Saturday, 24 November 2018
The Group of Frogs
Wednesday, 17 October 2018
Thursday, 4 October 2018
जरा सोचो
ऑफिस से निकल कर शर्माजी ने
स्कूटर स्टार्ट किया ही था कि उन्हें याद आया,
पत्नी ने कहा था 1 दर्ज़न केले लेते आना।
तभी उन्हें सड़क किनारे बड़े और ताज़ा केले बेचते हुए
एक बीमार सी दिखने वाली बुढ़िया दिख गयी।
वैसे तो वह फल हमेशा "राम आसरे फ्रूट भण्डार" से
ही लेते थे,
पर आज उन्हें लगा कि क्यों न
बुढ़िया से ही खरीद लूँ ?
उन्होंने बुढ़िया से पूछा, "माई, केले कैसे दिए"
बुढ़िया बोली, बाबूजी 20 रूपये दर्जन,
शर्माजी बोले, माई 15 रूपये दूंगा।
बुढ़िया ने कहा, 18 रूपये दे देना,
दो पैसे मै भी कमा लूंगी।
शर्मा जी बोले, 15 रूपये लेने हैं तो बोल,
बुझे चेहरे से बुढ़िया ने,"न" मे गर्दन हिला दी।
शर्माजी बिना कुछ कहे चल पड़े
और राम आसरे फ्रूट भण्डार पर आकर
केले का भाव पूछा तो वह बोला 28 रूपये दर्जन हैं
बाबूजी, कितने दर्जन दूँ ?
शर्माजी बोले, 5 साल से फल तुमसे ही ले रहा हूँ,
ठीक भाव लगाओ।
तो उसने सामने लगे बोर्ड की ओर इशारा कर दिया।
बोर्ड पर लिखा था- "मोल भाव करने वाले माफ़ करें"
शर्माजी को उसका यह व्यवहार बहुत बुरा लगा,
उन्होंने कुछ सोचकर स्कूटर को वापस
ऑफिस की ओर मोड़ दिया।
सोचते सोचते वह बुढ़िया के पास पहुँच गए।
बुढ़िया ने उन्हें पहचान लिया और बोली,
"बाबूजी केले दे दूँ, पर भाव 18 रूपये से कम नही लगाउंगी।
शर्माजी ने मुस्कराकर कहा,
माई एक नही दो दर्जन दे दो और भाव की चिंता मत करो।
बुढ़िया का चेहरा ख़ुशी से दमकने लगा।
केले देते हुए बोली। बाबूजी मेरे पास थैली नही है ।
फिर बोली, एक टाइम था जब मेरा आदमी जिन्दा था
तो मेरी भी छोटी सी दुकान थी।
सब्ज़ी, फल सब बिकता था उस पर।
आदमी की बीमारी मे दुकान चली गयी,
आदमी भी नही रहा। अब खाने के भी लाले पड़े हैं।
किसी तरह पेट पाल रही हूँ। कोई औलाद भी नही है
जिसकी ओर मदद के लिए देखूं।
इतना कहते कहते बुढ़िया रुआंसी हो गयी,
और उसकी आंखों मे आंसू आ गए ।
शर्माजी ने 50 रूपये का नोट बुढ़िया को दिया तो
वो बोली "बाबूजी मेरे पास छुट्टे नही हैं।
शर्माजी बोले "माई चिंता मत करो, रख लो,
अब मै तुमसे ही फल खरीदूंगा,
और कल मै तुम्हें 500 रूपये दूंगा।
धीरे धीरे चुका देना और परसों से बेचने के लिए
मंडी से दूसरे फल भी ले आना।
बुढ़िया कुछ कह पाती उसके पहले ही
शर्माजी घर की ओर रवाना हो गए।
घर पहुंचकर उन्होंने पत्नी से कहा,
न जाने क्यों हम हमेशा मुश्किल से
पेट पालने वाले, थड़ी लगा कर सामान बेचने वालों से
मोल भाव करते हैं किन्तु बड़ी दुकानों पर
मुंह मांगे पैसे दे आते हैं।
शायद हमारी मानसिकता ही बिगड़ गयी है।
गुणवत्ता के स्थान पर हम चकाचौंध पर
अधिक ध्यान देने लगे हैं।
अगले दिन शर्माजी ने बुढ़िया को 500 रूपये देते हुए कहा,
"माई लौटाने की चिंता मत करना।
जो फल खरीदूंगा, उनकी कीमत से ही चुक जाएंगे।
जब शर्माजी ने ऑफिस मे ये किस्सा बताया तो
सबने बुढ़िया से ही फल खरीदना प्रारम्भ कर दिया।
तीन महीने बाद ऑफिस के लोगों ने स्टाफ क्लब की ओर से
बुढ़िया को एक हाथ ठेला भेंट कर दिया।
बुढ़िया अब बहुत खुश है।
उचित खान पान के कारण उसका स्वास्थ्य भी
पहले से बहुत अच्छा है ।
हर दिन शर्माजी और ऑफिस के
दूसरे लोगों को दुआ देती नही थकती।
शर्माजी के मन में भी अपनी बदली सोच और
एक असहाय निर्बल महिला की सहायता करने की संतुष्टि का भाव रहता है..!
