Sunday, 14 July 2024

Present Simple Tense (Day 1) Monday

We use the simple present tense when an action is happening right now, or when it happens regularly (or unceasingly, which is why it’s sometimes called present indefinite). Depending on the person, the simple present tense is formed by using the root form or by adding s or es to the end. Simple Present Tense is the basic form of the present tense in English that helps to express habits, daily routine or a universally established fact. 


1. She drinks coffee every morning.
2. The Earth revolves around the sun.
3. We go to the beach on weekends.
4. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
5. I work as a teacher.
6. The train leaves at 7 pm.
7. They play tennis in the park every afternoon.

The simple present, present simple or present indefinite is one of the verb forms associated with the present tense in modern English. It is commonly referred to as a tense, although it also encodes certain information about aspect in addition to the present time. The simple present is the most commonly used verb form in English, accounting for more than half of verbs in spoken English.

Wednesday, 3 July 2024

Excuses Are For Weak People

The definition of excuse is weak is a concise statement that challenges the notion of making excuses by emphasizing their inherent weakness.

An excuse is an explanation or justification used to defend or rationalize one’s actions, behaviors, or shortcomings. It often serves as a means to avoid taking responsibility or accountability for one’s choices or failures. By referring to the definition of excuse as weak, the quote highlights the fundamental flaw in relying on excuses as a way to evade personal growth & progress.

Excuses are inherently weak because they tend to limit our potential and hinder our ability to overcome obstacles. They can become a barrier to self-improvement, preventing us from fully acknowledging our mistakes, learning from them, and moving forward. Excuses create a false sense of comfort or justification that ultimately inhibits personal development and stifles progress.

To overcome this weakness, it is essential to cultivate a mindset of self-awareness, accountability, and ownership. Recognizing and acknowledging our shortcomings without making excuses allows us to take ownership of our actions and empowers us to seek solutions and make positive changes. It shifts the focus from external factors to personal growth, resilience, and a willingness to adapt and improve.

By challenging the weakness of excuses, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities, growth, and personal fulfillment. It encourages us to confront our limitations, embrace responsibility, and seek alternative paths to success.

IIT Madras 

The Power of Thanks, Sorry & Please

In a world filled with diverse cultures, backgrounds, and beliefs, the words we choose to communicate can either build bridges or create barriers. Often overlooked, the simple yet powerful words “please,” “thank you,” and “sorry” play a pivotal role in shaping a better society and fostering stronger, more compassionate communities. As part of this community, I would urge everyone to recognize the profound impact of these words on human language and their ability to shape our interactions positively.

“Please” A Humble Request for Cooperation 

The word “please” carries a sense of humility and respect in our language. When we use “please” in our requests, we demonstrate our acknowledgement of others’ autonomy and their right to choose. It serves as a gentle reminder that we are not entitled to someone else’s time, help, or resources. By saying “please,” we invite cooperation and mutual understanding, fostering a sense of collaboration in our interactions.
In a better society, “please” should be embraced not only in our formal exchanges but also in our everyday conversations with family, friends, and strangers. It elevates the discourse, creating an environment of respect and kindness, where everyone feels valued and heard.

“Thank You” Gratitude for Building Stronger Communities

The expression of gratitude through “thank you” holds the power to brighten someone’s day and nourish our sense of interconnectedness. It acts as a verbal affirmation of appreciation, acknowledging the efforts, kindness, or support we receive from others.
In a better society, expressing gratitude should be a daily practice. It reinforces positive behavior, inspires generosity, and fosters a culture of giving back. By saying “thank you,” we recognize the value of community and create a cycle of goodwill that encourages others to engage in acts of kindness as well.

Sorry — Healing and Empathy in Relationships

The word “sorry” embodies the courage to take responsibility for our actions, acknowledging when we have caused harm or inconvenience to others. It is an essential aspect of empathy and emotional intelligence. A sincere apology not only mends relationships but also strengthens them by fostering trust and understanding. In a better society, the genuine use of “sorry” should be encouraged, creating an environment where people feel safe to acknowledge their mistakes and learn from them. By embracing “sorry,” we demonstrate our willingness to grow and evolve as individuals and as a community.

IIT Madras 

Wednesday, 22 May 2024

गार्बेज ट्रक - एक प्रेरणादायक कहानी

एक दिन एक आदमी टैक्सी से एअरपोर्ट जा रहा था . टैक्सी वाला कुछ गुनगुनाते हुए बड़े इत्मीनान से गाड़ी चला रहा था कि अचानक एक दूसरी कार पार्किंग से निकल कर रोड पर आ गयी , टैक्सी वाले ने तेजी से ब्रेक लगायी , गाड़ी स्किड करने लगी और बस एक -आध इंच से सामने वाली कार से लड़ते -लड़ते बची .

