Monday, 21 December 2015

Meditation - The First & The Last Freedom

Meditation is an approach to training the mind, similar to the way that fitness is an approach to training the body. But many meditation techniques exist. So how do you learn how to meditate?

“In Buddhist tradition, the word ‘meditation’ is equivalent to a word like ‘sports’ in the U.S. It’s a family of activity, not a single thing,” University of Wisconsin neuroscience lab director Richard J. Davidson, Ph.D., told The New York Times. And different meditative practices require different mental skills.

It’s extremely difficult for a beginner to sit for hours and think of nothing or have an “empty mind.” But in general, the easiest way to begin meditating is by focusing on the breath — an example of one of the most common approaches to meditation: concentration.

Concentration meditation

A concentrative meditation technique involves focusing on a single point. This could entail watching the breath, repeating a single word or mantra, staring at a candle flame, listening to a repetitive gong or counting beads on a rosary. Since focusing the mind is challenging, a beginner might meditate for only a few minutes and then work up to longer durations.

In this form of meditation, you simply refocus your awareness on the chosen object of attention each time you notice your mind wandering. Rather than pursuing random thoughts, you simply let them go. Through this process, your ability to concentrate improves.

Mindfulness meditation

Mindfulness meditation technique encourages the practitioner to observe wandering thoughts as they drift through the mind. The intention is not to get involved with the thoughts or to judge them, but simply to be aware of each mental note as it arises.

Through mindfulness meditation, you can see how your thoughts and feelings tend to move in particular patterns. Over time, you can become more aware of the human tendency to quickly judge experience as “good” or “bad” (“pleasant” or “unpleasant”). With practice, an inner balance develops.

In some schools of meditation, students practice a combination of concentration and mindfulness. Many disciplines call for stillness — to a greater or lesser degree, depending on the teacher.

Other meditation techniques

There are various other meditation techniques. For example, a daily meditation practice among Buddhist monks focuses directly on the cultivation of compassion. This involves envisioning negative events and recasting them in a positive light by transforming them through compassion. There are also moving meditations techniques, such as tai chi, chi kung and walking meditation.

Benefits of meditation

If relaxation is not the goal of meditation, it is often one result of it. Back in the 1970s, Herbert Benson, MD, a researcher at Harvard University Medical School, coined the term the relaxation response after conducting research on people who practiced transcendental meditation. The relaxation response, in Benson’s words, is “an opposite, involuntary response that causes a reduction in the activity of the sympathetic nervous system.”

Since then, studies on the relaxation response have documented the following short-term benefits to the nervous system:

1. lower blood pressure
2. improved blood circulation
3. less perspirations
4. lower respiratory rate
5. lower blood cholesterol levels
6. more feelings of well-being
7. deeper relaxation

Contemporary researchers are now exploring whether consistent meditation practice yields long-term benefits, and noting positive effects on brain and immune function among meditators. Yet it is worth repeating that the purpose of meditation is not to achieve benefits. To put it as an Eastern philosopher might say, the goal of meditation is no goal. It is simply to be present.

In Buddhist philosophy, the ultimate benefit of meditation is liberation of the mind from attachment to things it cannot control, such as external circumstances or strong internal emotions. The liberated, or “enlightened,” practitioner no longer needlessly follows desires or clings to experiences, but instead maintains a calmness of mind and sense of inner balance.

How to meditate: Simple meditation for beginners

This meditation exercise is an excellent introduction to meditation techniques.

1. Sit or lie comfortably. You may even want to invest in a meditation chair.

2. Close your eyes.

3. Make no effort to control the breath; simply breathe naturally.

4. Focus your attention on the breath and on how the body moves with each inhalation and exhalation.

5. Notice the movement of your body as you breathe. Observe your chest, shoulders, rib cage and belly.

6. Make no effort to control your breath; simply focus your attention.

If your mind wanders, simply return your focus back to your breath. Maintain this meditation practice for 2–3 minutes to start, and then try it for longer periods. 

Mindfulness is a quality that's always there. It's an illusion that there's a meditation and post-meditation period, which I always find amusing, because you're either mindful or you're not.

At one point I learned transcendental meditation. I was in that state of oneness with creation and it was as if I didn't exist except as a part of everything. Meditation is to dive all the way within, beyond thought, to the source of thought and pure consciousness. It enlarges the container, every time you transcend. When you come out, you come out refreshed, filled with energy and enthusiasm for life my dear Friends.

God Bless !!

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Happiness is a State of Mind

Happiness is the status of our mind in a given condition. Everybody goes through their own struggles. They may vary depending on who you are, or the way you take on life. Some go through silent struggles, kept away from people and often concealed inside of them. But others go through loud struggles, meaning the battles in which the person is fighting can be easily heard by others. No matter how successful a person is, or may seem, they too have had their own battles to fight so that they can reach their happiness.

A tip to winning your battles, no matter what it is, is to cancel out all the negativity around you. In life, there is always going to be people who will try to drag you down and destroy you. It could be because of their own personal struggles and problems, or envy and fear. Just remember to always believe in yourself and stay strong. At times it may be hard but, be good to the people around you. They may not necessarily be good to you back, but i assure you that it will pay off.

Life is not easy and reaching your goals is not either. We as humans tend to put so much unnecessary weight, and stress, and planning on our shoulders. Too much of that can prevent from easily perusing your dreams. I know when i was younger, all i wanted to be was happy. When people ask me what i wanted to be when i grew up, i would answer with 'to be happy'. So always think of what makes you happy or what you enjoy instead of thinking about what you're good at and over planning. Anything can be improved and polished, anything can be learned.

So it's all up to you. To follow you're dreams and reach your goals.

It is like any other human emotion that we undergo yet profoundly influence the human life on the earth.

Ask anybody around you, for what they want to live. The ready answer is "Happiness". But everyone seek the happiness outside. When it is related to the mind activity we can emanate from inside.

Now the million dollars question is when or by which or in what conditions we become "Happy" But it varies with person to person and conditions they live in. It is completely a relative factor that makes us happy. So when conditions influence our Happiness we shall not subject our happiness to conditions or materials. Then we agree that "Happiness is absolutely an inside job."

It is quite obvious that, happiness is largely dependent on the following,

1. Abundance of what we desire physically.

2. Contentment over material possessions psychologically.

3. Accomplishment in a given task.

4. Winning among all the competitors.

5. Successful in a chosen profession or job.

6. Achievement of a life long purpose or dream.

The list goes on, it is never ending. But all these are the outside things that become reasons for our happiness. What they imply? There should be always a reason for us to become Happy. We can be happy without a reason. When we think about God's wonderful creation and innumerable blessings each day and each moment we receive unknowingly from him, more over an invisible light always shows path to our souls when ever we miss our direction,this kind of thinking stimulate our inner peace it would be reflected on our faces. It is more than happiness and it is "Bliss" which is eternal. When this kind of mental status is achieved, there is no need to seek happiness from outside.

We see many live examples as evidences to corroborate that happiness is not linked to material possessions. Despite getting success or achieving something many people are not happy for the only reason that they change their priorities to become happy. Always pursuing or haunting something makes us restless and ultimately it removes what ever the remnants of happiness from our lives.

Take a minute from your busy life to think about the beauty of the God's creation and just have a inner look for while to appreciate what we possess today, it gives immense pleasure. Make yourself oblivious of what will happen tomorrow, be cheerful about today and save this moment to become "Happy" my dear Friends.