जीवन मे किसी बेसहारा की मदद करके देखो यारों,
अपनी पूरी जिंदगी मे किये गए सभी कार्यों से
ज्यादा संतोष मिलेगा...!!
नोट: - यदि लेख अच्छा लगा हो तो जरुर शेयर करे.....
सोच को बदलो जिंदगी जीने का नजरिया बदल जायेगा।
त्यौहारों की खरीदारी ऐसी जगह से करें जो आपकी खरीदी की वजह से त्यौहार मना सके 🙏
Tuesday, 2 October 2018
A Short Lecture on Google Video Ads By Kranti Gaurav from XLRI
Video ads are shown only to the people you want and you only pay when they watch. In other words, you won’t waste money advertising to people who aren't interested in your business.
Get your ad live.
Once you create a video, you just need to set up a YouTube account and upload it. Then you can use Google Ads to start your campaign on YouTube. Your video will appear before or next to related videos or in search results.
Choose where your ad will appear.
Whether you’re trying to reach sports fans, music lovers, or anyone else, you can choose your audience based on age, gender, location, interests, and more.
Decide how much you want to spend.
Set your budget and use YouTube’s Analytics tool to see what’s working.
Monday, 1 October 2018
Waze Local Advanced Solutions - Kranti Gaurav
Learn about Waze Ads solutions
Waze Local Starter
- Pins are your digital store signs on the map. They mark your business on the map and are visible to Wazers that are close by.
- When tapped, pins reveal more information about your business including a description, logo, opening hours and a phone number.
- Wazers can immediately drive to your business from the ad, or reach your website and phone number.
- A branded, highlighted search result displayed when Wazers search your business.
Waze Local Plus
Waze for Brands
Waze Local Fundamentals - Kranti Gaurav
Target drivers who are on the go near your business location with a meaningful local ad experience.
Since Waze is a digital app, you will know exactly how many potential customers engaged with your ads.
Create your ad in a few simple steps. Start with as little as $2/day. No commitment.
Tell us how much you want to spend each month.
Drivers near your location can now see your ad and click on it to view more information.
Like a store sign, pins inform and remind drivers that your business is on or near their route.
Your locations will be promoted to the top of search results and include your brand logo.
The Zero-Speed Takeover is a digital billboard. It is shown when drivers are at a complete stop.
Monday, 10 September 2018
Digital Marketing and Its Benefits to Drive Your Business Growth by Kranti Gaurav
Marketing is all about connecting with your audience in the right place at the right time. In the age of digitisation, your best strategy would be to meet your customers online where they are already spending much time.
Digital platforms are increasingly getting associated with marketing schemes and everyday life. In such circumstances, it’s essential to understand the key benefits of digital marketing.
By incorporating technology-focused strategies into marketing, business owners can gain better outputs easily.
So, What Exactly is Digital Marketing?
Digital marketing is the promotion of products/services via various forms of electronic media, mainly based on the internet. Basically, the definition of digital marketing refers to all of your online marketing efforts. Many businesses have already experienced advantages of digital marketing over traditional marketing.
Unlike traditional marketing, it involves the use of channels and methods for a proper understanding in the real-time scenario. Thus, organizations can analyze marketing campaigns and implement necessary steps accordingly.
Regardless of what your company sells, digital marketing can work effectively for any industry.
With digital marketing, you can see results much faster than you might with offline marketing. The interactive nature of digital marketing strategies helps companies to grow their client base in a short span of time.
Benefits of Digital Marketing
Are you still wondering why digital marketing is so important?
If so, keep reading…
Here are few advantages of digital marketing that will surely help you make the right decision for your business.
Strategize with The Valuable Data and Analytics
With digital marketing, you can have an idea of the exact number of people who have viewed your website’s homepage in real time.
