Tuesday, 31 March 2020

कोरोना पर कविता : मुझसे डरो ना...Corona

कल रात मेरे सपने में आया कोरोना....
उसे देख जो मैं डरा, तो वो मुस्कुरा के बोला
मुझसे डरो ना... 
उसने कहा- कितनी अच्छी है तुम्हारी संस्कृति। 
न चूमते, न गले लगाते..
दोनों हाथ जोड़ कर, वो स्वागत करते, वही करो ना
मुझसे डरो ना...
कहां से सीखा तुमने ?? रूम स्प्रे ,बॉडी स्प्रे
पहले तो तुम धूप, दीप कपूर, अगरबत्ती, लोभान जलाते 
वही करो ना,
मुझसे डरो ना...
शुरू से तुम्हें सिखाया गया..
अच्छे से हाथ पैर धोकर घर में घुसो, 
मत भूलो अपनी संस्कृति, वही करो ना 
मुझसे डरो ना... 
उसने कहा सादा भोजन उच्च विचार 
यही तो है तुम्हारे संस्कार।
उन्हें छोड़ जंक फूड फ़ास्ट फूड के चक्कर में पड़ो ना 
मुझसे डरो ना... 
उसने कहा शुरू से ही जानवरों को पाला-पोसा, प्यार दिया 
रक्षण की है तुम्हारी संस्कृति, उनका भक्षण करो ना 
मुझसे डरो ना...
कल रात मेरे सपने में आया कोरोना 
बोला मुझसे डरो ना...

Monday, 30 March 2020

How to manage difficult conversations at workplace?

What is a difficult conversation?

A difficult conversation is any situation where the needs/wants, opinions or perceptions of the involved parties are diverse, with their feelings and emotions running strong. Usually the reason behind such strong feelings and emotions is that they have a lot at stake and they dread the consequences such as a conflict. Difficult conversations — whether you’re telling a client the project is delayed or presiding over an unenthusiastic performance review — are an inevitable part of management. How should you prepare for this kind of discussion? How do you find the right words in the moment? And, how can you manage the exchange so that it goes as smoothly as possible?

Sometimes we face uncomfortable situations. For example, give or receive negative feedback, deal with a hostile colleague or customer, handle a bitter complaint, raise performance issues, or even ask the boss for a raise. Sharp differences of opinions may be unnerving, and make us feel fearful, anxious or angry. While the stakes may be high, issues may be complex, so we feel unsure and avoid these conversations. Negative feelings may be bottled up, but may erupt like a volcano at the wrong time and precipitate a major crisis. As a leader, it is important for you to learn to effectively deal with difficult conversations. Despite differing opinions, and strong emotions, how do you communicate in a manner that does not leave the listeners feeling defensive and angry? 

Let's work with a concrete example. Gayatri, a senior programmer, had joined the company two years earlier. She had received the performance rating of adequate in her first year. It was just an average rating. As a newcomer, she had spent the initial period learning the ropes and so she accepted her performance rating. In the second year, she made significant efforts, two key initiatives, and felt that she had made solid contributions to the team's success. But to her utter surprise and disappointment, she was again given the performance rating of adequate in her second year. A co-worker who did not do as much as she did receive a superior rating of good. Gayatri felt really disheartened. She wanted to talk to her manager but had nagging questions. 

Will she be able to constructively resolve the issue? 
Will her bitterness affect her performance? 
By raising the issue, will she antagonize her boss? 

Let us deal with Gayatri's dilemma using the Harvard framework. The framework is built around four key insights. 

First insight, in every difficult conversation, there are actually three conversations going on. The first one is the content conversation. It deals with what happened. For example, the intents of people involved or who is responsible. The second conversation is the feelings conversation. This deals with what emotions are involved. And the third conversation is the identity conversation. This concerns the issue of what does this say about me. The mistake that we make is that we tend to deal only with the content but don't recognize how this is affecting both the parties emotionally and fail to identify what is at stake for individuals about their own self-image. 