God Bless !!

Saturday, 5 December 2015

I Choose Abundance Over Scarcity

Live a Life of Abundance

Everything originates from the Self. This is the life we feel within us. The same life is expressing through all. The Self wants to explore its highest possibilities through man. For this there needs to be a setting, an arrangement.

So what is the setting of this Play Field? What is the arrangement?

This arrangement is a framework of laws called the Laws of Thought which are the cause for all creation, and the Law of Abundance.

The Law of Abundance

The Law of Abundance states that, “There is abundance of everything for everyone”. There is abundance of love, peace, happiness, wealth, health and avenues for expression in your life and everyone’s life. There is a natural flow of money, time, happiness, and harmony in your life and everyone’s life. Nothing less than abundance will do to provide for exploring the highest possibilities.

There is no limit. Abundance is one of the qualities of the Self. It is an inherent part of the functioning of Nature. Nature is inherently positive. There is no lack or scarcity of anything.

If this is so, then reflect on what is it for which there is a feeling of lack. The cause for the feeling of lack is always a core thought, a wrong belief. By any chance are you thinking that you have got less because an other person has more? Such a belief could be created in childhood when some siblings get more and some get less. A notion forms that our money is stuck with the rich. Do not think that Nature is so stingy. It wants to give generously to everyone. There is no lack there. But if you have received less then there is a core thought somewhere within you which says something like, “Money is less. It is hard to come by. Even if it comes, it does not remain.” Somewhere in your thoughts it is embedded that it is difficult to earn money. You have probably heard this in your childhood from your parents. “This is very difficult… this does not work… It is not easy… one has to go through a lot of hardship.” So much has gone into your psyche that it keeps working on you. Now that you want to break this framework, tell yourself this law. “There is enough.” If you feel you have less, it only means that it is stuck on the way. Why? Because you have taken off your ‘happy hat’. This is the hat of assurance that there is enough whenever and where ever you need it. The laws of thought imply that you will see everything in your life according to how your thoughts are. So wear the hat again and what is stuck will be released. It is stuck because of your chanting, that there is less. “My height is less… I am less beautiful… I am not so smart… I lack these qualities… Something is lacking… I am incomplete…” This thinking arises because of the core thought where one thinks of oneself to be the body. So imagine the feeling generated when even a single hair turns grey. “My God! Am I getting old?… Now my body will deteriorate… these ailments will begin… I will soon die…” The cycle of thoughts begins.

To a women who is childless and wants a child, there is no other topic for her in her life. “Till this happens, I am incomplete… I am inferior…” She remains in this feeling of lack. Her happy hat has come off a long time ago. But there is no need for this feeling. Be in the feeling that everything is available in abundance. Now when such a woman adopts a child, the feeling of lack has now gone. It has been seen in many cases that now this woman bears a child of her own as well. It appears like a medical miracle. But it was actually her own feeling of lack that got released.

The Source of Abundance

The missing link in the practice of Law of Abundance is that, “Things flow into your life according to the feeling you are in”. Happiness is at the source of abundance. The happier you are, the more abundance flows into your life. Be connected to this happiness simply through acceptance, gratitude, meditation and spiritual understanding. No external cause is required. Wear the magical hat of happiness to bring forth abundance. The “happy hat” makes you a magnet. Otherwise you are like bronze. Bronze here is a metaphor standing for a lifeless statue that does not attract anything. Become a relaxed magnet. Release your restrictive thought pattern. Let it go. Remind yourself that there is enough and remember to keep your “happy hat ” intact my dear Friends.

God Bless !!

Thursday, 3 December 2015

सुख और दुख की परिभाषा

ऐ "सुख" तू कहाँ मिलता है..
क्या तेरा कोई स्थायी पता है..

क्यों बन बैठा है अन्जाना..
आखिर क्या है तेरा ठिकाना..

कहाँ कहाँ नहीं ढूंढा तुझको..
पर तू ना कहीं मिला मुझको..

ढूँढा ऊँचे मकानों में..
बड़ी बड़ी दुकानों में..

स्वादिष्ट पकवानों  में..
चोटी के धनवानों में..

वो भी तुझको ढूंढ  रहे थे..
बल्कि मुझको ही पूछ रहे थे..

क्या आपको कुछ पता है..
ये सुख आखिर कहाँ रहता है?

मेरे पास तो "दुःख" का पता था..
जो सुबह शाम अक्सर मिलता था..

परेशान होके रपट लिखवाई..
पर ये कोशिश भी काम न आई..

उम्र अब ढलान पे है..
हौसले थकान पे है..

हाँ उसकी तस्वीर है मेरे पास..
अब भी बची हुई है आस..

मैं भी हार नही मानूंगा..
सुख के रहस्य को जानूंगा..

बचपन में मिला करता था..
मेरे साथ रहा करता था..

पर जबसे मैं बड़ा हो गया..
मेरा सुख मुझसे जुदा हो गया..

मैं फिर भी नही हुआ हताश..
जारी रखी उसकी तलाश..

एक दिन जब आवाज ये आई..
क्या मुझको ढूंढ रहा है भाई..

मैं  तेरे  अन्दर   छुपा   हुआ    हूँ..
तेरे  ही   घर  में  बसा   हुआ  हूँ..

मेरा नही है कुछ भी "मोल"..
सिक्कों में मुझको ना तोल..

मैं बच्चों की मुस्कानों  में हूँ..
हारमोनियम की तानों में हूँ..

पत्नी  के साथ चाय  पीने में..
"परिवार" के संग जीने में..

माँ बाप के आशीर्वाद में..
रसोई घर के पकवानो में..

बच्चों की सफलता में हूँ..
माँ की निश्छल ममता में हूँ..

हर पल तेरे संग रहता हूँ..
और अक्सर तुझसे कहता  हूँ..

मैं तो हूँ बस एक  "अहसास"..
बंद  कर दे तु मेरी तलाश..

जो मिला उसी में कर "संतोष"..
आज को जी ले, कल की न सोच..

कल के लिए आज को ना खोना..

मेरे लिए कभी दुखी ना होना..
मेरे लिए कभी दुखी ना होना..

Monday, 30 November 2015

How do I define Motivation ??

What Is Motivation and How to Strengthen It?

What is Motivation?

It is the inner power that pushes you toward taking action and toward achievement. Motivation is powered by desire and ambition, and therefore, if they are absent, motivation is absent too.

Sometimes, you might have the desire to get something done, or to achieve a certain goal, but if the desire and ambition are not strong enough, you lack the push, the initiative, and the willingness to take the necessary action. in these cases, you lack of motivation and inner drive.

A motivated person takes action and does whatever it needs to achieve his or her goals.

Motivation becomes strong, when you have a vision, a clear mental image of what you want to achieve, and also a strong desire to manifest it. In such a situation, motivation awakens inner strength and power, and pushes you forward, toward making your vision a reality.

Motivation can be applied to every action and goal. There can be motivation to study a foreign language, to get good grades at school, bake a cake, write a poem, take a walk every day, make more money, get a better job, buy a new house, own a business, or become a writer, a doctor or a lawyer.

Motivation is present, whenever there is a clear vision, precise knowledge of what you want to do, a strong desire, and faith in your abilities.