With google analytics, you can track stats and information about your marketing website. It will let you know about –
the number of people visiting your business page
their geographic location
the sex, age and interests of the visitors
how much time they are spending on your site
the source of traffic from various gadgets
website bounce rates
how the traffic has changed over time
By displaying a breakdown of all of this traffic information, this intelligence helps you to prioritize the marketing channels.
Mind blowing, isn’t it?
The real-time data analysis provides you with a better understanding of the effectiveness of your marketing tactics. With access to this information, you can also optimize your marketing budget by investing in the well-performing marketing campaigns.
Content Performance and Lead Generation
Imagine you’ve created a product brochure and delivered it to people as an offline content.
Does it seem to be convenient enough?
The problem is that you have no idea how many people have gone through that or, in the worst scenarios, how many people threw it into the trash!
Once you create an impactful visual content, start promoting it on social media. Through such networks, buyers would be able to learn about products and services through influencers and peers.
The more engagement you get, the more Google considers your content to be worthy. And in turn, it will boost your SEO rankings with ease.
Through digital marketing, you can measure exactly how many people viewed your marketing content. Thereafter, you can collect the contact details of those who download it by using forms. Additionally, you’re also generating qualified leads when people download it. With a solid lead nurturing strategy, you can build better awareness and affinity for your brand.
Improved Conversion Rates
Converting a customer online is not a big deal. All you need to do is just make your marketing strategy an engaging one.
Targeted traffic offers bigger chances for conversion. Unlike other types of advertising, digital marketing lets you have a two-way conversation with customers and leads.
Through digital marketing, you can reach out to your customers at any time. Instead of bothering them with multiple phone calls, reaching customers online seems to be a better idea. Just send an email and let them make a purchase and learn more about your organization. From such interactions, important leads can be generated, which would eventually bring an increase in conversion rates.
More Cost Effective Than Traditional Marketing
Digital marketing lets you save your money to a substantial extent. This has the potential to replace costly advertising channels such as television, radio and yellow pages.
With email marketing automation, you can boost your leads. Thus, it will allow you to pre-load content and schedule it for sending out the content at key times.
Higher Revenues
It’s a well-known fact that higher conversion rates can be generated by effective digital marketing techniques. Hence, it will deliver loads of profitable benefits for your business in terms of better and higher revenues.
While advertising your brand:
have a good layout that enables easy navigation
use the digital platform to understand customer purchase patterns
offer the right idea that meets the needs of your customers
use multiple digital marketing channels to gather useful data
With better revenue growth expectancy, small and medium enterprises will have better chances of expanding their workforce.
Higher ROI from Your Campaigns
Digital marketing companies optimize conversion rates to achieve maximum Return on Investment (ROI) for businesses. With smarter branding and better revenues, digital marketing can fetch a better ROI than traditional marketing.
With effective tracking and monitoring methods, results can be analyzed. It helps the organizations to take necessary measures as soon as possible.
With digital marketing, you can generate a steady flow of targeted traffic that gets converted into sales and leads. And, the more your business generates this kind of traffic, the faster you can enjoy your ROI.
Compete with Large Corporations
Does digital marketing sound as foreign as binary code to you?
Don’t worry if you are dealing even with a small industry.
The importance of digital marketing also lies in the fact that it lets you compete head to head with big brands and large corporations.
From a small vendor to a large powerhouse, digital marketing offers an affordable and effective marketing tactics. Small brands can drive traffic both locally and across the country by reaching out to their target consumers.
Get Prepared for the “Internet of Things”
The “Internet of Things” is a global ecosystem of interconnected devices – smartphones, tablets and several other gadgets. These can help people interact with each other through the world of web.
Digital marketing will prepare your business towards this eventuality. It will permeate through every aspect of people’s lives.
Your business survival strategy needs to be equipped with this interconnected grid. It will provide you an access window to reach out to targeted audience belonging to this online grid.
Earn People’s Trust and Build Brand Reputation
Digital Marketing leverages on social media signals, social proof and testimonials availed from bonafide consumers. The more reliable these social signals are, the higher the trust rate it can generate from targeted audiences.
People would trust information about a particular brand if the data comes from people they know.
And once you meet their expectations, your brand reputation will go viral. Eventually, it will open new doors of opportunities for reaching bigger markets.
Ensure Online Business Survival
Many people may come and go, but a targeted few will actually make a purchase. If you can target the right kind of people who are going to be your potential customers, the best results will surely come.