Second insight, often we get caught up with the battle of messages. We try to prove that we are right and they are wrong. For effectiveness in dealing with difficult conversations, we must move from the battle of messages to learning conversation. Learning conversation is characterized by curiosity. It is not that Gayatri has to give up her point of view but she has to try to understand the boss's perspective for the satisfactory resolution of the issue. 

Third insight, impact is not intention. Gayatri felt hurt by the boss's rating but it does not automatically imply that the boss intended to hurt Gayatri. It is quite possible that there were other compulsions that drove the boss to give the adequate rating, which Gayatri is not aware of at the moment. 

Fourth and final insight. Often, it is not content or emotions, but the issue of identity that is the most hidden and left unsaid, but the most dominant. Gayatri may be most bothered, whether she's seen as a competent, effective performer, and liked as a member of the team. We tend to look at issues in black and white terms. Gayatri may feel incompetent, disliked and not a part of the in group of favored members of the team. That makes difficult conversations really challenging. 

What specific steps should Gayatri take? 

Step one is to prepare by walking through the three conversations. Gayatri should avoid the battle of messages and get into a learning frame. She has to understand how the situation may have unfolded, address feelings without blaming and get into a problem solving mode. She has to think through with the following illustrative questions. 

What is my perspective? 
What elements am I missing? 
What do I think has been the impact of my work?
My guess about how I or boss may have contributed to the present rating? 
What do I think is the boss's perspective? 
What is my guess about the boss's intention? 
Is it possible that the boss has acted unintentionally or from multiple and conflicting intentions?
At the feelings level, what feelings underline my judgments? 
What might the boss feel? 
And at the identity level, how does the situation affect my self-image and identity? 

Step two is to raise issues as a learning conversation. To avoid the battle of messages, and foster a learning conversation, Gayatri has to carefully set the stage in terms of time and place for the interaction. In an amicable tone, Gayatri may ask for one-on-one meeting. 

Step three involves starting from the objective third story. The issue is raised in an impartial manner, just as a third person would. The third story is the most objective and unbiased, and helps informing a common ground for Gayatri and her boss to work together as partners in jointly sorting out the situation. 

Step four involves exploring their story and yours. Gayatri should describe the behavior or situation concretely, and specifically without blaming or negative judgement. She may also describe the impact of the behavior or situation on her and the reasons for the impact. It would usually include feelings. In sharing her perspective, Gayatri will discuss specific tasks or projects that she had taken on during her tenure in that position with a clear focus of performance in the previous 12 months. Then Gayatri may ask open questions, such as what's your perspective on this? And actively listens.
Step five involves problem solving. For effective problem solving, it is important to have a mindset of learning and problem solving. This requires openness, curiosity, a non-judgemental and caring mindset. Gayatri will acknowledge the boss's views by paraphrasing the message to make sure she has clearly understood it. She will acknowledge feelings, ask open questions, check interpretations, expand the story to include other's comments, probe for and reinforce counter examples, reframe complaints as desire for improvement and arrive at a concrete plan of action. 

As the author, Douglas Stone writes, difficult conversations are almost never about getting the facts right. They are about conflicting perceptions Interpretations, and values.

Principles to Remember while having unfavourable conversation

1. Take regular breaks during the day; the more calm and centered you are, the better you are at handling tough conversations when they arise.
2. Slow down the pace of the conversation — it helps you find the right words and it signals to your counterpart that you’re listening.
3. Find ways to be constructive by suggesting other solutions or alternatives.


1. Label the news you need to deliver as a “difficult conversation” in your mind; instead frame the discussion in a positive or neutral light.
2. Bother writing a script for how you want the discussion to go; jot down notes if it helps, but be open and flexible.
3. Ignore the other person’s point of view — ask your counterpart how he sees the problem and then look for overlaps between your perspectives.

Thank you so much Guys.

Stay Fit, Take Care & Keep Smiling

God Bless !!

Thursday, 26 March 2020

What Ego demands & does to you?

What Ego demands & does to you?