When there is lack of motivation, you either get no results, or only mediocre ones, whereas, when there is motivation, you attain greater and better results and achievements.

Compare a student who lacks motivation and who hardly studies, to a student who is highly motivated, and who devotes many hours to his studies. Each student will get absolutely different grades.

Lack of motivation means lack of enthusiasm, zest and ambition, whereas the possession of motivation is a sign of strong desire, energy and enthusiasm, and the willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve what one sets out to do.

A motivated person is a happier person, more energetic, and sees the positive end result in his or her mind.

What can you do to strengthen your motivation?

1. Set a goal. If you have a major goal, it would be a good idea if you split it into several minor goals, each small goal leading to your major goal.

2. By dividing your goal into several, smaller goals, you will find it easier to motivate yourself, since you will not feel overwhelmed by the size of your goal and the things you have to do. This will also help you feel that the goal is more feasible, and easier to accomplish.

3. Understand that finishing what you start is important. Hammer into your mind that whatever you start you have to finish. Develop the habit of going to the finish line.

4. Socialize with achievers and people with similar interests or goals, since motivation and positive attitude are contagious. Associate with motivated people, who share your interests.

5. Never procrastinate anything. Procrastination leads to laziness, and laziness leads to lack of motivation.

6. Persistence, patience and not giving up, despite failure and difficulties, keep the flame of motivation burning.

7. Read about the subjects of your interest. This will keep your enthusiasm and ambition alive.

8. Constantly, affirm to yourself that you can, and will succeed.

9. Look at photos of things you want to get, achieve or do. This will strengthen your desire and make your subconscious mind work with you.

10. Visualize your goals as achieved, adding a feeling of happiness and joy.

Remember, if a certain goal is really important, going through the above steps will strengthen your motivation, and keep you going forward my dear Friends.

God Bless !!

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Why Spending Time Alone Helps Unlock Your Potential

We live in a social world. It’s a rare occasion in which we find ourselves to truly be alone anymore. Even when none of our friends or family members are physically near us, they’re only a text message or Skype call away. While being so connected does have its benefits, we’ve all but forgotten the importance of alone time. Sometimes it’s necessary to shut the world out and live on your own terms.

When you’re alone:

1.You get creative and productive

When you’re alone, you don’t rely on other people to entertain you or otherwise enhance your life. It’s all up to you. Not only do you not rely on others, but you also don’t hold yourself back when working on a project, and will be more likely to try new ways of accomplishing a task that you might not have tried had you been working in a group. 

2.You work harder

Remember in school when you were assigned to work in groups? I bet you also remember when three of the five members of your group would let the other two do all the work, right? This group mentality that “someone else will do it” doesn’t exist when you’re alone. If you don’t do the work, no one else will. And, of course, if you don’t do what you’re supposed to, you’re going to be the only one taking the blame. Not only that, but when you’re totally alone, you’re completely free from distractions and can actually focus on getting work done in the first place.

3.You branch out more

This sounds a bit counterintuitive, but hear me out. When you go places with friends, you more than likely stick with them at all times. Since you have people around to interact with, you’re more than likely not interested in meeting anyone new. But if you’re alone when you’re out and about, you might find yourself striking up conversations with anyone who piques your interest. You never know when a new connection you make could end up changing your life in some way.

4.You clear your mind

We all need time to recharge – and if you say you don’t, you’re only kidding yourself. We’re constantly inundated with busyness, whether work- or “leisure”-related, so when we actually get time to ourselves, it’s important to use it wisely. Like I said earlier, even when we’re alone, we’re still a phone call away from our loved ones. But sometimes it’s necessary to shut off our phones and just live completely in the moment for once.

5.You get to do what you want to do

I mentioned this a bit earlier, but when you’re alone, you’re completely responsible for your own entertainment and enjoyment. You aren’t relying on other people to make plans or make things happen. Not only that, but you’re also free to do what you really want to do with your life. Everyone gets to a point where they’re tired of doing what their friends are doing. And we all have guilty pleasures that our friends would find corny or cheesy. When we finally get time to ourselves, we can actually enjoy these pastimes and hobbies without criticism from the peanut gallery.

6.You learn about yourself

When you’re alone, you can truly be yourself. You might be surprised to realize that, all this time, you’ve never actually taken the time to get to know yourself. Like I said, when you’re alone, you can explore new interests without caring what others may think. You may find yourself trying out new activities that you never would have given a second thought if you were with other people, only to discover a new passion.

Being alone doesn’t mean being lonely; it means being free to discover who you really are my dear Friends.

God Bless !!

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Stay Motivated & Never Give Up

In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.

Do you ever feel there’s a greater being inside of you just bursting to get out? You can feel its presence sometimes, can’t ou?  It’s the voice that encourages you to really make something of your life. When you act congruently with that voice, it’s like you’re a whole new person.  You feel like a god in a human body. You’re bold and courageous. You’re strong. You’re unstoppable.

But then reality sets in, and soon those moments are history. Where did that powerful voice go? Were you merely suffering from delusions of grandeur?

It isn’t hard to temporarily put yourself into an emotional state of power. The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential...these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence. Put on your favorite fast-tempo music, stand tall, breathe strong, chest out, shoulders back. Strut around like a superhero.  Shout, “Yes!”  Pound your chest a few times for good measure. You’ll look like a dolt, but this does actually work.

But then you go home, and the emotional motivation fades away. Your great ideas now seem impractical. How many times have you been temporarily inspired with an idea like, “I want to start my own business,” and then a week later it’s forgotten? You come up with inspiring ideas when you’re motivated, but you fail to maintain that level of motivation through the action phase.

So how do you reach the point of high motivation and stay there?

Emotional motivation

I say the key to motivation is state management. This means conditioning yourself to feel a certain way via techniques like anchoring (connecting an emotion to a physical trigger). You need to keep firing off these anchors as well as periodically reconditioning them to keep your motivation up. That means lots and lots of chest pounding.

As another motivational method, I suggest writing down the pleasure you associate to a task as well as the pain of not doing it. Again the idea here is to stir up your emotions, so you’ll be motivated to take action. This type of motivation is usually short-lived, even when the emotions involved are very intense.

I studied and practiced these kinds of emotional motivation techniques extensively during my 20s. In the long run, I didn’t find them particularly effective.  My intellect saw right through all the chest pounding.  The logical part of my mind was ultimately dissatisfied with attempts to induce motivation through emotional manipulation.

Have you ever seen one of those rah-rah motivational speakers?  If the speaker is good, s/he will have an emotional effect on you and get you to feel motivated. But within a day or two, that emotional boost fades away, and you’re back to normal. You can listen to hundreds of motivational speakers and experience an emotional yo-yo effect, but it doesn’t last. I think this is especially common with technically minded people. We’re accustomed to thinking with our heads. We’re still emotional creatures on some level, but our emotional B.S. detectors periodically scrub our minds free of anything that doesn’t satisfy our logic.

Intellectual motivation

I used to get frustrated when my emotional conditioning fizzled out after a while.  Eventually I realized that being guided by intellect, not emotion, wasn’t such a bad thing after all. I just had to learn to use my mind as an effective motivational tool. I stopped using emotional motivation techniques and decided to see if I could motivate myself intellectually. I figured that if I wasn’t feeling motivated to go after a particular goal, maybe there was a logical reason for it. Perhaps I just wasn’t taking my logic far enough to see it.