By implementing smart tactics, like blogging and social media, you can communicate with the target audience. It will help you gain valuable feedback and insights. With these, you can strategize and ensure the survival of your business.
Know All About Your Competitors
As they say – “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”
Social media competitive analysis is an integral part of your digital marketing campaign.
When you are engaging in digital marketing, you can ask the experts to look into your competitor’s online strategies. It will help you to capitalize on any possible opportunities in no time. You can see what they are doing to gain an upper hand and reach more consumers.
Thus, you can figure out marketing opportunities and gain a strong competitive advantage.
Real Time Results
Unlike traditional methods, you can see in real time what’s working and what’s not for your online business.
Through online marketing, you can know about:
the number of visitors to your site
the increase in the number of its subscribers
peak trading times
conversion rates
Increase/drop in website traffic
bounce rate
and much more!
And this can be done just with the touch of a button.
Such results can give you a thorough idea through which you can choose necessary steps to improve your results.
Improve Your Outreach
Since digital marketing takes place online, it is accessible to the global audience.
Whereas traditional marketing limits you to a particular geographic area, its modern counterpart can help you interact with the customers quite easily.
On the other hand, it seems like having your storefront open all day long. And with digital marketing specialists, you can respond to posts promptly on your platforms.
It doesn’t take long for gaining publicity to enhance the prospects and enjoy the benefits of digital marketing for your business at its best.
If you’re not yet utilizing the power of digital marketing for your business, you are missing a lot of golden opportunities.
Your prospective customers are waiting for you in the digital world.
Now that you know how digital marketing can help your business, make the move without any delay my dear Friends.
Thank you so much Guys.
Stay Fit, Take Care & Keep Smiling :-)
Kranti Gaurav
XLRI jamshedpur
Monday, 27 August 2018
आटा और डाटा की कश्मकश
एक व्यंग कथा आटा और डाटा
शहर के बाजार में, एक दिन अजब नजारा देखा... !
सड़क के एक ओर, एक बोर्ड लगा था, "20 किलो आटा फ्री”!
सड़क के दूसरी ओर, दूसरा बोर्ड लगा था, “20 जी बी डाटा फ्री”!
आटा वाली लाइन पर पसरा था सन्नाटा !
डाटा वाली लाइन पर था भीड़ का झन्नाटा !
आटे की दुकान सूनी पड़ी थी !
डाटे की दुकान भीड़ से ठसी थी !
हर शक्ल सूरत के, हर परिधान, हर वेशभूषा के लोग,
बस फ्री डाटा पाने की होड़ में पडे़ थे !
खुब गुत्थमगुत्था मची थी, हाथापाई की नौबत आन पड़ी थी!
कुछ दिव्यांग, कुछ अपंग , कुछ जीर्ण-शीर्ण वस्त्र धारण किए हुए ,
तो कुछ मध्यम वर्गीय, लालची, लालच की लार टपकाते हुए,
तो कुछ सक्षम, समृद्ध, संपन्न, संभ्रांत लोग,
बस मुफ्त डाटा पाने के जद्दोजहद में फंसे थे!
नजारा देखकर दिमाग चकराया !
एक फटे पुराने कपड़े पहने हुए , भिखारी जैसे दिखने वाले,
इंसान से बात करने का साहस जुटा पाया!
मैंने उससे पूछा “भाई उधर आटा मिल रहा है , वह भी 20 किलो! ले लो,
कम से कम 20 दिनों का काम तो चल ही जाएगा,
यहाँ से डाटा लेकर तुम क्या करोगे ?”
उसने मुझे ऊपर से नीचे तक निहारा,
मेरे चाल-चलन चरित्र, सबको अपने दिमाग में उतारा,
कुछ झल्लाया, कुछ झुंझलाया, कुछ चिल्लाया, और मुझे ये बतलाया...
“ साहब आपको मालूम नहीं है, ना जाने कौन सी दुनिया में रहते हो,
मेरे मोबाइल में एक ‘दान-दक्षिणा ऐप’ है,
शहर में कहीं भी मुफ्त भंडारा लगा हो,
किसी भी मंदिर में खाना बना रहा हो,
कोई सेठ कंबल बांट रहा हो,
किसी मंदिर के बाहर या कहीं भी कुछ दान दक्षिणा का प्रोग्राम चल रहा हो ,
सब की लाइव जानकारी मेरे मोबाइल में आ जाती है ,
बस इतना करना होता है कि सटीक जानकारी के तहत,
उस जगह की लोकेशन मोबाइल में फीड करके वहां पहुंच जाते हैं,
और जो भी बंट रहा होता है, वह ग्रहण करते हैं ...
