Wednesday, 17 October 2018
Thursday, 4 October 2018
जरा सोचो
ऑफिस से निकल कर शर्माजी ने
स्कूटर स्टार्ट किया ही था कि उन्हें याद आया,
पत्नी ने कहा था 1 दर्ज़न केले लेते आना।
तभी उन्हें सड़क किनारे बड़े और ताज़ा केले बेचते हुए
एक बीमार सी दिखने वाली बुढ़िया दिख गयी।
वैसे तो वह फल हमेशा "राम आसरे फ्रूट भण्डार" से
ही लेते थे,
पर आज उन्हें लगा कि क्यों न
बुढ़िया से ही खरीद लूँ ?
उन्होंने बुढ़िया से पूछा, "माई, केले कैसे दिए"
बुढ़िया बोली, बाबूजी 20 रूपये दर्जन,
शर्माजी बोले, माई 15 रूपये दूंगा।
बुढ़िया ने कहा, 18 रूपये दे देना,
दो पैसे मै भी कमा लूंगी।
शर्मा जी बोले, 15 रूपये लेने हैं तो बोल,
बुझे चेहरे से बुढ़िया ने,"न" मे गर्दन हिला दी।
शर्माजी बिना कुछ कहे चल पड़े
और राम आसरे फ्रूट भण्डार पर आकर
केले का भाव पूछा तो वह बोला 28 रूपये दर्जन हैं
बाबूजी, कितने दर्जन दूँ ?
शर्माजी बोले, 5 साल से फल तुमसे ही ले रहा हूँ,
ठीक भाव लगाओ।
तो उसने सामने लगे बोर्ड की ओर इशारा कर दिया।
बोर्ड पर लिखा था- "मोल भाव करने वाले माफ़ करें"
शर्माजी को उसका यह व्यवहार बहुत बुरा लगा,
उन्होंने कुछ सोचकर स्कूटर को वापस
ऑफिस की ओर मोड़ दिया।
सोचते सोचते वह बुढ़िया के पास पहुँच गए।
बुढ़िया ने उन्हें पहचान लिया और बोली,
"बाबूजी केले दे दूँ, पर भाव 18 रूपये से कम नही लगाउंगी।
शर्माजी ने मुस्कराकर कहा,
माई एक नही दो दर्जन दे दो और भाव की चिंता मत करो।
बुढ़िया का चेहरा ख़ुशी से दमकने लगा।
केले देते हुए बोली। बाबूजी मेरे पास थैली नही है ।
फिर बोली, एक टाइम था जब मेरा आदमी जिन्दा था
तो मेरी भी छोटी सी दुकान थी।
सब्ज़ी, फल सब बिकता था उस पर।
आदमी की बीमारी मे दुकान चली गयी,
आदमी भी नही रहा। अब खाने के भी लाले पड़े हैं।
किसी तरह पेट पाल रही हूँ। कोई औलाद भी नही है
जिसकी ओर मदद के लिए देखूं।
इतना कहते कहते बुढ़िया रुआंसी हो गयी,
और उसकी आंखों मे आंसू आ गए ।
शर्माजी ने 50 रूपये का नोट बुढ़िया को दिया तो
वो बोली "बाबूजी मेरे पास छुट्टे नही हैं।
शर्माजी बोले "माई चिंता मत करो, रख लो,
अब मै तुमसे ही फल खरीदूंगा,
और कल मै तुम्हें 500 रूपये दूंगा।
धीरे धीरे चुका देना और परसों से बेचने के लिए
मंडी से दूसरे फल भी ले आना।
बुढ़िया कुछ कह पाती उसके पहले ही
शर्माजी घर की ओर रवाना हो गए।
घर पहुंचकर उन्होंने पत्नी से कहा,
न जाने क्यों हम हमेशा मुश्किल से
पेट पालने वाले, थड़ी लगा कर सामान बेचने वालों से
मोल भाव करते हैं किन्तु बड़ी दुकानों पर
मुंह मांगे पैसे दे आते हैं।
शायद हमारी मानसिकता ही बिगड़ गयी है।
गुणवत्ता के स्थान पर हम चकाचौंध पर
अधिक ध्यान देने लगे हैं।
अगले दिन शर्माजी ने बुढ़िया को 500 रूपये देते हुए कहा,
"माई लौटाने की चिंता मत करना।
जो फल खरीदूंगा, उनकी कीमत से ही चुक जाएंगे।
जब शर्माजी ने ऑफिस मे ये किस्सा बताया तो
सबने बुढ़िया से ही फल खरीदना प्रारम्भ कर दिया।
तीन महीने बाद ऑफिस के लोगों ने स्टाफ क्लब की ओर से
बुढ़िया को एक हाथ ठेला भेंट कर दिया।
बुढ़िया अब बहुत खुश है।
उचित खान पान के कारण उसका स्वास्थ्य भी
पहले से बहुत अच्छा है ।
हर दिन शर्माजी और ऑफिस के
दूसरे लोगों को दुआ देती नही थकती।
शर्माजी के मन में भी अपनी बदली सोच और
एक असहाय निर्बल महिला की सहायता करने की संतुष्टि का भाव रहता है..!