I noted that when I had strong intellectual reasons for doing something, I usually didn’t have trouble taking action.  I’m motivated to exercise regularly because doing so is intelligent and reasonable. I don’t need to emotionally pump myself up to go to the gym. I just go.

But when my mind thinks a goal is wrong on some level, I usually feel blocked. I eventually realized that this was my mind’s way of telling me the goal was a mistake to begin with.

Sometimes a goal seems to make sense on one level, but when you look further upstream, it becomes clear the goal is ill advised. Suppose you work in sales, and you set a goal to increase your income by 20% by becoming a more effective salesperson. That seems like a reasonable and intelligent goal.  But maybe you’re surprised to find yourself encountering all sorts of internal blocks when you try to pursue it. You should feel motivated, but you just don’t.  The problem may be that on a deeper level, your mind knows you don’t want to be working in sales at all. You really want to be a musician. So no matter how hard you push yourself in your sales career, it will always be a motivational dead end.  You’ll never convince your mind to give up on your more important dream of being a musician.

When you set goals that are too small and too timid, you suffer a perpetual lack of motivation. Try all the emotional conditioning techniques you want, but you’re wasting your time. Deep down you already know the truth. You just need tosummon the courage to acknowledge your true desires. Then you’ll have to deal with the self-doubt and fear that’s been making you think too small. There’s no getting around that if you want to experience lasting motivation. Ironically, the real key to motivation is to set goals that scare you.

I recommend working through these kinds of blocks in your journal. Type a question like, “Why am I feeling unmotivated to achieve this goal?” Then type whatever answer comes to mind.  You’ll often find that the source of your block is that you’re thinking too small.  You’re letting fears, excuses, and limiting beliefs hold you back. Your subconscious mind knows you’re settling, so it won’t provide any motivational fuel until you step up, face your fears, and acknowledge your heart’s desire. Once you finally decide to face your fears and drop the excuses, then you’ll find your motivation turning on full blast my dear Friends.

God Bless !!

Friday, 6 November 2015

Why FEAR is IMPORTANT for us ??

It’s not all about fear.

The upside of my motivation is a strong desire to learn and explore new ideas. Following curiosity energizes me.

1. Learning new skills

2. Success

3. Being cool

4. Feeling like you’re contributing

5. Seizing opportunities

6. Have Fun

Lots of people give you advice on getting past fear, suggesting if you can break free of the shackles of fear, you will be unstoppable.

OK, all well and good. It is important to master fear in order to feel free and to get things done. AND, I want to tell you that a world without fear would be simultaneously more dangerous, less rewarding, and just plain flat.

Acknowledge: It’s better to acknowledge fears than pretend they don’t exist.

1. Failure

2. Disrespect

3. Poverty

4. Losing customers

5. Insignificance

6. Meaningless Existence

So, given that we have spent so much time wishing that fear would just GO AWAY so we could get on with things, why would we actually want to cultivate fear as a friend? I'm sharing the same in Three reasons, actually.

The first is, fear is an excellent guide to opportunity. Think about it. Do you get more flustered and tongue-tied when you meet the girl (or guy) of your dreams, or someone who is just not that attractive? Which is scarier, making a presentation to the CEO of your company or to a bunch of your peers?

Which feels worse, the thought of failing at your dream job or failing at some temp job? (Hint, that’s why some people NEVER chase their dreams. Sad, no?) What’s the common thread here? Fear is showing you what is important, what matters to you. If you didn’t have fear to guide you, you might not know that! Not so bad, right?

Next, fear motivates us to action. The way I see it, those of our ancestors who didn’t run away in fear when they saw a tiger running toward them simply didn’t survive to reproduce. Fear is a call to action.

Now, most of us don’t face serious physical threats like hungry tigers every day, but we do face crazy bosses, angry clients and public speaking. In these cases, our fear is still motivating us to DO something to enhance our chance of survival. The trick is being able to transcend our primitive Lizard Brain and do something useful. Running away or throwing a spear may work on tigers, not so much on bosses.

So, what can you do? Practice your presentation so you know it cold. Build your network so you hear what’s going on in the office and avoid trouble. Prepare for a meeting with a cranky client, maybe even set a backup plan with your colleagues. Let fear provide the energy and motivation to do what needs to be done to ensure your (metaphorical) survival.

Lastly, fear lets you know you are alive. Why do we like roller coasters? They scare us (in a mostly safe way). Same for suspense movies.

What exactly is a “thrill"? It’s doing something scary and surviving. Without “scary,” you don’t get “thrill,” it’s a package deal. Imagine life without thrills. Pretty dull, eh? Is it worth losing thrills in order to avoid facing fear? I’m thinking “No.”

So, bottom line, fear can guide you towards what’s important for you to improve your odds, and you give you a rush from staring into the Dragon’s maw and living to tell the tale. Don’t we all need that kind of friend?

For the creative person, fear is always nearby. But in spite of the close proximity, it’s usually a very strained relationship. Fear is one of those emotions that most of us are trying not to have. Because it doesn’t feel good, it’s been coded as a so-called “negative” emotion. And we’re so keen to avoid this negative emotion that we find ourselves avoiding situations that elicit fear for us, so we code the fear-inducing situations as “negative” as well.

What happens then is we end up being afraid of fear, so we start building meta-levels of fear. And then we’re no longer just scared, but we’re scared of feeling scared. And we can even make ourselves scared of feeling scared of feeling scared… can you see how easy it is to end up with more fear, instead of less fear, when we see feeling fear as a bad thing?

But, fear isn’t bad at all. All emotions have a positive purpose that serves us. Have you ever thought about the positive purpose of your fear?

Fear alerts us to threats

Sometimes our fear can be a really useful gut-response that helps us anticipate and respond more quickly to a genuine threat. If something is unfamiliar, it might be dangerous, so, whenever we’re in unfamiliar territory, fear crops up and alerts us to pay attention. And of course, from a survival point of view, that’s really useful.

Fear is a signal you’re learning

Because we’re designed this way, we tend to respond to ALL unfamiliar experiences with fear – even if they’re not dangerous. So long as you’re taking yourself into new territory, and growing, you’ll always feel some fear along the way. From a creativity point of view, fear is useful because it makes you more alert when you’re learning and growing. And fear is a signal that you’re learning. In fact, if you’re telling yourself you’re learning in a particular area of your life, yet you’re not feeling any fear in that area of your life, you’re probably not learning.

Fear lets you know what’s important to you

A third purpose of fear is that fear let’s us know what’s really important to us. Think about it: when something isn’t important to you, you probably don’t care what happens with it, and you won’t feel fear then. It’s the stuff that’s closest to our hearts, that we really care about, that we feel the most fear about – because it matters to us how things work out. With so many choices available to us these days, alot of creative people find it difficult to figure out what’s really important to them and decide what they want in life. A really counter-intuitive, but easy way to figure whether something is genuinely important to you is to notice how much fear you have about it. The more important it is to you, the bigger your fear will probably be.