आदमी ने सोचा कि टैक्सी वाला कार वाले को भला -बुरा कहेगा …लेकिन इसके उलट सामने वाला ही पीछे मुड़ कर उसे गलियां देने लगा . इसपर टैक्सी वाला नाराज़ होने की बजाये उसकी तरफ हाथ हिलाते हुए मुस्कुराने लगा , और धीरे -धीरे आगे बढ़ गया .

आदमी ने आश्चर्य से पूछा “ तुमने ऐसा क्यों किया ? गलती तो उस आदमी की थी ,उसकी वजह से तुम्हारी गाडी लड़ सकती थी और हम होस्पिटलाइज भी हो सकते थे .!”

“सर जी ”, टैक्सी वाला बोला , “ बहुत से लोग गार्बेज ट्रक की तरह होते हैं . वे बहुत सार गार्बेज उठाये हुए चलते हैं ,फ्रस्ट्रेटेड, हर किसी से नाराज़ और निराशा से भरे …जब गार्बेज बहुत ज्यादा हो जाता है तो वे अपना बोझ हल्का करने के लिए इसे दूसरों पर फेंकने का मौका खोजने लगते हैं , पर जब ऐसा कोई आदमी मुझे अपना शिकार बनाने की कोशिश करता हैं तो मैं बस यूँही मुस्कुरा के हाथ हिल कर उनसे दूरी बना लेता हूँ …किसी को भी उनका गार्बेज नहीं लेना चाहिए , अगर ले लिया तो शायद हम भी उन्ही की तरह उसे इधर उधर फेंकने में लग जायेंगे …घर में ,ऑफिस में सड़कों पर …और माहौल गन्दा कर देंगे , हमें इन गार्बेज ट्रक्स को अपना दिन खराब नहीं करने देना चाहिए . ज़िन्दगी बहुत छोटी है कि हम सुबह किसी अफ़सोस के साथ उठें , इसलिए … उनसे प्यार करो जो तुम्हारे साथ अच्छा व्यवहार करते हैं और जो नहीं करते उन्हें माफ़ कर दो .”

Friends, सोचने की बात है कि क्या हम intentionally garbage trucks को avoid करते हैं , या उससे भी बड़ी बात कि कहीं हम खुद गार्बेज ट्रक तो नहीं बन रहे ??? चलिए इस कहानी से सीख लेते हुए हम खुद गुस्सा करने से बचें और frustrated लोगों से उलझने की बजाये उन्हें माफ़ करना सीखें .

Monday, 1 April 2024

कुएं का मेंढक मत बनो

एक कुएं में एक मेंढक रहता था। उसके पास समुन्द्र से एक बड़ी मछली आई।

उसने मेंढक से बोला- मैं अभी-अभी समुन्द्र से आई हूं।

उस मेंढक ने पूछा- ये समुन्द्र क्या होता हैं ?

मछली बोली- समुन्द्र मतलब जहां पे बहुत पानी हैं। मेंढक बोला-बहुत पानी मतलब कितना बहुत पानी हैं?

फिर मेंढक ने एक चौथाई कुएं की छलांग मारी और बोला क्या इतना पानी है ?

मछली बोली- अरे नहीं मेंढक!

इतना नहीं बहुत पानी हैं। 

मेंढक ने फिर आधे कुंए की छलांग मारी और बोला-क्या इतना पानी हैं?

मछली बोली-अरे नहीं ये तो कुछ भी नहीं हैं। इससे भी ज़्यादा पानी होता हैं।

फिर मेंढक ने परेशान होकर पूरे कुंए का एक चक्कर लगाया और बोला-क्या इतना पानी होता हैं समुन्द्र में ?

मछली बोली-अरे नहीं….. मेरे प्यारे मेंढक कैसे समझाऊ मैं तुम्हें, इससे भी ज़्यादा पानी होता हैं।

मेंढक बोला-तुम झूठ बोल रही हो क्योंकि इससे ज़्यादा पानी तो हो ही नहीं सकता।

क्योंकि मेंढक की सोच और उसकी दुनिया यही से शुरू होती हैं और यही पे खत्म होती हैं।

इससे ज़्यादा पानी उस मेंढक ने ना कभी देखा था और  

ना ही कभी सुना था, जब सुना नहीं था, देखा नहीं था,

तो इससे ज़्यादा सोचेगा कैसे।

 मछली बोली-आ बैठ मेरे पीछे और उसको ले गई समुन्द्र में।

मछली- ले देख कितना पानी हैं समुन्द्र में।

जैसे ही मेंढक ने समुन्द्र में इतना पानी देखा तो उसकी आँखें खुली की खुली रह गई।

मेंढक- अरे ये क्या हैं इतना पानी तो मैंने आज तक नहीं देखा।

मेंढक की बोलती बंद हो गई।

Moral Of This Story

हमेशा अपनी सोच से बड़ा सोचने की कोशिश करनी चाहिए, जरूरी नही के जो हमने देखा न हो वो हो न।