जीवन मे किसी बेसहारा की मदद करके देखो यारों,
अपनी पूरी जिंदगी मे किये गए सभी कार्यों से
ज्यादा संतोष मिलेगा...!!
नोट: - यदि लेख अच्छा लगा हो तो जरुर शेयर करे.....
सोच को बदलो जिंदगी जीने का नजरिया बदल जायेगा।
त्यौहारों की खरीदारी ऐसी जगह से करें जो आपकी खरीदी की वजह से त्यौहार मना सके 🙏
Tuesday, 2 October 2018
A Short Lecture on Google Video Ads By Kranti Gaurav from XLRI
Video ads are shown only to the people you want and you only pay when they watch. In other words, you won’t waste money advertising to people who aren't interested in your business.
A preview of video ads.
Get your ad live.
Once you create a video, you just need to set up a YouTube account and upload it. Then you can use Google Ads to start your campaign on YouTube. Your video will appear before or next to related videos or in search results.
Choose where your ad will appear.
Whether you’re trying to reach sports fans, music lovers, or anyone else, you can choose your audience based on age, gender, location, interests, and more.
Decide how much you want to spend.
Set your budget and use YouTube’s Analytics tool to see what’s working.
In Google Ads, you can create compelling video campaigns with a range of video ad formats to engage customers in different ways on YouTube and across video partner sites. Available video ad formats include: TrueView in-stream ads, TrueView video discovery ads, and bumper ads.
While video ad content must be hosted on YouTube, video ads can appear on YouTube and on video partner sites and apps across the Google Display Network, including on tablets and mobile devices (depending on your format and settings).
This article describes the benefits of video ads and compares the different video ad formats available. Explore the formats in detail below. You can also learn more about our policies and requirements.
TrueView video ads
With TrueView ads, you don't pay for random impressions or maybe-they-saw-its. You’re only charged when viewers watch or interact with elements of your video. There are two types of TrueView ads: in-stream and video discovery.
It's a win-win: Viewers see videos they're curious about, and you get more views from an audience you know is interested. Because you choose what you want to pay for a view, you get the right audience at the right price. Unlike cost-per-impression (CPM) pricing, you won't need to pay every time your ad is shown.
Freedom to customize: You can also run videos longer than 30 seconds, so you can experiment with different formats. You can try longer product demos, customer testimonials, or a how-to video demonstrating your product in action.
Broad reach: TrueView ads can appear on both YouTube and other publisher sites in the Display Ads for desktop computers and high-end mobile devices. Note that video content for TrueView ads must be hosted on YouTube.
TrueView in-stream ads:
When should I use them?
Use this format when you have video content you'd like to promote before other videos on YouTube and across the Display Network.
How does it work?
Your video ad plays before, during, or after other videos. After 5 seconds, the viewer has an option to skip the ad.
Where can the Display Network ads appear?
TrueView in-stream video ads can appear on YouTube watch pages, on videos on partner sites, and apps in the Display Network.
How will I be charged?
You pay when a viewer watches 30 seconds of your video (or the duration if it's shorter than 30 seconds) or interacts with your video, whichever comes first.
Which campaign goals allow in-stream ads?
Website traffic
Brand awareness and reach
Product and brand consideration (all)
Campaign created without a goal
TrueView video discovery ads:
This format is formerly known as “TrueView in-display ads.”
When should I use it?
Use this format to promote a video in places of discovery, including next to related YouTube videos, as part of a YouTube search result, or on the YouTube mobile homepage.
How does it work?
Your ad consists of a thumbnail image from your video with some text. While the exact size and appearance of the ad may vary depending on where it appears, video discovery ads always invite people to click to watch the video. The video then plays on the YouTube Watch page or on your channel page.
Where can the ads appear?
On YouTube search results
Alongside related YouTube videos
On the YouTube mobile homepage
How will I be charged?
You’ll be charged only when viewers choose to watch your ad by clicking the thumbnail.
Which campaign goals allow video discovery ads?
Product and brand consideration
Campaign created without a goal
Bumper ads
Bumper ads are a short video ad format designed to allow you to reach more customers and increase awareness about your brand.
When should I use them?
Use this format when you’d like to reach viewers broadly with a short, memorable message.
How does it work?
Your bumper video ad is 6 seconds or shorter and plays before, during, or after another video. Viewers do not have the option to skip the ad.
Where can the ads appear?
Bumper ads can appear on YouTube videos, or on videos on partner sites and apps on the Google Display Network.
How will I be charged?
