Wednesday, 17 June 2020

परमवीर चक्र मिलना चाहिए सुशांत सिंह राजपूत को

मुंबई में सुशांत सिंह राजपूत ने अपने फ़्लैट में फाँसी लगा कर आत्महत्या कर ली. 

कर ली तो कर ली.

दोस्त लोग कह रहे हैं ...वो कई महीनों से डिप्रेशन से पीड़ित थे. दोस्त लोग कह रहे हैं .. तो सही होगा.

सिर्फ चौंतीस साल की उम्र में अच्छी शिक्षा, अच्छा खान-पान, मौज-मस्ती, मुंबई की चमक-धमक वाला जीवन, गर्लफ्रैंड, पैसा, स्टारडम, जो चाहे वो पाए.

उसके बाद एक संघर्ष शुरू हुआ और फिर तुरंत आत्महत्या क्योंकि यही सबसे आसान है.

जी लिए ... जितना जीना था, और चले गए.

एक झटके में सब कुछ छोड़ कर. 
कई सपनों को तोड़कर.
कई उम्मीदों को ठोकर मारकर.
जी हाँ  .... सब कुछ ख़त्म कर दिया

सुशांत ने कुछ भी नहीं छोड़ा.

लेकिन ऐसा नहीं है. अभी कुछ बचा है.

आइये ..!! पटना चलते हैं, जहाँ उनके पिता जी रहते हैं.
जिन्होंने जीवन भर संघर्ष किया जीने के लिए, परिवार के लिए बच्चों के लिए. बच्चों के सपनों के लिए, अपने स्वाभिमान के लिए, अपने गर्व के लिए, लेकिन ....
कभी आत्महत्या करने को नहीं सोची.

उन्होंने अपने बेटे को खूब अच्छे से पाला-पोसा ~ बढ़िया शिक्षा दी, इंजीयरिंग कराया, लेकिन नौकरी के लिए बाध्य नहीं किया. बेटे को हीरो बनना था, साथ खड़े हो गए.

क्योंकि सुशांत से बड़े उनके पिता के सपने थे.
जीवन भर साथ निभाने का वादा करके आयी पत्नी ने भी साथ छोड़ दिया. उस बूढ़े बाप ने धीरे-धीरे अपनी बेटियों की शादी कर दी. एक बेटी ने भी साथ छोड़ दिया, लेकिन वो टूटा नहीं ,संघर्ष करता रहा. अपने संघर्षों के बावजूद, वो जी रहा है.

बीवी साथ नहीं थी, लेकिन वो जी रहा है. एक बेटी ने साथ छोड़ दिया, लेकिन वो जी रहा है, क्योंकि उसकी आँखों में एक सपना था। बेटे को कामयाब होते देखने का सपना.

संघर्षों से सदा लड़ा वो बाप, उसे पैसे की चाह नहीं थी.  उसका धन उसका बेटा था.
उसका सपना उसका बेटा था.
उसका गर्व उसका बेटा था.
उसका स्वाभिमान उसका बेटा था.
उसका मनोबल उसका बेटा था.
उसके लिए जीने का मतलब ही उसका बेटा था. 

आज बेटे ने ही जीवन से हार मान ली, और ये भी नहीं सोचा उसने, उन एक जोड़ी बूढ़ी आँखों का क्या होगा ?
जिसने बेटे के सपनों के लिए अपने सारे सपने तोड़ डाले.

वो गर्व, वो स्वाभिमान, वो मनोबल वो सपना, वो धन, वो उम्मीदें..सब एक झटके में खत्म हो गया.

मैं यही सोच रहा हूँ, कि
वास्तव में मरा कौन ? 
सुशांत या उनके पिता.

Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Silence Among Four Friends

Four friends making a LOVE sign with their hands <3 by Jovo ...

Once four friends who used to practice meditation. One day they decided that they would observe silence for seven days.

One decided day they vowed to keep silence for seven days.

Since they couldn’t speak up, they asked for an assistant for these seven days. Assistant work was to attend to do needful while they meditate.

One first day, they started early in morning and day time passed well.

In evening, assistant lit a oil lamp. As time passed by oil got less, light from lamp got dimmer.

Assistant’s attention was somewhere else.