The ego is the mind’s identity of our own construction, an identity which is false. We are more than just the mind. If we take all the beliefs of what we are – beliefs about our personality, talents, and abilities – we have the structure of our ego. These talents, abilities and aspects of our personality will be attributes of our skills, but the mental construct of our “self” is artificial. And while this description might make the ego seem like a static thing, it is not. Rather, it is an active and dynamic part of our personalities, playing an immense role in creating emotional drama in our lives.

I know in the initial stages, when I used to teach, the results we used to produce. It's not that it didn't get into the head. It did. There was a period I used to walk around, thinking that I was doing great things in life. One story and one incident changed my life. Even before we go into human engineering, I would love, if this story and this incident can also transform your life.

It seems, a crow was flying holding a piece of meat between its beak. And very soon, it saw many other birds were chasing the crow. The further and further it kept flying, more and more birds were chasing, till it eventually occurred to the crow, "They are all not chasing me. They are chasing the piece of meat I am holding between my beak."

It opened and dropped that piece of meat, and as that piece of meat was falling, all the other birds went after that falling piece of meat. Alone in the sky, it seems the crow remarked, "In dropping that piece of meat, I gained the freedom of the skies. The entire sky became mine." And that piece of meat in our life, is our ego. We think the world is against us.

We think the world is nasty with us, we think the world is hurting us.

But it is actually the ego which is going through all these things. I'm not giving you a very sophisticated philosophy. I'm just sharing with you a very simple understanding.

When ego comes, everything else, including your peace of mind, goes. When ego comes, everything else goes, when ego goes, everything else comes. The freedom with which you can live your life, because as long as your ego involved with the world, you have to live your life as if your own shadow is chasing you! You live in this eternal need to prove yourself to the world, which you don't have to!

You're accountable to your creator, not to every next stranger you cross in life. You're accountable to your conscience. You're accountable to truth. You're accountable to the magnificence with which you have been created as a human being. But we live our life in this eternal need to prove ourselves to every individual, not realizing, if you expect everybody to be happy with you, you can never be at peace with yourself, because it's impractical that everybody can be happy with you.

And yet, your ego puts this demand on you!

So, all I request is, before you realize, drop all your labels, drop all your ego identities & live a cheerful life.

Thank you so much Guys.

Stay Fit, Take Care & Keep Smiling.

God Bless !!

Ten Lessons from Sholay in times of Covid-19

As a Marketing Strategist deeply in love with Bollywood, Pop Culture is my saviour during trying times. Behind the evergreen dialogues of Sholay we can uncover the effective solutions that can help us defeat the dreaded villain CORONA SINGH! The premise came from a friend's share on social media but I had fun developing it further.

1. Jo Darr Gaya Samjho Marr Gaya.

KEEP CALM AND BE COOL. Do not succumb to fear in the face of uncertainty and unpredictability. Do not panic. These are testing times. Face the pandemic bravely. Every cough is not Corona. Do not die of a heart attack or suffer from depression or anxiety attacks even before Corona gets you.

2. Kitne Aadmi The?

MAINTAIN SOCIAL DISTANCING. Always be aware of how many people are going to be at a certain place. Do not go to crowded places. Do not gather as if you will miss watching something if you do not go out. You will miss nothing. Remember this is CORONA, not KAREENA.

3. Itna Sannata Kyun Hai Bhai?

MAKE THE LOCKDOWN MATTER. Do not ask this question unless you are living under a rock. This is not the time to show your Left-Liberal side. You should support Janta Curfew & should be ready for more of these sannatas in the coming days.

4. Kya Samajhkar Aaye The… Sardar Khush Hoga… Sabashi Dega!

DON'T SAY WTF to WFH. Do not think your going to the office at this time would be applauded (unless of course you work at a hospital). Your boss would not be happy if he or she comes to know that you have gone to the office especially when you have been told to Work-From-Home. Confine yourself and SIT AT HOME.

