदार है! वह ज़िंदगी की किताब पढ़ता है” वहीं से सब सीख लेता  है।“ सज्जन बड़े आश्चर्य से पिता की आंखो मे कुछ तलाशते रहे। 

ये वक्त (परिस्थितियों) का खेल है दोस्तों, ज़िंदगी मेला देखना (खरीदना) भी सीखा देती है, और समान बेचना भी।

“वक्त ने उसे भी बडा, बना दिया वरना।
वह भी एक खिलता हुआ, गुलाब ही था॥“

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

मेरी मौत की वजह यही हैं कि मैं पेशे से एक किसान हूँ

दूर तक फैले हुए खेत
जो दिखाई पड़ते हैं अब रेत,

बीच में खड़ा एक अधीर इंसान
जिसके हैं बेचैन कान,
सुनने के लिए बादलों की गर्ज
ना जाने कबसे बेचारा कर रहा है
ख़ुदा से इसके लिये अर्ज़,

लेकिन ना टपका फिर भी एक कतरा पानी का
चारों तरफ़ छाया हुआ है एक अजीब सन्नाटा,
जिसमेँ से निकला एक दर्दनाक स्वर
मानो जैसे कोई गया है मर,

लेकिन बन गया है यह इंसान एक पत्थर
जिसको किसी की नहीं है फ़िक्र,

उसकी तो निगाहें बिछी हुई हैं दूर आसमान पे
जिसको चीरते हुए धरती पर फैल रही हैं सूर्य की किरणें,
जो उसे तड़पा रही हैं
आखिर कब तक यह दुःख सह पाएगा?
क्या तब तक जब यह धरती
जिस पर कभी छाई हुई थी हरियाली

कर देगी इस इंसान को बरबाद,
और बन जाये इसके लिए उसका शमशान घाट?

Sunday, 13 May 2018

जब रूठ गई लक्ष्मी जी, सुनार ने क्या किया?

एक सुनार से लक्ष्मी जी रूठ गई ।

जाते वक्त बोली मैं जा रही  हूँ

और मेरी जगह नुकसान आ रहा है ।

तैयार हो जाओ।

लेकिन मै तुम्हे अंतिम भेट जरूर देना चाहती हूँ।
मांगो जो भी इच्छा हो।

सुनार बहुत समझदार  था।
उसने विनती करी नुकसान आए तो आने  दो ।

लेकिन उससे कहना की मेरे परिवार  में आपसी  प्रेम  बना रहे। बस मेरी यही इच्छा  है।

लक्ष्मी जी ने तथास्तु कहा।

कुछ दिन के बाद :-

सुनार की सबसे छोटी बहु खिचड़ी बना रही थी।

उसने नमक आदि  डाला और अन्य काम करने लगी।

तब दूसरे लड़के की बहू आई और उसने भी बिना चखे नमक डाला और चली गई।

इसी प्रकार तीसरी, चौथी बहुएं आई और नमक डालकर चली गई ।

उनकी सास ने भी ऐसा किया।

शाम को सबसे पहले सुनार आया।

पहला निवाला मुह में लिया।
देखा बहुत ज्यादा नमक  है।

लेकिन वह समझ गया नुकसान (हानि) आ चुका है।

चुपचाप खिचड़ी खाई और चला गया।

इसके बाद बड़े बेटे का नम्बर आया।

पहला निवाला मुह में लिया।
पूछा पिता जी ने खाना खा लिया क्या कहा उन्होंने ?

सभी ने उत्तर दिया-" हाँ खा लिया, कुछ नही बोले।"

अब लड़के ने सोचा जब पिता जी ही कुछ नही बोले तो मै भी चुपचाप खा लेता हूँ।

इस प्रकार घर के अन्य सदस्य एक -एक आए।

पहले वालो के बारे में पूछते और चुपचाप खाना खा कर चले गए।

रात को नुकसान (हानि) हाथ जोड़कर

सुनार से कहने लगा  -,"मै जा रहा हूँ।"

सुनार ने पूछा- क्यों ?

तब नुकसान (हानि) कहता है, " आप लोग एक किलो तो नमक खा गए  ।

लेकिन बिलकुल भी झगड़ा नही हुआ। मेरा यहाँ कोई काम नहीं।"

इस कहानी से हमे क्या शिक्षा मिलती है?