अब आप बताइए 20 किलो आटा तो 20-25 दिन चलेगा,
जबकि 20 जी बी डाटा से मेरा 40-50 दिन का काम चल जाएगा।“
मैं किंकर्तव्यविमूढ़, हैरान, परेशान, इस उलझन में पड़ा था,
इस परेशानी से जूझ रहा था कि
मैं आटा वाले लाइन में खड़ा हूं ,
कि डाटा वाली लाइन में!
देश बदल रहा है साहब,
आप मानो या ना मानो ....
Wednesday, 22 August 2018
चाहे गीता पढ़िए, या पढ़िए क़ुरान.. तेरा मेरा प्यार ही, हर पुस्तक का ज्ञान..
चाहे गीता पढ़िए, या पढ़िए क़ुरान..
तेरा मेरा प्यार ही, हर पुस्तक का ज्ञान..
ईद मुबारक
May Allah accept your good deeds, forgive your sins & ease your suffering. May this Eid-al-adha, the almighty shower his blessings on each one of us.
Thursday, 16 August 2018
मौत से ठन गई (श्री अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी जी)
जूझने का मेरा इरादा न था,
मोड़ पर मिलेंगे इसका वादा न था,
रास्ता रोक कर वह खड़ी हो गई,
यों लगा ज़िन्दगी से बड़ी हो गई।
मौत की उमर क्या है? दो पल भी नहीं,
ज़िन्दगी सिलसिला, आज कल की नहीं।
मैं जी भर जिया, मैं मन से मरूँ,
लौटकर आऊँगा, कूच से क्यों डरूँ?
तू दबे पाँव, चोरी-छिपे से न आ,
सामने वार कर फिर मुझे आज़मा।
मौत से बेख़बर, ज़िन्दगी का सफ़र,
शाम हर सुरमई, रात बंसी का स्वर।
बात ऐसी नहीं कि कोई ग़म ही नहीं,
दर्द अपने-पराए कुछ कम भी नहीं।
प्यार इतना परायों से मुझको मिला,
न अपनों से बाक़ी हैं कोई गिला।
हर चुनौती से दो हाथ मैंने किये,
आंधियों में जलाए हैं बुझते दिए।
आज झकझोरता तेज़ तूफ़ान है,
नाव भँवरों की बाँहों में मेहमान है।
पार पाने का क़ायम मगर हौसला,
देख तेवर तूफ़ाँ का, तेवरी तन गई।
मौत से ठन गई।
मौत से ठन गई (श्री अटल बिहारी जी)
जूझने का मेरा इरादा न था,
मोड़ पर मिलेंगे इसका वादा न था,
रास्ता रोक कर वह खड़ी हो गई,
यों लगा ज़िन्दगी से बड़ी हो गई।
मौत की उमर क्या है? दो पल भी नहीं,
ज़िन्दगी सिलसिला, आज कल की नहीं।
मैं जी भर जिया, मैं मन से मरूँ,
लौटकर आऊँगा, कूच से क्यों डरूँ?
तू दबे पाँव, चोरी-छिपे से न आ,
सामने वार कर फिर मुझे आज़मा।
मौत से बेख़बर, ज़िन्दगी का सफ़र,
शाम हर सुरमई, रात बंसी का स्वर।
बात ऐसी नहीं कि कोई ग़म ही नहीं,
दर्द अपने-पराए कुछ कम भी नहीं।
प्यार इतना परायों से मुझको मिला,
न अपनों से बाक़ी हैं कोई गिला।
हर चुनौती से दो हाथ मैंने किये,
आंधियों में जलाए हैं बुझते दिए।
आज झकझोरता तेज़ तूफ़ान है,
नाव भँवरों की बाँहों में मेहमान है।
पार पाने का क़ायम मगर हौसला,
देख तेवर तूफ़ाँ का, तेवरी तन गई।
मौत से ठन गई।
Tuesday, 10 July 2018
Control your internal distractions
Control your internal distractions
Internal distractions are one of those problems you can’t really run away from. You need to find ways to prepare your mind for work, and find simple ways to keep it from straying to non-essential thoughts as well.
A good way to prime your mind for work is to have a dedicated work station. If you always work in a specific area, then your mind will associate that area with work related thoughts. Simple enough, right? When you take breaks make sure to leave your work station, that way you’ll know when you’re “allowed” to let your thoughts roam free as well.
Deadlines are pretty useful here also. This method helps keep your mind from wandering around since you’ve got that looming deadline coming along.