Fear holds creative tension

When there’s an unresolved problem or a gap between where we are and where we want to be, a tension develops. The bigger the gap, the greater the tension, and fear we’ll feel. Alot of the time, in order to relieve the tension, we change our vision of where we want to be or stop asking that unresolved question. Successful creatives embrace this tension, knowing that tension is an important part of the creative process. Creative tension motivates our unconscious mind to continue searching for a resolution, even while we go on with our other tasks or go to sleep at night, those epiphanies that you have, where the idea just seems to have popped into your head out of nowhere.

So next time you feel afraid, stop and remind yourself that fear works. And then check which purpose your fear is serving, and ask yourself, “Knowing that this is the purpose of my fear, what would I love to do next?”. Thank your fear for working for you, and honor it by taking the next action you’d love to take my dear Friends.

God Bless !!

दिल आज शायर है

ऐ जज़्बा-ए-दिल ग़र मैं चाहूँ, हर चीज़ मुकाबिल आ जाए..
मंज़िल के लिए दो गाम चलूँ और सामने मंज़िल आ जाए..

ऐ दिल की ख़लिश, चल यूँ ही सही, चलता तो हूँ उनकी महफ़िल में..
उस वक़्त मुझे चौंका देना जब रंग पे महफ़िल आ जाए..

ऐ रहबर-ए-कामिल, चलने को तैयार तो हूँ पर याद रहे..
उस वक़्त मुझे भटका देना जब सामने मंज़िल आ जाए..

हाँ याद मुझे तुम कर लेना, आवाज़ मुझे तुम दे देना..
इस राह-ए-मोहब्बत में कोई दरपेश जो मुश्किल आ जाए..

अब क्यूँ ढूँढूं वो चश्म-ए-करम, होने दे सितम बाला-ए-सितम..
मैं चाहता हूँ ऐ जज्बा-ए-ग़म, मुश्किल पस-ए-मुश्किल आ जाए..

इस जज्बा-ए-दिल के बारे में इक मशवरा तुमसे लेता हूँ..

उस वक़्त मुझे क्या लाजिम है, जब तुझ पे मेरा दिल आ जाए..

ऐ बर्क-ए-तज़ल्ली, क्या तू ने मुझ को भी मूसा समझा है..

मैं तूर नहीं जो जल जाऊँ जो चाहे मुकाबिल आ जाए..

आता है जो तूफां आने दो, कश्ती का खुदा खुद हाफ़िज़ है..

मुश्किल तो नहीं इन मौजों में, बहता हुआ साहिल आ जाए..

Thursday, 5 November 2015


अपनी नींद के कारण ही कभी भोर नहीं देखी मैंने,
सूरज से शिकायत करता हूँ, क्यों जल्दी तू आ जाता है..

खुद बरसात के मौसम में ख्वाबों के दीप जलाये थे,
बादल से शिकायत करता हूँ, क्यों पानी तू बरसाता है..

मेरी नादानी के कारण जो हाथ से मेरे फिसल गया,
उस दिल से शिकायत करता हूँ, क्यों काबू में न आता है..

वक़्त कि खिल्ली बहुत उड़ाई थी तब तो मैंने यारों,
लम्हे से शिकायत करता हूँ, क्यों वापस तू न आता है..

खुशियाँ जितनी मांगी थी, उस से ज्यादा मैंने पाई,
फिर भी मैं शिकायत करता हूँ, क्यों गम हिस्से में आता है..

नजरें आसमान पे थी जब ठोकर खायी थी मैंने,
पत्थर से शिकायत करता हूँ, क्यों रस्ते में आ जाता है..


ठोकर खा कर भी न संभला, उसी पत्थर से फिर टकराया,
खुद खुदा से शिकवा कर डाला, क्यों दुनिया गोल बनाता है...
खुद खुदा से शिकवा कर डाला, क्यों दुनिया गोल बनाता है !!!

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Celebrate Diwali by Helping to Helpless

पटाखों की दुकान से दूर हाथों मे,
कुछ सिक्के गिनते मैने उसे देखा...
एक गरीब बच्चे कि आखों मे,
मैने दिवाली को मरते देखा.
थी चाह उसे भी नए कपडे पहनने की...
पर उन्ही पुराने कपडो को मैने उसे साफ करते देखा.
हम करते है सदा अपने ग़मो कि नुमाईश...
उसे चुप-चाप ग़मो को पीते देखा.
जब मैने कहा, "बच्चे, क्या चहिये तुम्हे"?
तो उसे चुप-चाप मुस्कुरा कर "ना" मे सिर हिलाते देखा
थी वह उम्र बहुत छोटी अभी...
पर उसके अंदर मैने ज़मीर को पलते देखा
रात को सारे शहर कि दीपो कि लौ मे...
मैने उसके हसते, मगर बेबस चेहरें को देखा.
हम तो जिन्दा है अभी शान से यहा.
पर उसे जीते जी शान से मरते देखा.
लोग कहते है, त्योहार होते है ज़िंदगी मे खुशियों के लिए,
तो क्यो मैने उसे मन ही मन मे घुटते और तरस्ते देखा?

Help atleast one Poor Kid on This Diwali my dear Friends..

करके देखो....अच्छा लगता है :-)

God Bless !!

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

My Definition of Human Behavior

I guess I'm just quite observant and I pay attention to a lot of things. Human behavior really fascinates me. People say I make strange choices, but they're not strange for me. My sickness is that I'm fascinated by human behavior, by what's underneath the surface, by the worlds inside people.

Human Behavior

The capacity of mental, physical, emotional, and social activities experienced during the five stages of a human being's life - prenatal, infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. Includes the behaviors as dictated by culture, society, values, morals, ethics, and genetics.

You need to understand basic human behavior so that you can try to predict how others will react to your product. Fear, anger, excitement and happiness are just a few of the emotions that fall under the category of human behavior. Here, I'm listing 20 points which you may or may not know about Human Behavior:

1. People with high levels of testosterone get pleasure from the anger of others.

2. People with low self-esteem tend to humiliate others. Subjects who were told that the results of their IQ test were poor expressed more national and religious prejudices, than those who reported higher results.

3. People sincerely believe that and their self-confidence. In fact, the humiliation of others helps them restore their own self-esteem.

 4. The behavior of people is affected by bodily sensations. For example, there is a strong association between heaviness and such features as “importance” and “seriousness”. A person is assessed as more serious and sustained, if his CV was applied in a heavy folder, and vice versa.

5. Similarly, the feeling of rigidity and hardness makes people inflexible. People sitting on hard chairs were more uncompromising in the negotiations. Feeling a rough surface causes in people a sense of the complexity of human relations.

6. People tend to commit or do not fulfill someone’s request for help, if no effort is needed and they do not have to refuse a person directly.

7. However, more people behave “as expected” if they have to take a moral decision in front of someone.

8. Lying requires a lot of mental effort. A person who is lying has to keep in mind at the same time the lie – that it to say, and the truth – in order to hide it. As a result, he uses simple sentences and finds it more difficult to cope with mental tasks.

9. When people are being watched, they behave better. And the illusion of being watched works, too. It was enough to hang a picture of human eyes in a self-service cafeteria, so that more people began to collect their dishes.

10. Behavior affects morality. People who lied, betrayed someone or committed other immoral act begin to perceive what is good or bad in another way.

11. Attractive and honest appearance can easily be misleading. People tend to trust appearance more than sincerity.

12. Appearance plays an important role even when voting during elections. Maturity and physical attractiveness of politicians were mostly important for voters’ choice (unconsciously, of course).