5. Basanti, Inn Kutto Ke Samne Mat Nachna.

FLATTEN THE CURVE. Do not go out dancing. Do not even throw dance parties at home. If you must dance… dance alone...but never with or in front of anyone. Better still, do some exercises to flatten the curve on your stomach. Yoga anyone?

6. Yeh Ramgarh Wale Apni Betiyon Ko Kaunsi Chakki Ka Aata Khilate Hain Re?

STAY CONNECTED. It is very important to know which chakki’s & grocery stores are open in the neighborhood during a lockdown. Do not hoard things but do know where all things will be available when you need them.

7. Yeh Haath Humko DeDe Thakur

FREQUENTLY APPLY A HAND SANITISER OR SOAP. Its extremely important to keep your hands germ-free.Meticulous hand washing is your best bet to get rid of the grime that clings to the hand, that might harbour nasty pathogens, including the coronavirus. Clean hands are also going to protect you from other infectious diseases, too, like the flu.Take your time to clean your hands. Else it can worsen to : Yeh Haath Nahin, Phansi Ka Phanda Hai!

8. Ab Tera Kya Hoga Kaliya!

STAY SAFE but LEAVE LUCK TO HEAVEN. And if you are still unlucky after all this & get hit by the virus bullet you can only wonder. Don't offer excuses. There’s no antidote. If you reach this stage stop following SHOLAY & declare yourself in front of the doctors and medical experts. Because when they say, Ab goli kha, they really mean it!

9. Yunki, Yeh Kaun Bola?

DON'T GO BY HERESAY! Verify your sources and go by authentic information before taking any hasty decision. Avoid unregulated online news sources and rely on depoliticized ones. Under stress, people are unlikely to rethink the filters through which they see reality.

10. Holi Kab Hai..Kab Hai Holi ?

HAPPY DAYS WILL BE HERE AGAIN. Don't worry, this crisis too shall pass. Be patient. Corona will be eliminated and all outdoors will open up. After some time, life will be back to normal. Will it be business as unusual? Will it create a dramatic change in attitudes, habits, behaviours and skill sets?

We shall see. Till then, 🙏 Be Indoors. Be Safe 🙏

Sunday, 15 March 2020

Power of Marketing on LinkedIn

Generate leads, drive website traffic, and build brand awareness. Marketing on LinkedIn helps you engage a community of professionals to drive actions that are relevant to your business. Discover how LinkedIn marketing can help you find new customers, make new business connections and grow your brand. For B2B social networking, LinkedIn is where the action is! Learn how to harness LinkedIn's marketing power and generate leads. LinkedIn is the best place to win leads. And 64% of corporate website visits originate on LinkedIn.

Yes, it's quick and easy way to reconnect with co-workers and old colleagues on this social network & also a powerful tool for lead generation & market research. 
With over 65 million users, LinkedIn is a social network geared toward career professionals. It's a platform for promoting your business, finding a job or freelance work, and connecting with joint venture partners.

If you have a business that caters to other businesses (B2B) or have a business in which networking for partners or clients is important, you should have a profile on LinkedIn. If you're not there or haven't maximized all the features of LinkedIn, this guide can help. Like other forms of internet marketing, marketing a business on LinkedIn is an inexpensive way to gain exposure.
Getting Started on LinkedIn
LinkedIn isn't centered on posting clever memes or what you had for breakfast. As a business owner, it's a space to interact with aspiring professionals and potential partners, to build your client base, and to accumulate referrals.
1. Learn more about how LinkedIn works.
2. Create a LinkedIn login, if you're not already a member.
3. Create a LinkedIn profile that focuses on how your business can help other members. Your goal is to avoid a boring ho-hum profile, and instead to create a profile that attracts people to you.
Consider creating a LinkedIn company page for your business. You'll have the opportunity to set up a business page as you complete the resume section of your personal LinkedIn profile. Your company page will be automatically linked to the resume in your profile.
With these LinkedIn basics in place, you can get started on marketing yourself and your business to other LinkedIn members.