⭐ झगड़ा कमजोरी, हानि, नुकसान की पहचान है।

👏 जहाँ प्रेम है, वहाँ लक्ष्मी  का वास है।

सदा प्यार -प्रेम  बांटते रहे। छोटे -बङे  की कदर करे ।

जो बङे हैं, वो बड़े ही रहेंगे ।

चाहे आपकी कमाई उसकी कमाई से बड़ी हो। 🙏🙏

अच्छा लगे तो आप जरुर किसी अपने को भेजें।

Saturday, 12 May 2018

जब मैं उसके शहर से गुजरा

वक़्त ने फिर एक करवट ली
मुझे उसके शहर से गुज़रने का मौका दिया
उसका शहर उस शहर में
उसकी मौजूदगी का एहसास
उस फ़िज़ा में उसके आस पास
होने का एक डगमगाता सा विश्वास
तरसती आँखें उसके दीदार को बेक़रार थीं
एक बार बस एक बार उसे देखने को बेहाल थीं
लौट आई मेरी नज़रें टकरा कर हर दीवार से
हो ना सका मैं रुबरु दीदार ए यार से
लौट गई थी जिस तरह वो मेरे शहर से
ना चाहते हुए भी लौट आया मैं
उसी तरह उसके शहर से
अब ना किसी से कोई गिला
कोई शिकवा कोई तकरार है
दो दिलों के बीच मजबूरियों की एक दीवार है
समाज के कमज़ोर बंधन
हर रिश्ते को खोखला बनाते हैं
हम जैसे मजबूर इंसान इन बंधनों को
तक़दीर का नाम दे जाते हैं

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

How To Utilize Your ERP Software To Its Maximum Potential

In this fast-paced digital era, the right ERP software can provide your business with increased efficiency and subsequent growth. Having an ERP solution installed can even make your business and in fact, it is the backbone of every enterprise. But Purchasing an ERP system is also a huge investment of time and money. A robust and efficient ERP software solution is a must for every growing organization. When an ERP system is used properly, it can give extraordinary results. An ERP software in its maximum potential can improve business efficiency, reduce costs and errors along with increasing productivity, and profits.

Thus, if you have invested in ERP solutions, making its proper use is essential. By making most of an ERP, you can reap numerous benefits.

Let’s find out the key points for using an ERP software to its full potential.

1) Re-examine your business operations and Plan Accordingly

Time to time, you need to review your business processes to identify changes that need to be done. Pay attention to things that have changed and see how your ERP solution can contribute to streamlining those operations. Try to find out what is missing in your current ERP or if something has become outdated. Is it keeping up with all your business processes or not? Identify those areas as soon as possible to tackle the current problems. So, make sure you are not using outdated features of an ERP system that is not able to keep up with change.

2) Future Oriented and long-term ERP System

ERP systems are being continuously advanced based on customer feedback and to stay ahead in the competition. Roadmaps are made to better manage big and complex business process transformations and technology in a series of well-defined phases. It is necessary to maintain a roadmap for defining a continuous ERP improvement. Then, you would be confident of your system that it is proofread for the future. So how can you do this? By keeping your ERP software Up-to-date. An ERP vendor or an ERP solutions provider company usually offer constant and regular upgrades and constant improvements.

3) Make Solid Investment in Ongoing Software Training

For deploying ERP systems successfully, there is one thing that you should not overlook. The employees who operate an ERP system are responsible for taking full benefits of it. Under-trained employees would fail to take advantages of the tools, they are provided with. Trained employees or users are essential for using ERP to its full capabilities and success of the system. So, don’t just invest in initial software training thinking your job is done. An ERP software requires ongoing training program for new employees and current users. Therefore, it’s vital for a company to create a ongoing training program that is suitable to each user’s role within the company, with specific goals and outcomes defined.

4) Integration functionalities

ERP systems are designed to have integration capabilities. An ERP Integration is the most important factor that can give operational efficiency. There are a bunch of typical examples of the integration tools within an ERP system: SCM (Supply Chain Management ), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), HR and Payroll Management Systems, and Manufacturing management. An ERP software can be integrated with these modules. Adopting an ERP with integration capabilities can improve operational efficiency and also reduces data redundancy.