13. More successful and rich people are considered to be more intelligent and wise, and vice versa. Often, people tend to think that those who are successful or those who suffer deserve it.

14. Happier is not the one who has a lot of money, but the one who has more than his neighbor does. People constantly compare themselves with others and feel satisfied if they are superior in some respect.

15. Anger increases the desire of possession in people. People make more efforts to obtain the object that is associated with angry faces.

16. The more complex the decision to be taken is, the more people tend to leave things as they are. If the store has too much choice and people cannot immediately find out which of the products is better, most probably they will leave without buying.

17. When people feel they have, no control over what is happening, they tend to see non-existent patterns in unrelated pictures and believe in conspiracy theories.

18. People regret quick decisions, even if the results are satisfying. Not the actual time allotted for the decision matters, but the feeling that the time was enough.

19. Not all risks are the same. The same person can fearlessly jump with a parachute, but be afraid of his boss. Or to train tigers, but feel embarrassed when talking to a pretty woman.

20. Boredom has a bright side. Bored people are often looking for ways to do good things as the entertainment bores them and does not bring meaning to their lives.

The 'self-image' is the key to human personality and human behavior. Change the self image and you change the personality and the behavior. If we each take responsibility in shifting our own behavior, we can trigger the type of change that is necessary to achieve sustainability for our race or this planet. We change our planet, our environment, our humanity every day, every year, every decade, and every millennia.

God Bless !!

An Article on Human Behavior

I guess I'm just quite observant and I pay attention to a lot of things. Human behavior really fascinates me. People say I make strange choices, but they're not strange for me. My sickness is that I'm fascinated by human behavior, by what's underneath the surface, by the worlds inside people.

Human Behavior

The capacity of mental, physical, emotional, and social activities experienced during the five stages of a human being's life - prenatal, infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. Includes the behaviors as dictated by culture, society, values, morals, ethics, and genetics.

You need to understand basic human behavior so that you can try to predict how others will react to your product. Fear, anger, excitement and happiness are just a few of the emotions that fall under the category of human behavior.

1. People with high levels of testosterone get pleasure from the anger of others.

2. People with low self-esteem tend to humiliate others. Subjects who were told that the results of their IQ test were poor expressed more national and religious prejudices, than those who reported higher results.

3. People sincerely believe that  and their self-confidence. In fact, the humiliation of others helps them restore their own self-esteem.

 4. The behavior of people is affected by bodily sensations. For example, there is a strong association between heaviness and such features as “importance” and “seriousness”. A person is assessed as more serious and sustained, if his CV was applied in a heavy folder, and vice versa.

5. Similarly, the feeling of rigidity and hardness makes people inflexible. People sitting on hard chairs were more uncompromising in the negotiations. Feeling a rough surface causes in people a sense of the complexity of human relations, and 

6. People tend to commit or do not fulfill someone’s request for help, if no effort is needed and they do not have to refuse a person directly.

7. However, more people if they have to take a moral decision in front of someone.

8. Lying requires a lot of mental effort. A person who is lying has to keep in mind at the same time the lie – that it to say, and the truth – in order to hide it. As a result, he uses simple sentences and finds it more difficult to cope with mental tasks.

9. When people are being watched, they behave better. And the illusion of being watched works, too. It was enough to hang a picture of human eyes in a self-service cafeteria, so that more people began to collect their dishes.

10. Behavior affects morality. People who lied, betrayed someone or committed other immoral act begin to perceive what is good or bad in another way.

11. Attractive and honest appearance can easily be misleading. People tend to trust appearance more than sincerity.

12. Appearance plays an important role even when voting during elections. Maturity and physical attractiveness of politicians were mostly important for voters’ choice (unconsciously, of course).

13. More successful and rich people are considered to be more intelligent and wise, and vice versa. Often, people tend to think that those who are successful or those who suffer deserve it.

14. Happier is not the one who has a lot of money, but the one who has. People constantly compare themselves with others and feel satisfied if they are superior in some respect.

15. Anger increases the desire of possession in people. People make more efforts to obtain the object that is associated with angry faces.

16. The more complex the decision to be taken is, the more people tend to leave things as they are. If the store has too much choice and people cannot immediately find out which of the products is better, most probably they will leave without buying.

17. When people feel they have, no control over what is happening, they tend to see non-existent patterns in unrelated pictures and believe in conspiracy theories.

18. People regret quick decisions, even if the results are satisfying. Not the actual time allotted for the decision matters, but the feeling that the time was enough.

19. Not all risks are the same. The same person can fearlessly jump with a parachute, but be afraid of his boss. Or to train tigers, but feel embarrassed when talking to a pretty woman.

20. Boredom has a bright side. Bored people are often looking for ways to do good things as the entertainment bores them and does not bring meaning to their lives.

The 'self-image' is the key to human personality and human behavior. Change the self image and you change the personality and the behavior. If we each take responsibility in shifting our own behavior, we can trigger the type of change that is necessary to achieve sustainability for our race or this planet. We change our planet, our environment, our humanity every day, every year, every decade, and every millennia.

God Bless !!

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

An Article on Emotional Intelligence by Kranti Gaurav

We probably all know people, either at work or in our personal lives, who are really good listeners. No matter what kind of situation we're in, they always seem to know just what to say – and how to say it – so that we're not offended or upset. They're caring and considerate, and even if we don't find a solution to our problem, we usually leave feeling more hopeful and optimistic.

We probably also know people who are masters at managing their emotions. They don't get angry in stressful situations. Instead, they have the ability to look at a problem and calmly find a solution. They're excellent decision makers, and they know when to trust their intuition. Regardless of their strengths, however, they're usually willing to look at themselves honestly. They take criticism well, and they know when to use it to improve their performance.

People like this have a high degree of emotional intelligence, or EI. They know themselves very well, and they're also able to sense the emotional needs of others.

What is Emotional Intelligence?

We all have different personalities, different wants and needs, and different ways of showing our emotions. Navigating through this all takes tact and cleverness – especially if we hope to succeed in life. This is where EI becomes important.

Characteristics of Emotional Intelligence

I tried 2 develop a framework of five elements that define emotional intelligence:

Self-Awareness – People with high EI are usually very self-aware . They understand their emotions, and because of this, they don't let their feelings rule them. They're confident – because they trust their intuition and don't let their emotions get out of control. They're also willing to take an honest look at themselves. They know their strengths and weaknesses, and they work on these areas so they can perform better. Many people believe that this self-awareness is the most important part of EI.

Self Regulation – This is the ability to control emotions and impulses. People who self-regulate typically don't allow themselves to become too angry or jealous, and they don't make impulsive, careless decisions. They think before they act. Characteristics of self-regulation are thoughtfulness, comfort with change,integrity, and the ability to say no. 

Motivation – People with a high degree of EI are usually motivated . They're willing to defer immediate results for long-term success. They're highly productive, love a challenge, and are very effective in whatever they do.

Empathy – This is perhaps the second-most important element of EI. Empathy is the ability to identify with and understand the wants, needs, and view points of those around you. People with empathy are good at recognizing the feelings of others, even when those feelings may not be obvious. As a result, empathetic people are usually excellent atmanaging relationships , listening , and relating to others. They avoid stereotyping and judging too quickly, and they live their lives in a very open, honest way. 