Passive LinkedIn Marketing

Setting up a successful LinkedIn profile requires building connections and keeping your account updated to reassure potential clients, customers, and partners that you're easy to contact and reference. The passive approach of simply maintaining your profile can lead to the following opportunities:
1. Exposure to people hunting for products or services. LinkedIn's search features allow others who are looking for what you offer to find your profile and browse your offerings.
2. Introductions to potential clients. You can view your friends' and colleagues' references and connections while researching and messaging potential clients.
3. Display recommendations from others on LinkedIn. As part of your public profile, you can showcase testimonials for you and your business. These recommendations of your work ethic, product, or service can provide credibility that encourages people to do business with you.
Proactive LinkedIn Marketing
To proactively harness the power of LinkedIn, you can promote your business in the following ways: 
1. Post regular status updates. Write about what you're working on and who you're working for. Include updates that would be of interest to your target customers and clients. Focus on how you help others achieve their goals. 
2. Participate in groups. Join LinkedIn groups related to your business and your interests. Discussion participation can help establish you as an expert in your field. Don't spam or always talk about yourself. Instead, answer questions and be a resource that people can trust. 
3. Connect with those in your network and other group members. By sending personalized messages, you can connect with professionals that have similar interests or that can help you along your business journey.
4. Try LinkedIn advertising. Paid advertising on LinkedIn is an option for getting your business in front of potential clients quickly.
5. Upgrade to a paid LinkedIn membership. There are several tiers to choose from that can unlock additional contact options and other perks that may be a good fit for what you're trying to accomplish with your business. LinkedIn offers a free trial of their paid features so you can test before committing.
Adding LinkedIn to Your Marketing Strategy
Adding LinkedIn to your marketing strategy can help you expand your network, find customers, and cultivate a professional reputation for your business. Consider adding a LinkedIn badge to your website or blog, so visitors can easily find your profile and connect with you.

Spend at least 30 minutes a day on LinkedIn and choose your focus.

For example, expanding your network tried to connect with the big bosses and decision maker in your sales process, promoting your business, contributing in discussions or even publishing your own content around your passion and expertise.

Get comfortable with what you hope to accomplish by using LinkedIn. Try to find the common network ground between you and your prospect.

Try to research if there is someone you know from LinkedIn or there is any common ground.

Learn as much as you can before your initial conversation. Review your prospect's website, LinkedIn/social media profiles. Read industry trends. Study buyer personas.

Also, make sure to reflect on similar customers. Some questions to consider include:

· What were their goals/objectives?

· What issues/challenges were they facing?

· What gaps existed between where they were today versus where they wanted to be?

· What was their “buying journey”? Who was involved? What justifications were necessary?

· How has your product/service helped them achieve their objectives? What results have they realized?

Before you spend any money on premium accounts or paid marketing or other paid aspects of social network when dealing with LinkedIn, there is more than a way to deal with LinkedIn and for your business needs or for market research or even for your personal branding.

But all you need is only 30 minutes to do networking on LinkedIn.

Thank you so much Guys.

Stay Fit, Take Care & Keep Smiling.

God Bless !!

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Try to fall & stay in love with yourself

Practicing self-love and self-care can seem extravagant—especially when we feel like our jobs are beating us down or we’re not doing enough for the kids or our houses are a mess. You need to know that you’re enough. You are complete with or without a partner. You are enough just as you are.

Instead of allowing the world to dictate how we feel about ourselves, focusing on self-care, positive encouragement, and self-love can help increase our self-esteem and self-confidence. So what does self-care mean exactly? It can be different things to different people. For you, it could be surrounding yourself with anti-anxiety remedies like lavender and practicing mindfulness. Perhaps it's making sure you have time to exercise. Obviously, eating right will make you feel better.