Ultimately though, silencing those unwanted thoughts is all about getting some traction going. So instead of focusing on what’s happening internally, focus getting something done (anything!). Once you do that, you’ll see that all your thoughts will be about finishing your task my dear Friends 👍
Stay Fit, Take Care & Keep Smiling 😊
God Bless !!
Kranti Gaurav
XLRI Jamshedpur
Friday, 6 July 2018
एक नामुमकिन सा ख्वाब हो तुम
उसको है सताने की आदत, अब मुझे सताना है नामुमकिन..
उसको है समझना फिर आसां, मुझको है समझना नामुमकिन..
मैं हँस के उसे सुन लेता हूँ, वो जब भी मुझसे कहती है..
दुनिया के हैं मुझको काम कई और मेरा आना है नामुमकिन..
वो इश्क़ की बातें करती है, आसार नहीं हैं कुछ अच्छे..
ये काम वफ़ा का मुश्किल है, उससे है ये होना नामुमकिन..
आते हैं तो उनको आने दो, बेकार सवालों को छोड़ो..
जब उसके लिए सब मुमकिन है, क्यूँ उसने बनाया नामुमकिन..
सब वहमों गुमां की बातें हैं, बस एक तसव्वुर है मंज़िल..
हम उसको ही पाने निकले हैं, वो जिसका है पाना नामुमकिन..
Thursday, 5 July 2018
भारतीय पत्नी कैसी होती है?
पत्नी क्या होती है। एक बार जरूर पढ़े।
"रामलाल तुम अपनी बीवी से इतना क्यों डरते हो?
"मैने अपने नौकर से पुछा।
"मै डरता नही साहब उसकी कद्र करता हूँ
उसका सम्मान करता हूँ।"उसने जबाव दिया।
मैं हंसा और बोला-" ऐसा क्या है उसमें।
ना सुरत ना पढी लिखी।"
जबाव मिला-" कोई फरक नही पडता साहब कि वो कैसी है पर मुझे सबसे प्यारा रिश्ता उसी का लगता है।"
"जोरू का गुलाम।"मेरे मुँह से निकला।"
और सारे रिश्ते कोई मायने नही रखते तेरे लिये।"मैने पुछा।
उसने बहुत इत्मिनान से जबाव दिया-
"साहब जी माँ बाप रिश्तेदार नही होते। वो भगवान होते हैं।उनसे रिश्ता नही निभाते उनकी पूजा करते हैं।
भाई बहन के रिश्ते जन्मजात होते हैं ,
दोस्ती का रिश्ता भी मतलब का ही होता है।
आपका मेरा रिश्ता भी दजरूरत और पैसे का है
पत्नी बिना किसी करीबी रिश्ते के होते हुए भी हमेशा के लिये हमारी हो जाती है
अपने सारे रिश्ते को पीछे छोडकर।
और हमारे हर सुख दुख की सहभागी बन जाती है
आखिरी साँसो तक।"
मै अचरज से उसकी बातें सुन रहा था।
वह आगे बोला-"साहब जी, पत्नी अकेला रिश्ता नही है, बल्कि वो पुरा रिश्तों की भण्डार है।
जब वो हमारी सेवा करती है हमारी देख भाल करती है ,
हमसे दुलार करती है तो एक माँ जैसी होती है।
जब वो हमे जमाने के उतार चढाव से आगाह करती है,और मैं अपनी सारी कमाई उसके हाथ पर रख देता हूँ क्योकि जानता हूँ वह हर हाल मे मेरे घर का भला करेगी तब पिता जैसी होती है।
जब हमारा ख्याल रखती है हमसे लाड़ करती है, हमारी गलती पर डाँटती है, हमारे लिये खरीदारी करती है तब बहन जैसी होती है।
जब हमसे नयी नयी फरमाईश करती है, नखरे करती है, रूठती है , अपनी बात मनवाने की जिद करती है तब बेटी जैसी होती है।
जब हमसे सलाह करती है मशवरा देती है ,परिवार चलाने के लिये नसीहतें देती है, झगडे करती है तब एक दोस्त जैसी होती है।
जब वह सारे घर का लेन देन , खरीददारी , घर चलाने की जिम्मेदारी उठाती है तो एक मालकिन जैसी होती है।
और जब वही सारी दुनिया को यहाँ तक कि अपने बच्चो को भी छोडकर हमारे बाहों मे आती है तब वह पत्नी, प्रेमिका, अर्धांगिनी , हमारी प्राण और आत्मा होती है जो अपना सब कुछ सिर्फ हमपर न्योछावर करती है।"
मैं उसकी इज्जत करता हूँ तो क्या गलत करता हूँ साहब ।"
मैं उसकी बात सुनकर अकवका रह गया।।
एक अनपढ़ और सीमित साधनो मे जीवन निर्वाह करनेवाले से जीवन का यह मुझे एक नया अनुभव हुआ ।
✅ बात अच्छी लगे तो शेयर करें।
Wednesday, 4 July 2018
तेरा श्राप : मेरा पश्चाताप
रोज़ पश्चाताप,
वही पुरानी गलती
गलती ना दोहराने का प्रण
और प्रण पूरा ना कर पाने का अफ़सोस,
यह कहानी ना जाने कितनों की
“पश्चाताप” पर
पश्चाताप कर ‘पश्चाताप’ करने की
अनगिनत किस्सों पर आँसू बहाने की
और वापिस हर दिन उसे दोहराने की
लेकिन गुमराह मानस
वापिस एक नवीन “पश्चाताप” गढ़ता है,
अपने कल में मर कर, आज खोता है
बेवजह पश्चाताप कर
एक नए पश्चाताप को जन्म देता है,
‘आज’ को अंकुरित नहीं होने देता
और फूल ना मिलने का बहाना कर
फिर पश्चाताप,
‘पश्चाताप’ पर पश्चाताप..
Tuesday, 3 July 2018
The Endless Possibilities of Artificial Intelligence by Kranti Gaurav