Social Skills – It's usually easy to talk to and like people with good social skills, another sign of high EI. Those with strong social skills are typically team players. Rather than focus on their own success first, they help others develop and shine. They can manage disputes, are excellent communicators, and are masters at building and maintaining relationships.

As you've probably determined, EI can be a key to success in your life – especially in your career. The ability to manage people and relationships is very important in all leaders, so developing and using your EI can be a good way to show others the leader inside of you.

How to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence

The good news is that EI can be learned and developed. As well as working on your skills in the five areas above, use these strategies:

Observe how you react to people. Do you rush to judgment before you know all of the facts? Do you stereotype? Look honestly at how you think and interact with other people. Try to put yourself in their place , and be more open and accepting of their perspectives and needs.

Look at your work environment. Do you seek attention for your accomplishments? Humility can be a wonderful quality, and it doesn't mean that you're shy or lack self-confidence. When you practice humility, you say that you know what you did, and you can be quietly confident about it. Give others a chance to shine – put the focus on them, and don't worry too much about getting praise for yourself.

Do a self-evaluation. Try out our EI quiz . What are your weaknesses? Are you willing to accept that you're not perfect and that you could work on some areas to make yourself a better person? Have the courage to look at yourself honestly – it can change your life.

Examine how you react to stressful situations. Do you become upset every time there's a delay or something doesn't happen the way you want? Do you blame others or become angry at them, even when it's not their fault? The ability to stay calm and in control in difficult situations is highly valued – in the business world and outside it. Keep your emotions under control when things go wrong.

Take responsibility for your actions. If you hurt someone's feelings, apologize directly – don't ignore what you did or avoid the person. People are usually more willing to forgive and forget if you make an honest attempt to make things right.

Examine how your actions will affect others – before you take those actions. If your decision will impact others, put yourself in their place. How will they feel if you do this? Would you want that experience? If you must take the action, how can you help others deal with the effects?

EI is the ability to recognize your emotions, understand what they're telling you, and realize how your emotions affect people around you. It also involves your perception of others: when you understand how they feel, this allows you to manage relationships more effectively.

God Bless !!

The Inner Beauty of Truth

Truth And Beauty

There are two aspects of things--the outward and the inward…. The outward has to meaning except in so far as it helps the inward. All true Art is thus an expression of the soul. The outward forms have value only in so far as they are the expression of the inner spirit of man.

I know that many call themselves artists, and are recognized as such, and yet in their works there is absolutely no trace of the soul's upward urge and unrest. All true Art must help the soul to realize its inner self. In my own case, I find that I can do entirely without external forms in my soul's realization. I can claim, therefore, that there is truly efficient Art in my life, though you might not see what you call works of Art about me.

My room may have blank walls; and I may even dispense with the roof, so that I may gaze out at the starry heavens overhead that stretch in an unending expanse. What conscious Art of man can give me the panoramic scenes that open out before me, when I look up to the sky above with all its shining stars?

This, however, does not mean that I refuse to accept the value of productions of Art, generally accepted as such, but only that I personally feel how inadequate these are compared with the eternal symbols of beauty in Nature. These productions of man's Art have their value only in so far as they help the soul onward towards self-realization.

Truth First

Truth is the first thing to be sought for, and Beauty and Goodness will then be added unto you. Jesus was, to my mind, a supreme artist because he saw and expressed Truth; and so was Muhammad, the Koran being, the most perfect composition in all Arabic literature--at any rate, that is what scholars say. It is because both of them strove first for Truth that the grace of expression naturally came in and yet neither Jesus not Muhammad wrote on Art. That is the Truth and Beauty I crave for, live for, and would die for.

Art for the Millions

Here too, just as elsewhere, I must think in terms of the millions. And to the millions we cannot give that training to acquire a perception of Beauty in such a way as to see Truth in it. Show them Truth first and they will see Beauty afterwards… Whatever can be useful to those starving millions in beautiful to my mind. Let us give today first the vital things of life and all the graces and ornaments of life will follow.I want art and literature that can speak to the millions.

After all, Art can only be expressed not through inanimate power-driven machinery designed for mass-production, but only through the delicate living touch of the hands of men and women.

Inner Purity

True art takes note not merely of form but also of what lies behind. There is an art that kills and an art that gives life… True art must be evidence of happiness, contentment and purity of its authors. True beauty after all consists in purity of heart.

I love music and all the other arts, but I do not attach such value to them as is generally done. I cannot, for example, recognize the value of those activities that require technical knowledge for their understanding.

Life is greater than all art. I would go even further and declare that the man whose life comes nearest to perfection is the greatest artist; for what is art without the sure foundation and framework of a noble life?

We have somehow accustomed ourselves to the belief that art is independent of the purity of private life. I can say with all the experience at my command that nothing could be more untrue. As I am nearing the end of my earthly life, I can say that purity of life, is the highest and truest art. The art of producing good music from a cultivated voice can be achieved by many, but the art of producing that music from the harmony of a pure life is achieved very rarely.

Beauty in Truth

I see and find Beauty in Truth or through Truth. All Truths, not merely true ideas, but truthful faces, truthful pictures or songs are highly beautiful. People generally fail to see Beauty in Truth, the ordinary man runs away from it and becomes blind to the beauty in it. Whenever men begin to see Beauty in Truth, then true Art will arise.

To a true artist only that face is beautiful which, quite apart from its exterior, shines with the Truth within the soul. There is… no Beauty apart from Truth. On the other hand, Truth may manifest itself in forms, which may not be outwardly beautiful at all. Socrates, we are told, was the most truthful man of his time, and yet his features are said to have been the ugliest in Greece. To my mind he was beautiful, because all his life was a striving after Truth, and you may remember that his outward form did not prevent Phidias from appreciating the beauty of Truth in him, though as an artist he was accustomed to see Beauty in outward forms also.

Truth and Untruth often co-exist; good and evil are often found together. In an artist also not seldom [do] the right perception of things and the wrong co-exist. Truly beautiful creations come when right perception is at work. If these monuments are rare in life, they are also rare in Art.

These beauties ['a sunset or a crescent moon that shines amid the stars at night'] are truthful, inasmuch as they make me think of the Creator at the back of them. How else could these be beautiful, but for the Truth that is in the center of creation? When I admire the wonder of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in worship of the Creator. I try to see Him and His mercies in all these creations. But even the sunsets and sunrises would be mere hindrances if they did not help me to think of the soul is a delusion and a snare; even like the body, which often does hinder you in the path of salvation.

Why can't you see the beauty of colour in vegetables? And then, there is beauty in the speckless sky. But no, you want the colours of the rainbow, which is a mere optical illusion. We have been taught to believe that what is beautiful need not be useful and what is useful cannot be beautiful. I want to show that what is useful can also be beautiful.

God Bless !!

Monday, 26 October 2015

The Inner Beauty of Truth

                    Truth And Beauty

Inwardness of Art

There are two aspects of things -- the outward and the inward. The outward has to meaning except in so far as it helps the inward. All true Art is thus an expression of the soul. The outward forms have value only in so far as they are the expression of the inner spirit of man.

I know that many call themselves artists, and are recognized as such, and yet in their works there is absolutely no trace of the soul's upward urge and unrest.