The juice that comes out of a fruit depends on the fruit. What's within you will come out when life squeezes you which means that internal having is as important as external having and two essential changes that has to come to that internal having is one you got to love yourself. You will not be able to celebrate any relationship in life. You will not be able to cherish any relationship in life. You will not be able to enjoy any relationship in life unless you begin to love yourself. Do not define yourself by how you look, color of your skin, your height, your weight, your size, your length of hair, sharpness of nose, color of your eyes. This is not you that is just the surface of you. You are far more than that, you are much more than that once you start doing something worthwhile in life to nobody in the world it matters how you look. Have you ever thought about whether Mother Teresa is beautiful or not. Each one of you would say she is beautiful based on her physical looks. It doesn't matter to you how she looks. Your grandmother is beautiful, I don't think I've ever heard from anybody in the world till today my grandmother is not beautiful. Now, is it based on looks your grandmother is beautiful because she is a beautiful person not based on how she looks even today. Don't you admire when your grandfather speaks to you without all that a few people. Don't you enjoy why his looks do not matter to you then why at teenage, twenty-one and twenty-two or even 50 years of age, you define yourself by your looks. It's a fading phenomena. You look like a princess one day and lolled turn gray another day. You will have a flawless skin one day and it will all turn into wrinkles another day you can have a complexion which radiates through your skin one day and another day it is gone. It is not how the bottle looks from outside its how the bottle looks from inside that really matters just because all the perfume bottle looks very sexy can you drink what is inside it you cannot know and just make us your what is that bottles you buy we're used store water, Tupperware now doesn't matter how it looks because it's clean inside you will still drink the contents the bottle has to be clean from inside and one of the ways by which the bottle has to be clean from inside us you got to start loving yourself and two you got to be happy with yourself rather than thinking you can make everybody happy in the world and rather than thinking that everybody can be happy in the world. At least, try on one thing be happy with yourself and contribute one more happy person to this world and remove one more happy person in the world and once you become happy with yourself in your presence lot more people will be happy than nothing and because you are a happy person lot more people will be happy with you than they are right now. Self love and self happiness is the first step in the journey of life. Am I happy with myself? Am I able to love myself?These are few steps in the journey of life. Learn to love yourself. Be happy with yourself and see that the world will be enjoying you lot more than it is doing right now and you will be able to enjoy yourself a lot more then you're doing it right now.

You have to love yourself before you can ever truly love anyone else, If you don’t love yourself how can you expect others to love you? If you don’t love yourself, you might accept a type of love that is less than what you deserve. At times it can feel like it’s easier to love others than it is to love ourselves. We can give amazing advice to other people about how they can develop their own self-esteem, but when that conversation is over we can still struggle with loving ourselves. We can give great advice to others and talk to them in such a thoughtful and empowering way, but then when we talk to ourselves; we’re not thoughtful, we’re hurtful. And, instead of encouraging ourselves, we’re blaming ourselves for our past. We’ve all been there, laying in bed in the middle of the night beating ourselves up. But the good news is, we can change how we think about and talk to ourselves. You can feel good about yourself.

One of the most important lessons we can learn in life is to love ourselves because how we treat our self, will directly impact how we treat others. Our confidence will come from self love. Our compassion and empathy will come from our ability to forgive and see the best in our on self. Reading about self love can become mantras and change the way you speak to yourself. Loving yourself is not a selfish act, but it’s a fundamental skill to generate the strength needed to love others.

Thank you so much Guys. Stay Fit, Take Care & Keep Smiling. God Bless !!

Kranti Gaurav

Sunday, 8 March 2020

अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय महिला दिवस की अनन्त शुभकामनाएं

स्त्री यदि बहन है 
तो प्यार का दर्पण है ||
स्त्री यदि पत्नी है 
तो खुद का समर्पण है ||
स्त्री अगर भाभी है
तो भावना का भंडार है ||
मामी मौसी बुआ है 
तो स्नेह का सत्कार है ||
स्त्री यदि काकी है 
तो कर्तव्य की साधना है||
स्त्री अगर साथी है 
तो सुख की शतत संभावना है ||

और अंतिम पंक्ति......

स्त्री यदि "माँ" है
तो साक्षात "परमात्मा" है।।।

अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय महिला दिवस की अनन्त शुभकामनाएं