Thank you so much Guys.

Stay Fit, Take Care & Keep Smiling :-)

God Bless !!

Kranti Gaurav
XLRI Jamshedpur

Ten Signs Your Boss Is A Manager -- But Not A Leader By Kranti Gaurav

A simple way to answer the question "What's the difference between managing and leading?"

Managing people means watching them to make sure they do what they're supposed to do.

The concept of traditional supervision is rooted in the fear that working people will misbehave or make mistakes if someone isn't watching them to make sure they don't.

A manager marches backwards, watching their troops like a hawk in case somebody is marching incorrectly. They cannot look out over the horizon when they're marching backwards!

A leader faces forward and marches confidently, assuming their troops will follow them because they trust their troops and themselves.

Leaders are confident enough to hire people they can trust and let them do whatever they do best with a minimum of oversight.

Managers cannot relax into trust. They are keyed up, judgmental and certain that dire consequences will befall them if they ever let their vigilance flag.

Managerial fear is the great unaddressed workplace topic that sucks vision, creativity, collaboration and profitability from organizations large and small!

It is hard to talk a fearful manager into adopting a confident leader's mindset because to do so the fearful manager would have to gain a level of self-awareness that they do not understand.

Because they sit in fear, they assume everyone is guarded and political the way they are.

They cannot see trust. They believe that without their constant inspection and evaluation, their department would fall to pieces.

We have been so well-trained in the concepts of fear-based management that we do not recognize there is another way to lead. We can lead without reams of policies and rules.

We can lead people by involving them in decision-making and inspiring them to band together to accomplish something cool.

It is a human urge to create and collaborate unless we thwart the urge by rating and ranking people relative to one another and by tying them down with pointless daily and weekly yardsticks.

When we make work a zero-sum game where my triumph is my co-worker's downfall, we are not only cruel but bad business people, also.

Here are 10 signs your boss is a manager — but not a leader.

1. They don't ask for their teammates' opinions before making decisions. They do not dare to share their authority with anyone. They believe their authority to make decisions without asking for input is the source of their power.

2. They do not acknowledge their employees for their effort or accomplishments. They are afraid to thank and recognize their teammates because they need to keep the unequal power relationship intact.

3. They cannot be wrong. Even when everybody knows the manager is wrong, no one will say it because of the force field around the manager. They pretend the manager is not wrong and the manager pretends to believe it, too.

4. They cannot handle dissent or even polite debate.

5. They can only take advice from their subordinates when they are behind closed doors with one person.

6. They do not allow their employees to interact with higher-level managers for fear that a higher-up leader might trust their team member's advice more than their own.

7. They do not stand up for their team members when they could. They will not spend political capital on anyone except themselves.

8. They don't give their teammates visibility into the future, even when it would help the employee and the company to do so. They have taken the adage "Knowledge is power" to heart. They hoard whatever information they acquire, and dole it out in tiny doses.

9. They discount any information or feedback that feels threatening to their political status. When they say "I'll take that idea under advisement" they want to shut you up. They have no intention of considering your idea.

10. They are more concerned about maintaining whatever status, prestige or organizational power they have accumulated than in doing the best thing for the organization.

How do fearful managers keep their jobs? They keep their jobs because they deliver one kind of business result — the  numeric kind — for a limited period of time.

They deliver that result by managing through fear.

Over time, a fear-based manager will fail because they have no credibility. No one trusts them.

Fear is a good motivator in the short term but useless over the long term as person after person realizes that the little-tin-god manager has very limited power over them.

If your manager is stuck in fear, your first assignment is to start building an escape hatch.

Life is long, but it's still too short to waste your time and talent working for someone who doesn't deserve you my dear Friends.

Stay Fit, Take Care & Keep Smiling :-)

God Bless !!