All true Art must help the soul to realize its inner self. In my own case, I find that I can do entirely without external forms in my soul's realization. I can claim, therefore, that there is truly efficient Art in my life, though you might not see what you call works of Art about me.
My room may have blank walls; and I may even dispense with the roof, so that I may gaze out at the starry heavens overhead that stretch in an unending expanse. What conscious Art of man can give me the panoramic scenes that open out before me, when I look up to the sky above with all its shining stars?

This, however, does not mean that I refuse to accept the value of productions of Art, generally accepted as such, but only that I personally feel how inadequate these are compared with the eternal symbols of beauty in Nature. These productions of man's Art have their value only in so far as they help the soul onward towards self-realization.

Truth First

Truth is the first thing to be sought for, and Beauty and Goodness will then be added unto you. Jesus was, to my mind, a supreme artist because he saw and expressed Truth; and so was Muhammad, the Koran being, the most perfect composition in all Arabic literature -- at any rate, that is what scholars say. It is because both of them strove first for Truth that the grace of expression naturally came in and yet neither Jesus not Muhammad wrote on Art. That is the Truth and Beauty I crave for, live for, and would die for.

Art for the Millions

Here too, just as elsewhere, I must think in terms of the millions. And to the millions we cannot give that training to acquire a perception of Beauty in such a way as to see Truth in it. Show them Truth first and they will see Beauty afterwards… Whatever can be useful to those starving millions in beautiful to my mind. Let us give today first the vital things of life and all the graces and ornaments of life will follow.I want art and literature that can speak to the millions.

After all, Art can only be expressed not through inanimate power-driven machinery designed for mass-production, but only through the delicate living touch of the hands of men and women.

Inner Purity

True art takes note not merely of form but also of what lies behind. There is an art that kills and an art that gives life… True art must be evidence of happiness, contentment and purity of its authors.True beauty after all consists in purity of heart.

I love music and all the other arts, but I do not attach such value to them as is generally done. I cannot, for example, recognize the value of those activities that require technical knowledge for their understanding.

Life is greater than all art. I would go even further and declare that the man whose life comes nearest to perfection is the greatest artist; for what is art without the sure foundation and framework of a noble life?

We have somehow accustomed ourselves to the belief that art is independent of the purity of private life. I can say with all the experience at my command that nothing could be more untrue. As I am nearing the end of my earthly life, I can say that purity of life, is the highest and truest art. The art of producing good music from a cultivated voice can be achieved by many, but the art of producing that music from the harmony of a pure life is achieved very rarely.

Beauty in Truth

I see and find Beauty in Truth or through Truth. All Truths, not merely true ideas, but truthful faces, truthful pictures or songs are highly beautiful. People generally fail to see Beauty in Truth, the ordinary man runs away from it and becomes blind to the beauty in it. Whenever men begin to see Beauty in Truth, then true Art will arise.

To a true artist only that face is beautiful which, quite apart from its exterior, shines with the Truth within the soul. There is… no Beauty apart from Truth. On the other hand, Truth may manifest itself in forms, which may not be outwardly beautiful at all. Socrates, we are told, was the most truthful man of his time, and yet his features are said to have been the ugliest in Greece. To my mind he was beautiful, because all his life was a striving after Truth, and you may remember that his outward form did not prevent Phidias from appreciating the beauty of Truth in him, though as an artist he was accustomed to see Beauty in outward forms also.

Truth and Untruth often co-exist; good and evil are often found together. In an artist also not seldom [do] the right perception of things and the wrong co-exist. Truly beautiful creations come when right perception is at work. If these monuments are rare in life, they are also rare in Art.

These beauties ['a sunset or a crescent moon that shines amid the stars at night'] are truthful, inasmuch as they make me think of the Creator at the back of them. How else could these be beautiful, but for the Truth that is in the center of creation? When I admire the wonder of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in worship of the Creator. I try to see Him and His mercies in all these creations. But even the sunsets and sunrises would be mere hindrances if they did not help me to think of the soul is a delusion and a snare; even like the body, which often does hinder you in the path of salvation.

Why can't you see the beauty of colour in vegetables? And then, there is beauty in the speckless sky. But no, you want the colours of the rainbow, which is a mere optical illusion. We have been taught to believe that what is beautiful need not be useful and what is useful cannot be beautiful. I want to show that what is useful can also be beautiful.

God Bless !!

The Drift of Life

Many of us have dreams about how our life will be. We look forward to a time when we will have achieved certain aspirations. Yet when we look back on our life, how many of us are living exactly as we thought we would be? My guess would be not many.

As human beings, we spend most of our time just living life. We wake up every morning, deal with what the day brings and go to sleep at night. Often we will get a sense of time passing and ask questions like "Where has the year gone?", but we quickly get back to living life and do not dwell on such questions.

Living life as it comes does not mean that we do not get any sense of accomplishment from life, far from it. If we live our life this way, we will end up somewhere, however it will most likely not be where we thought we should be. We live in a "drift of life" where we go where life takes us.

However, living in the drift of life may mean that we do not necessarily achieve all that we want. Yet if we want to achieve, we can. Human beings have a distinct advantage over other animals on this planet because of the way we use language. This is not to say that other animals are not able to communicate with each other or have a language for doing so. What we are saying is that it is the way in which we use language that sets us apart. The difference is that we can use language to create our future. We can talk about how this could be and as a result actively design a future for ourselves. Yet many of us tend not to do this. Rather we get caught in the drift of life and go where it takes us.

Why does this happen? The major reason is "busyness". We are just too busy to take time out to reflect on our life, what we want out of it and how we can achieve our goals. Even when we stop and ask the question, that is often all we do, then we get back to doing. This is one of the key reasons that people engage coaches. Having a coach provides you with the space in which to reflect on where you are, design the way you would like things to be and then put plans into action to achieve your goals. Sounds easy and, if that was all there was to it, it would be easy. However, life is never that straightforward. Masterful coaches know there is more to people moving forward than just having a plan and saying this is what you will do. They know that there are many aspects of who we are that will see us hold onto the way we are and how we already do things, leaving us unable to achieve what we would like. Masterful coaches help us to bring forth a new way of being so that we can achieve what we want. They not only help us design our future, they help us design ourselves.

Designing our life and taking the actions we feel we need to take to achieve our design still does not mean we will get all that we want in life. The unexpected will still come along and take us places we never thought we would end up. However by regularly engaging in conversations where we reflect on our life, what we want and how we want to achieve our goals, we are much more likely to end up with a full, rich and satisfying life.

To see how you are in the drift of life, try this exercise.

Think back to where you were and what you were doing five years ago. Do you remember, what your hopes and aspirations were at that time. Use these areas of life, that we define as the "domains of human concern", as a framework for your thoughts - work, family, close relationships, community, play, body, money, the world, learning and education, service to others and spirituality.

Draw a line down the middle of a piece of paper and write down your past goals on the left hand side. Now on the right hand side, write down where you are in the context of those goals. When you have finished, spend some time reflecting on the differences. You might like to ask yourself these questions:

Have I not achieved something that I still really want to achieve? If so, what is it about me that has stopped me doing this?Have I achieved things that I would not of dreamed I could achieve five years ago? If so, what is it about me that made that possible?

Doing this exercise might not redesign your life, but it will give you a frame of reference for conversations to begin the process. You might want to talk about it with those who are close to you or you may even want to engage a coach. Either way it is a start to doing things differently.

God Bless !!