Seeing this first friend couldn’t help himself and shouted, “Attend to the lamps..!!”

Listening to this, second friend said, “Have you forgotten?? You are not supposed to speak..!!”

Just then third friend piped up, “You fools..!! Why are you talking??”

“Huh..!! I am only one who kept silent..”, exclaimed the last.

Moral: We tend to Judge others very Quickly but Forget to look at our Own Act and Behavior. So, Before judging other. First ask yourself – How perfect I am?

Lost Your Donkey, Find Your Destiny

Clever Boy Story - Man and His Lost Donkey Moral Story Judging Others

Once a man was going to market with his donkey who was carrying two sacks of rice. After a while, man stopped on his way to rest under a tree. He tied his donkey near that tree.

Rope was loosely tied. When he woke up from his nap, he couldn’t find his donkey around. Man got worried and started searching for his donkey everywhere.

While searching for his donkey, he met a boy and asked, “Have you seen my donkey?”

Boy replied, “Is your donkey blind from left eye and has lame right foot. Was he carrying load of rice?”

Man got happy that now he will be able to find his donkey and said, “Yes..! yes..! that’s my donkey. Where have you seen it?”

Boy answered, “I haven’t seen it.”

Man thought to himself, “How could have boy known so much about my donkey without seeing it. May be he had stolen my donkey.”

Man asked boy again about his donkey. Boys still told him that he hadn’t seen. Man got angry and took boy to village chief for solution.

Man said to village chief that boy had stolen his donkey and now refusing to tell him about his donkey. Boy still insisted that he hadn’t seen his donkey.

Chief asked boy, “Dear boy, if you hadn’t seen donkey then how could you describe him so well.?”

Boy replied, “I saw tracks of donkey on my way. Donkey’s foot steps of right were different from left and from that i understood that donkey that passed from that way was limping.

Then i saw that grass on right side was eaten but not on left side, from this i understood that donkey’s was blind from left eye.

There were grains of rice scattered on the ground on way, donkey had passed. From that i understood that donkey must be carrying load of rice.”

Village chief understood that boy was not guilty and praised him for his cleverness. Man understood his mistake and left to find his donkey.

Moral: We should not be too Quick to Judge Other’s.

The Rolls Royce Story

Indian King Jai Singh and Rolls Royce Famous Story abt Jugding Others

One day, during his visit to London, King Jai Singh was walking around Bond Street in casual dress. There he saw Rolls Royce showroom and went inside. There he looked at cars and then inquired about price and features of cars.

When Salesman looked at him and saw his casual Indian Attire, he considered him just another poor Indian citizen and insulted him and almost showed him way out of his showroom.

After this insult, King Jai Singh didn’t said anything to Salesman at that time but went back to his hotel room and asked his servants to make call to showroom and tell them that King of Alwar, India is interested in purchasing their cars.

Call was made and everyone at showroom prepared for welcome of King.

After few hours, King went to Rolls Royce showroom again but this time, he went with his full astonishing Royal manner and in his Royal costume. Until he reached there was a red carpet ready on floor of showroom to welcome him.

All salesmen were bent with respect. King Jai Singh purchased all six cars, that they had at showroom at that time and paid full amount with delivery costs.

Salesmen at showroom were really happy about sales but no one knew what was coming in near future.

After reaching India, King ordered municipal department of his city to use all those six Rolls Royce cars for cleaning and transporting city’s waste.

World’s number one Rolls Royce cars, luxury cars which were so costly that common people couldn’t even afford to buy in America/ Europe, were now being used as transportation vehicle for city’s waste. This news spread all over the world rapidly and reputation of company was in drains.

Company’s image was so ruined in Europe and America that if someone used to boast about owning a Rolls Royce, people would laugh and make fun of them saying, “Which one? Same that is being used in India for carrying waste of city.”

Due to such reputation damages, sales of Rolls Royce dropped rapidly and revenue of company owners started falling down.

Company had to do something to save it’s reputation. They sent a Telegram to the King Jai Singh in India for apologies and requested to stop transportation of waste in Rolls Royce cars. Not only this but they also offered Six new cars to king free of cost.

When King Jai Singh observed that Rolls Royce has learnt a lesson and they are sorry for their Mistakes, King stopped using those cars for carrying wastes.