As the cleverest chimpanzees in the animal kingdom, mankind has used tools since prehistoric times to suit his various needs.
And like mankind itself, the tools have evolved from being simple spears to complicated coffee machines that no one seems to know how to use.
Machines, in fact, as so ubiquitous in modernity that it is difficult to image life without them.
For a significant amount of time, machines were used to assist jobs, which were deemed too difficult to accomplish by humans in a fashion somewhat akin to extension of the human body; only stronger, faster or bigger depending on what to be done.
Along with the phenomenal increase in computing power, a whole new branch of science took shape. Called, rather dully, computer science, it focused upon algorithms i.e. the series of steps a computer must follow to solve a given problem, and algorithmic efficiency.
Over time algorithms have been written to solve a myriad of problems, play chess, fly airplanes and play movies. Today’s algorithms are so efficient that they can mimic intelligence, a sort of artificial intelligence.
What is intelligence?
Intelligence has been defined through various statements.
It states one's capacity for logic, understanding, self-awareness, learning, emotional knowledge, planning, creativity and, problem solving.
Intelligence is the ability to find solutions to problems. For instance, if someone is trapped inside a cage (problem) and breaks free from it (solution), he or she has demonstrated a certain degree of intelligence.
What is learning?
Intelligence has been commonly misinterpreted to be ‘learning.’ Intelligence and learning are poles apart.
Intelligence is the ability to solve problems, while learning is applying already inherited knowledge to a particular situation. For example, if a student learns about the human body in his or her Biology class and is asked about the structure of the heart in the exam paper, he or she will pen down the structure just how he or she ‘learnt’ it. There is no problem solving involved in this process.
One is never taught how to learn. S/he learns the particular topic, but is never taught how to learn it (manner).
What is Artificial Intelligence?
Machines can also acquire intelligence, if they are taught to do so. It is commonly implemented to them using a program software.
In computer science, artificial intelligence is described as 'the study of intelligent agents,' which means that machines are able to perceive their surroundings and are able to maximise their chance of success at a particular goal. This means that if machines become intelligent, they are likely to find solutions to problems like all other living beings.
Hence, if intelligence in humans is denoted as ‘natural intelligence’, then intelligence in machines can be denoted as ‘artificial intelligence.’
Impact of AI
What if AI becomes sapient?
Artificial Intelligence can have many impacts on human life.
Till now, a machine is just following a set of codes that it is being given by its instructor. It learns the code and knows how to find a solution to a particular problem.
However, what if it becomes aware of its existence?
Humans are very well aware of their existence. For instance, if a murderer with a knife in his hand comes chasing after a person, he will run away from him and try everything in his capacity to stop him from committing this deadly action. This is because he is aware of his existence and the prime purpose for him is to do anything to be alive (sapient).
This is why humans adapt to different environments.
Machines, however, are not aware of their existence, as of yet. If one punches a robot, the robot will not punch him back, unless it is instructed to do so by its commander.