You pay based on impressions. Bumper ads use CPM (cost-per-thousand impressions) bidding, so you pay each time your ad is shown 1,000 times.
Which campaign goals use bumper ads?
Brand awareness and reach
Campaign created without a goal
Outstream ads
Outstream ads are mobile-only (phones and tablet devices) video ads that play on partner websites and within apps.
When should I use them?
Outstream ads are a way of expanding the reach of your video ads on mobile, helping you reach more customers.
How does it work?
Outstream ads begin playing with the sound off. Users tap the ad to unmute. Advertisers are only charged when more than half of the ad screen space is shown for two seconds or more. The format is designed to increase your video reach at an efficient cost.
Where can the ads appear?
One video template can run across a variety of different mobile placements. For mobile web placements outstream ads appear in banners, while for mobile app placements they'll appear in banners, interstitials, in-feed, native, as well as in both portrait and fullscreen modes.
Outstream videos are mobile-only ads that appear on partner sites and apps on the Google Display Network. This ad format isn’t available on YouTube yet.
How will I be charged?
You’re charged for outstream ads based on viewable cost-per-thousand-impressions (vCPM), so you’ll only be charged when someone sees your video play for two seconds or more.
Which campaign goals use outstream ads?
Brand awareness and reach
Campaign created without a goal
Tip: Regardless of the video ad type you choose, it's recommended to add square and vertical videos to engage mobile customers.
Thank you so much Guys.
Stay Fit, Take Care & keep Smiling :-)
God Bless !!
Kranti Gaurav
XLRI Jamshedpur
Monday, 1 October 2018
Waze Local Advanced Solutions - Kranti Gaurav
Learn about Waze Ads solutions
Waze Ads offers three distinct advertising solutions based on your investment level and number of locations — Waze Local Starter, Waze Local Plus and Waze for Brands.
Waze Local Starter
Waze Local Starter is designed for local businesses with a minimum investment level of $60 USD/month. Waze Local Starter is designed for businesses in need of a more localised campaign. Their local campaigns offer the following:
Branded pins:
- Pins are your digital store signs on the map. They mark your business on the map and are visible to Wazers that are close by.
- When tapped, pins reveal more information about your business including a description, logo, opening hours and a phone number.
- Wazers can immediately drive to your business from the ad, or reach your website and phone number.
Promoted Search:
- A branded, highlighted search result displayed when Wazers search your business.
Waze Local Starter solution is sold on a bidding model, on a cost per thousand impressions basis. You set your maximum budget and are charged based on the number of monthly impressions.
Waze Local Plus
Our Local Plus solution is designed for regional chains, franchisees and multi-location businesses with a minimum investment level of $3,000 USD per month.
The Local Plus solution offers everything available to our Local Starter advertisers as well as Standard Takeover ads, an advanced dashboard, faster and personalised service, additional targeting options and additional payment options.
Standard Takeovers (also known as Zero Speed Takeovers):
These prominent banners display your logo and customized text to drivers while at full stop.
Takeovers appear when users are located within a certain radius from your business, prompting various calls to action, such as “Drive There” for navigation, “Download App,” “Save for Later,” “Save Coupon” and more.
You control the radius in which Takeovers are served to users, as well as their schedule and frequency.
Waze for Brands
Waze for Brands solution is designed for businesses with a minimum investment level of $15,000 USD per month. This solution is most suitable for enterprise level advertisers with a large regional or national footprint.
Waze Local Fundamentals - Kranti Gaurav
The Waze navigation app has been updated with support for taxis. Waze is the world's largest community-based traffic and navigation app. Join drivers in your area who share real-time traffic & road info to save time, gas money, and improve daily commuting for all.
Why Waze
Target drivers who are on the go near your business location with a meaningful local ad experience.
Track in real-time
Since Waze is a digital app, you will know exactly how many potential customers engaged with your ads.
Since Waze is a digital app, you will know exactly how many potential customers engaged with your ads.
Simple start
Create your ad in a few simple steps. Start with as little as $2/day. No commitment.
Create your ad in a few simple steps. Start with as little as $2/day. No commitment.
How It Works
Define your budget
Tell us how much you want to spend each month.
Tell us how much you want to spend each month.
Drivers see your ad
Drivers near your location can now see your ad and click on it to view more information.
Drivers near your location can now see your ad and click on it to view more information.
Ad Formats
Branded Pins
Like a store sign, pins inform and remind drivers that your business is on or near their route.
Like a store sign, pins inform and remind drivers that your business is on or near their route.
Promoted Search
Your locations will be promoted to the top of search results and include your brand logo.
Your locations will be promoted to the top of search results and include your brand logo.
Zero-Speed Takeover
The Zero-Speed Takeover is a digital billboard. It is shown when drivers are at a complete stop.
The Zero-Speed Takeover is a digital billboard. It is shown when drivers are at a complete stop.
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