Kranti Gaurav
XLRI Jamshedpur

Friday, 4 May 2018

ना मैं कुछ कह पाई, ना वो कुछ सुन पाये

ना मैं कुछ कह पाई, ना वो कुछ सुन पाये,
ख़ामोशी के दायरे बढ़ते चले गए,
दूर होने की वजह तो ना थी,
पास आने के बहाने घटते चले गए,

जाने क्या चाहती थी मैं
जाने क्या उनके अरमान थे,
हर पल को जीने की ख़्वाहिश थी मेरी
आसमान में उड़ने के उनके ख़्वाब थे,
उनके ख़्वाबों के पंख फैलते रहे
मेरी ख़्वाहिशों के पल सिकुड़ते चले गए,

साथ चलते चलते कब आगे निकल गए वो,
ना उन्हें खबर हुई ना मुझे,
ना उन्होंने मुड़ के देखा ना मैंने पुकारा
कदम उनके यूँ ही उठते रहे,
और आँखों से वो ओझल होते चले गए..

मेरे घर के कोने में रखी कुछ किताबें

सूरज की रौशनी को खुद में समाए
अपने उजाले से मेरे मन के अंधेरों
को चीरतीं,
हवा जिन्हें जब छूकर निकले
तो अपने शब्दों के कम्पन से
सुनाती हैं
एक गुमी हुई आवाज़
मैं जिसे सुनना चाहता हूँ,
अकेले में मुझ से बातें करती हुई
जैसे मुझे जानती हों
पहचानती हों,
इस सरपट भागती दुनिया में
किसी के पास वक़्त नहीं
उनके पास हमेशा वक़्त होता है मेरे लिए
दूसरी दुनिया के द्वार की तरह
ले जाती हैं मुझे उसी दुनिया में
जहाँ मैं बिता सकता हूँ चंद लम्हे
ठहराव के
उन दोस्तों के साथ
जो कभी मिले नहीं
जो अब हैं नहीं
पर मुझसे कुछ कहना चाहते हैं
और बात करते हैं मुझसे
उन किताबों के ज़रिये
जैसे मेरे लिए ही लिखी गई हों वे बातें
मैं अक्सर सोचता हूँ
क्या होता मेरा अस्तित्व उन किताबों के बिना
मैं होता कोई और
पर वह नहीं जो आज हूँ
मैं जानता हूँ तुमने लिखी हैं वह किताबें
सिर्फ़ मेरे लिए
मेरे अकेलेपन के लिए
और रख दी हैं उस कोने में
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Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Office Office - A Short Motivational Story to Inspire Great Teamwork

A team of about 35 employees had come together for a team building event. They were a young, bright and enthusiastic team.

However, one big problem this team had was they wouldn’t share information or solutions with each other. The leader felt they were too focused on self and not enough on team.

So she started off with a fun team activity that would allow her to teach the importance of each team member working together and sharing more.

She brought the team into the cafeteria. All of the tables and chairs had been stacked and put away. Placed around the room were fun decorations and hundreds of different colored balloons.

Everyone was excited, but not sure what it was all about. In the center of the room was a big box of balloons that had not been blown up yet.

The team leader asked each person to pick a balloon, blow it up and write their name on it. But they were instructed to be careful because the balloon could pop!

A few balloons did indeed pop and those members of the team were given another chance, but were told that if the balloon popped again they were out of the game.

About 30 team members were able to get their name on a balloon without it popping. Those 30 were asked to leave their balloons and exit the room. They were told they had qualified for the second round.

Five minutes later the leader brought the team back into the room and announced that their next challenge was to find the balloon they had left behind with their name on it among the hundreds of other balloons scattered in the large cafeteria. She warned them however to be very careful and not to pop any of the balloons. If they did, they would be disqualified.

While being very careful, but also trying to go as quickly as they could, each team member looked for the balloon with their name. After 15 minutes not one single person was able to find their balloon. The team was told that the second round of the game was over and they were moving onto the third round.

In this next round the leader told the team members to find any balloon in the room with a name on it and give it to the person whose name was on it. Within a couple of minutes every member of the team had their balloon with their own name on it.

The team leader made the following point: “We are much more efficient when we are willing to share with each other. And we are better problem solvers when we are working together, not individually.”

Often times members of teams create obstacles that get in the way of teamwork by solely focusing on their own pursuits and goals. They hoard information, avoid collaboration and distance themselves. It is bad for the team and it is bad for that individual.

Every member of a team should ask themselves on a regular basis what they are doing for the team  and can do for the team my dear Friends.

Stay Fit, Take Care & Keep Smiling :-)

God Bless !!