जीवन में अक्सर ऐसा ही होता है। जिस चीज को हमने कभी ना देखा हो, उस पर विश्वास करना मुश्किल है। जो काम जीवन में कभी ना किया हो, उसमें सफ़ल होने पाने का विश्वास होना मुश्किल है। यदि हमने संकुचित बुद्धि से सोचा, तो कुएं में ही रह जायेंगे। अर्थात जीवन के संकुचित दायरे में ही सिमट कर रह जायेंगे। जीवन में प्रगति करना है, तो सबसे पहले अपनी सोच को विस्तारित करना होगा। सारी बातों के बारे में विस्तारपूर्वक जानकर निर्णय लेना होगा और जीवन की असीमित संभावनाओं के बारे में विचार करना होगा। तब ही हम उस दिशा में कार्य कर पायेंगे और सफ़लता के नये आयामों को छू पायेंगे।

Monday, 22 January 2024

10 Positive Signs of Emotional Maturity

Emotional maturity is about your ability to understand and manage your emotions. An emotionally mature person has reached (and continues to work at reaching) a level of self-understanding with regard to their thoughts and behaviors and then decides how to best approach and cope with situations that might otherwise be trying or challenging. Being emotionally mature can help you reach successful resolutions to problems, as well as keep problems from overwhelming you.

It’s important to understand that emotional maturity is always an active work in progress. It’s not a situation where a certain level of self-understanding is reached once and then remains static in all situations moving forward. But a keen awareness of what you can bring to the table emotionally to cope with any situation that comes your way. And, it’s also important to know that not everyone will always be able to successfully act with emotional maturity in every situation. Not everyone is able to keep their cool each and every time when responding to tough situations.

Here Are 10 Positive Signs of Emotional Maturity:

1. Being Flexible - It’s all too easy to assume things will go according to plan, or that a situation or event will go smoothly because it has each time in the past. When it doesn’t (and that is often a “when” than an “if”), an emotionally mature person is able to think things out and come up with a viable Plan B or even C as needed so that a situation can be dealt with, and still move forward not letting the bump in the road ruin the entire plan.

2. Taking Ownership & Responsibility - An emotionally mature person is able to own up to their own mistakes and not immediately look to blame others. This takes a level of self-honesty and acceptance. If things keep on going wrong, an emotionally mature person will look inwards for answers as to what thoughts or actions may be contributing to the situation and works towards a better understanding and course of action moving forward.

3. Knowing That They Don’t Know Everything - An emotionally mature person knows what they don’t know, and also knows that their own way of doing things may not be the only way or even the best way. They don’t argue “just to be right” or to show dominance to be in charge. They keep an open mind and have open ears and eyes to look for situations where they may be able to learn something, as well as know when they may have something positive to contribute to a situation that can help others.

4. They Look for Learning and Growth From Every Opportunity - An emotionally mature person is on the lookout for what can be learned from any situation or opportunity, and searches for the growth opportunity within it, asking “How can I learn and grow from this?”

5. They Actively Seek Out Multiple Points of View To Help Inform Their Own - Emotionally mature people actively seek to inform their own opinions by actively seeking out the points of view of others. They don’t feel threatened by disagreement, but look to be informed by people, and aren’t afraid to question both their own convictions, knowing that they don’t exist in a vacuum. It’s not about an argument to prove who is right; it’s about wanting to be informed by different points of view to further clarify their own points of view, or recognizing that perhaps their point of view may even be wrong.

6. They Stay Resilient - In the face of upsets, setbacks, or disappointments, an emotionally mature person will acknowledge their feelings, identify what can be done, and then decide what steps to take to move on.

7. They Have a Calm Disposition - Emotionally mature people do get mad but do not let the emotion dictate their response. They aim to have a clear mind with the goal of having rationality dictate how to effectively deal with a situation and also see all of the available options to come to a successful resolution. They know that when emotions override rationality, clearness of thought gets blurred and can limit the options for dealing effectively.

8. They Believe in Themselves - Emotionally mature people don’t have a false sense of self that is ego-based and deluded. But they do have optimism in their own ability to use effort and patience as a way to establish the belief that they are equipped to deal with whatever life may through their way.

9. Approachability - Emotionally mature people are able to and prefer to talk WITH people, not AT them. They have genuine empathy for others, an open mind, and work towards not being judgmental of others, knowing that judgments are often based on preconceived notions can impede their ability to know someone and their truth.

10. A Good Sense of Humor – Emotionally mature people realize that all of life can’t be taken seriously. They do realize the importance of getting done what needs to get done, but they realize the importance of having fun and laughter in life as a great coping mechanism and pressure release from stress.