Monday, 13 November 2017

What makes you Beautiful ??

What makes you beautiful?

At the naughty age of 40 ,we had our school of my friend mentioned - look at the girls..they are still looking so beautiful 😍...even today,I skipped a heart beat  looking at my crush ..😀. But the boys are looking so old...many are bald with protruding tummies & shrunken faces ...😔

Made me think...what makes a person beautiful? Is it just looks?

Obviously it's nice to look may boost ones confidence & social interactions ...but is it enough?

I guess there is a vast difference between 'looking' beautiful  & 'being' beautiful...

A lady who has disfigured her body during pregnancy she is struggling with her complexes...
..but yet she is the source of unconditional love for family  beautiful...

A bald, obese man who is facing multiple professional challenges...yet he is the source of rock solid support for the a beautiful person...

A working lady ...stressing herself out with balancing work & home... still finds time for her ill mother in law neglecting her beautiful 😊

The frangrance of love & care spread by them is far superior to any strong perfume ...

Eventually the beauty of body will fade one day...but the beauty of soul will not... you ' look' matters for first few minutes...but how you 'are' ..matters lifetime...😊

Stay beautiful 😍

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