If the ‘on’ button is pressed, then the robot will function, and if the ‘off’ button is pressed, then the robot will not function; it will be ‘dead’ for some time, until it springs to ‘life’ again. If the robot is aware of its existence, then it will do anything and everything to save itself from becoming momentarily ‘dead.’
This is when AI can become extremely powerful.
What if AI develops the sense of intuition?
In general, what we have learnt till now regarding human senses is that we have five, which include sense of touch, smell, sight, taste and hearing.
However, there is actually a sixth sense, which humans tend to forget many times. This is the sense of intuition.
Intuition is something that a human feels, understands or considers through instinctive feeling rather than conscious reasoning. For example, if one is watching a horror movie late at night and suddenly a ghost appears on the screen, he is guaranteed to be petrified.
Why does he feel scared? His sense of sight and hearing was fine; there was no difference to it. Yet, he felt horrified due to his sixth sense of intuition.
In the present situation, AI machines have all the five basic senses, but they lack the sense of intuition.
Scientists do not have methods to ‘input’ this sense into those machines yet; however when they will be able to do so, then problems might arise.
If intuition is installed in them, then they will no longer be just ‘machines’, they will become ‘humans.’
What if AI forms an opinion of its own?
Just as children go to school, learn various topics and then create their own opinion on certain matters, similarly, AI machines will ‘learn’ from their human tutors and will then form their own opinion.
Just as we rebel or fight against opinions that do not match ours or satisfy us, in the same manner AI machines might, as well.
They will think on their own and if they are head-strong on a particular matter, there is no stopping them.
What if AI demands rights?
If AI comes into being, these questions will pop in everyone's mind, 'How should we treat AI machines? Should they be accepted as an integral part of society?'
If AI knows it's alive, then it also becomes a living, breathing human like all of us and what we share in common is life and survival again.
Despite the fact that it might benefit society in medical procedures and much more, when it comes to dangerous situation in which is either has to save humans or itself, it will definitely choose itself.
It will consider personal gain over human gain and this is when it will crunch us.
If AI is like another human, then should it be imposed by the laws of a particular nation? Will it also have to follow society’s rules and regulations?
What is the morality argument?
Despite all the aforementioned future possibilities, there is always a flip side to AI.
If we take today’s example, we know that most of us are law bound and are rightful citizens. Yet, there might be a bad apple.
But there is a possibility that the rest of AI machines might actually shake hands with humans and help us to prosper.
Even Hitler was defeated when all the nations joined hands to uproot his existence. The morality of AI, hence, cannot be determined as of yet and no particular judgements of AI and its future with us can be determined.
There might be one Hitler, but what if the rest turn out to be like Martin Luther King?
Where do we go from here?
The future holds indefinite possibilities for us to explore.
AI is already used today in several small tasks, but what if it is used in the future to change the world completely?
Today, the gadgets we use are mere tools to us. If we want to heat our food, a microwave is just a tool to help us carry that task out efficiently.
If we are feeling hot, then we use an air conditioner to cool the room.
What if we integrate with AI?
What if AI becomes a part of us and we become a part of AI?
This can be very beneficial.
We can possibly think of something and place our hand on the computer and the computer can type our thoughts down.
In emergency cases, for the doctor to know our blood type or know our allergies, a barcode inscribed on our palm can tell him or her that.
We could probably even click pictures with just the blink of an eye and store them in our memory. Just through a chip insertion or some mechanism like that, we could do wonders with AI.
It is important to have these debates because the answers are not going to be easy.
AI, unlike other technologies, could very well be the stairway to the gardens of Eden. And equally the stairway to hell.
Thank you so much Guys 👍
Stay Fit, Take Care & Keep Smiling 😊
God Bless !!
Kranti Gaurav
XLRI Jamshedpur
Sunday, 1 July 2018
कितना शोर, कितनी आवाज़ें हैं यहाँ...
कितना शोर
कितनी आवाज़ें हैं यहाँ,
कान होकर भी
जो कभी सुनाई नहीं देतीं,
अजीब इत्तेफ़ाक़ है
या कहो विडम्बना है,
जब कभी की
खुद को शांत करने की कोशिश
मन को, माया को
क्रोध को, सभी को
बंद करने की कोशिश,
तभी ये आवाज़ें
अचानक ही कानों में
जमघट लगा देती हैं
बोध कराती हैं
आँख है, लेकिन खुली नहीं,
मानव है, लेकिन मानवता नहीं..
न जाने कैसा संयोग है,
कलम है लेकिन कविता नहीं..